The pet shop in Ye Qingle's mouth made Lou Muyan a little curious.

"Is the pet store specializing in the sale of contract monsters?" Lou Muyan asked with a positive tone.

Ye Qingle nodded: "The spirit pet store has a fourth-grade spirit beast master, and there are monsters that have been caught and domesticated for sale. You can also catch the monster yourself and spend a certain fee to ask the spirit beast master in the store to help with the domestication contract."

"I think this pet store is Ye Family's business." Lou Muyan smiled lightly in her eyes.

Ye Qingle opened her eyes wide and asked in surprise, "Sister Muyan, how do you know that the pet shop is Ye Family's property?"

Even Shi Feng, Mu Yi and others looked at her sideways. If they hadn't known what Ye Family's public property was, they wouldn't have guessed that the spiritual pet shop belonged to Ye Family.

Lou Muyan blinked and smiled, "Qinghan told me."

"Me?" Ye Qinghan was stunned, "When?"

He didn't remember that he told Lou Muyan that the pet shop in Luoxi City was Yejia's property!

"Didn't you tell me before that the spirit beast masters above the third rank in Luoxi City are all from the Ye family? Just now Qingle said that the spirit pet shop was in charge of a fourth-rank spirit beast master, so wouldn't that indirectly prove that it was Your Ye family's property is gone." Lou Muyan's stunning face shook with a smart smile, which made the surrounding men startled.

Ye Qinghan looked at her amusingly, with the doting he didn't even know in his eyes, "You little clever."

Mu Yi and Yun Lan also bowed their heads and smiled, Lou Muyan is indeed very smart, and he can think of this from ordinary conversations, which shows that he is very sympathetic.

Along the way, a few people were talking and laughing, and after walking two streets, they saw people walking in and out of a spacious shop, with monsters beside them.

Entering the store, the sharp-eyed waiter immediately ran to call the shopkeeper when he saw a few people, and the shopkeeper greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Young Master, Miss." The shopkeeper saluted respectfully, then turned to greet Lou Muyan and the others with a smile: "Several young masters, Miss, please come in."

"How is business today?" Ye Qinghan asked casually.

The shopkeeper replied: "Today's business is relatively light, about one adult less than usual."

Ye Qinghan casually swept the shop and ordered, "Take us to the third floor to see each other."

The first and second floors are all low-level monsters that are not good-looking, and the third floor is the treasure area.

"Hiss!" Lou Muyan was about to step upstairs when she found that Miaomiao, who had been wrapped around her sleeves and wrists, got out, shouted excitedly to a corner of the first floor, and conveyed a message to her. a longing.

"You go up first, I'll take a look and then go." Lou Muyan had no choice but to stop and say to the few people who had already started to go upstairs.

Ye Qinghan didn't know what she was going to do, but they all stopped, "It's okay, let's accompany you."

Lou Muyan also knew that they would not go up first, so he nodded and walked in the direction where Miaomiao spit the letter.

When she got closer, she saw dozens of gray mice locked in a cage in the corner. Judging from the breath, they were second-order monsters, and she had seen them in the mainland monster record.

The wild rats are mostly Tier 1 to Tier 3. They have no racial talent. The meat is fresh and tender. The tender meat of the whole body contains some energy like Yuanli, which is mostly used for food.

Of course, only the sword masters under the sword spirit who eat the wild squirrel can improve their cultivation, so the general price is not very expensive.

"Miaomiao want to eat?" Lou Muyan gently rubbed the little white snake's head with his fingers.

"Hiss!" Miaomiao rubbed Lou Muyan's hand with her head, conveying a desire in her heart.

Lou Muyan will naturally meet its requirements, "Treasurer, are these wild rats for sale?"

"Miss Hui, sell it." The shopkeeper replied with a smile.

Originally, these reckless squirrels were ordered by a swordsman, but he was killed by someone when he went out some time ago, and the reservation was cancelled.

"Then I'll take it all, and I'll pay the bill together after reading it." Lou Muyan's prodigal behavior couldn't stop at all.

The shopkeeper looked at Ye Qinghan with inquiring eyes, "This..."

"It's all packed with spirit beast rings, and the cost will be charged to my account." This is the Ye family's property, and Ye Qinghan will definitely not accept Lou Muyan's money.

"Qinghan, I will be embarrassed for you to be so generous." Lou Muyan squinted her eyes and smiled, her eyebrows curved.

Ye Qinghan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and tapped her forehead lightly. He smiled and said, "I still don't know how to repay you for treating Old Man Lu and Qingle. It's such a trivial matter."

Then he also found that his actions were too intimate, and immediately put down his hands and coughed: "Let's go upstairs."

Both Mu Yi and Shi Feng noticed Ye Qinghan's movements and expressions, and they both became thoughtful in their eyes.

Ye Qingle smiled secretly. She had always known that her brother had a good impression of Lou Muyan, but now she is afraid that she liked it, and she was also very happy that Lou Muyan could be her sister-in-law in the future.

Lou Muyan did not expect that Ye Qinghan, who was usually serious and cold, would do this kind of action. Seeing that he quickly retracted his hand and changed the subject, he did not break the point, and went upstairs in cooperation.

Going up to the third floor, I can no longer see the cage that closes the monsters. I see more than ten spirit beast rings placed on a counter. Each spirit beast ring is protected by a Yuanli cover. Can't get it out.

There is a jade slip outside each Yuanli mask, which is used to introduce the situation of the monsters in the spirit beast ring.

There was also a middle-aged man sitting in the center of the lobby on the third floor. Although his appearance was ordinary, he had a gentle temperament that could not help but radiate closeness. At this time, he was contracting a monster for a sword master.

Lou Muyan found a place to sit and watch with great interest.

There is a cumbersome array behind the man, and the fourth-order magic-printed leopard was bound by several yellow beams as soon as it was thrown into the array.

The middle-aged man chanted the incantation silently in his mouth, and his fingers continued to draw symbols on the mid-air in front of the magic leopard.

"Drop a drop of blood essence on its forehead." The man turned his head and said to Master Gu, his voice as gentle and warm as a spring breeze.

The man immediately cut his finger and dripped a drop of blood on the top of the magic leopard's head. The middle-aged man unhurriedly punched the tame spirit print into the body of the magic leopard, and controlled the magic print with his mental power. A contract was formed in the leopard's demon mansion.

"Qi!" He spit out a word softly, and saw a soft white light instantly wrapping the owner and the magic-printed leopard.

After the white light, the magic-printed leopard, who was struggling to stare at the fierce eyes, sat obediently beside the master, and there was a connection between one person and one beast that Lou Muyan could feel.

The middle-aged man walked to a basin of water on the table by the window sill to wash his hands before walking over to a few people with a gentle smile, "Young Master, Miss!"

"Master Wen!" Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingle greeted very politely.

There was a playful arc on Lou Mu's lips. It was the first time she had seen the technique of taming contract monsters. It was really interesting.

This gentle and warm-looking Master Wen is definitely not an ordinary person.

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