The sword qi swung by several people collided with the ice pick, but the dense ice pick was not as powerful as the sword qi of the few people, and they shattered into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Ye Qinghan's eyes turned cold, his two fingers moved, and the long sword in his hand suddenly became much larger, and he swung straight down towards the left front, and a sword energy with strong Yuan force fluctuations swept out from the long sword .

"Squeak!!" Several ice cones bigger than before met Ye Qinghan's sword energy along with a few mouse calls.

The two met in the mid-air of the dense fog, and the strong purple sword qi actually swept across an arc, instantly dispersing countless strands of sword qi, not only slashing the ice cones, but also hitting the left front. The place where the ice cone erupted.

"Squeak!" The screams of several mice resounded in the thick fog.

Several people exchanged glances and walked in the direction of screaming together, each of whom activated a layer of Yuanli shield.

As they approached that position, they saw three blue mice the size of rabbits watching them vigilantly, ready to attack at any time. One of them was injured by Ye Qinghan's sword qi and lay on the ground rolling and screaming.

"Hey!" As soon as a few people approached, the two uninjured Ice Mist Rats spit out rows of ice cones at them, killing intent Ling Ran.

Lou Muyan sneered, flicked his fingers, pointed at the air, and whispered, "Fireball technique."

With her voice, a heat spread out in the sky above, and after a while, fist-sized fireballs kept falling.

As soon as the erupting ice cones came into contact with the fireballs, they continued to bubbling white gas and gradually melted into water droplets.

The fireball erupted recklessly and fell uninterruptedly, instantly dissolving all the ice cones into water droplets.

The fireballs did not stop, and fell in the direction where the three Frozen Mist Rats were half-squatting. The two uninjured Frozen Mist Rats immediately ran away, and from time to time, a fireball was stained on the fur, and then screamed. The sound kept ringing.

And the ice fog rat that was injured and could not run was even more miserable. The fireballs fell one by one and hit it. After a while, the screams gradually disappeared, and the body of the ice fog rat was also burned to ashes by the fireballs. .

Seeing the two ice-mist mice fleeing while screaming in one direction, Lou Muyan's eyes turned cold, and he pinched his fingers.

If these two ice-mist mice want to attack and kill them secretly, they must be prepared to be counter-killed. She will not let them have the opportunity to go to the rat king for help.

Just when the two Ice Mist Rats were glad that they had escaped the fireball and were going to rescue the soldiers, a huge wave of fire suddenly set off from the front, engulfed it before they could react, and was also burned to ashes.

"Mu Yan, has your Fire Primordial Power reached the state where you can move at will?" Mu Yi looked at the fireballs and fire waves that had disappeared, and his heart was no less moved than the rolling motions of the fire waves.

The law of Yuanli realized that the realm of the heart is generally the need for the peak of the sword emperor to enter the threshold of the sword sect before he has the chance to have an epiphany. But how did Lou Muyan, who is the strength of the sword king, do it? He was shocked and puzzled at the same time.

As a master of playing with fire, Shi Feng couldn't help but change his face when he saw Lou Mu's firework energy being controlled so he could do whatever he wanted. He also wondered how she did it.

Even Ye Qinghan and the three of them looked at her suspiciously.

Lou Muyan brushed his sleeves and smiled lightly: "It's just a technique."

Fireball technique is a technique that cultivators basically know during the Qi training period, but it is laborious and time-consuming to practice it to the fullest.

She happened to be in the Qi training period because her cultivation was soaring too fast, which caused her cultivation to become unstable, so she used these techniques to practice them one by one to achieve great success, and the rewards were very high. Miraculously.

Not only the flame technique, but also the water condensation technique, weathering technique and other techniques have been practiced by her to the realm of mastery.

The fireball technique she used just now is a kind of flame technique. It was originally controlled by spiritual power, but this continent has a stronger understanding of elements, and the effect of condensing fire energy is even better than using spiritual power directly.

She has indeed reached the realm where her heart can move, and she relies entirely on her previous life's experience and hard work, and it is not something she can do with talent.

"A technique? It's the first time I've seen such a technique." Shi Feng touched his chin and asked, "Is it convenient for Mu Yan to tell you the name of this technique?"

"Inflammation technique." Lou Muyan didn't hide it.

Hearing this name, several people fell into deep thought but to no avail. This kind of technique is indeed unheard of.

"This technique is actually just a way to get started with some elements. It is not easy to cultivate to the top. If you want, I can copy the fire technique into a jade slip and give it to you to study." Lou Muyan smiled very openly and generously. Say.

This kind of technique can be found in any of the noble families and sect disciples in the immortal world. There is not much secret at all. In addition to the talent of understanding the law, the most important thing is to be able to calm down. Stop working hard.

If Mu Yi and the others are interested in her, it doesn't matter if she is sent out. Whether they can achieve great achievements depends on their own efforts.

"This is not good, the ancient books of magic are very precious." Ye Qinghan shook his head slightly.

Although there are no pill recipes and artifact refining secrets in Tianling Continent, they are also very precious things, especially the ancient books of magic techniques are rare, such as the magic technique that Lou Muyan used just now. Go to an auction and go to an auction and the price will definitely go up.

Mu Yi and Shi Feng were very moved, and their eyes showed some heat. They were both occupations that had to deal with fire for a long time, so they were naturally very moved by this technique.

However, after listening to Ye Qinghan's words, he also thought that Lou Muyan was free and easy, but they couldn't take advantage.

"The books of magic are not easy to come by. I am really interested in this kind of fire technique, but I can't take it for nothing."

As soon as Mu Yixin moved, there was an extra cyan bead in his hand, "This is a water-avoiding bead, which can stimulate a layer of shield and mask protection, as a defensive magic weapon, it can be avoided when used underwater. The water flows recklessly, and if you wear it, it will keep you warm in winter and cool in summer, how can I exchange it with you?"

After listening to him, Lou Muyan was really interested in this water-repelling bead, and joked: "This bead is not ordinary at first glance, and you can use the middle-level magic weapon to exchange it for magic?"

"What's there to give up? Your flame technique is more suitable for my identity as an artifact refiner." Mu Yi's persistent love for artifact refining is no less than Shi Feng's love for alchemy, and he is also a fire lover.

"Okay, make a deal." Lou Muyan took out a few empty jade slips, copied the flame technique with mental power, and threw them to a few people.

Shi Feng also gave Lou Muyan an attacking magic weapon in exchange.

However, Ye Qinghan, Ling Feiyang and Yun Lan's exchange was rejected by her.

The relationship between them is too unfamiliar to give a spell to a transaction.

Mu Yi and Shi Feng didn't care what she did either. Everyone knew that there were other reasons for closeness. They didn't want her to suffer. They were more willing to trade things in exchange for spells than to owe favors.

A few people rested for a while and then continued to move forward. After walking for more than an hour, the mist in the forest lightened a little bit. As soon as they settled down, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

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