As Mo Yan's voice fell, Lou Muyan looked up and saw waves of golden vines rushing towards them like waves of tidal waves.

"What? How come there are so many." Mu Yi was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Ye Qinghan's face was also very ugly, "These man-eating blood-thorn vines have been manipulated."

"Controlled by what?" Shi Feng asked inexplicably while wielding a giant axe with solid fire energy.

One of him and Mu Yi is an alchemist and the other is an alchemist, and they don't go out all year round, so they know very little about Yaozhi.

"The scream just now is the voice of this man-eating blood-thorn vine king. These golden vines should be its branches." Ye Qinghan explained.

"Then how can we break through?" Mu Yi came back to his senses and immediately poured out an elixir to replenish his vitality and took it, dancing the fiery snake to resist the golden vines that were constantly expanding in front of him.

Ye Qinghan's eyes were solemn, and his tone was helpless, "We must find the place where the cannibal King of Blood Thorn Vine is located, and kill him to get rid of the trouble. Otherwise, these Blood Thorn Vine are like weeds and can't be burned at all."

At this time, several people formed a small circle, constantly fighting against the golden vines with their teeth and claws.

"Be careful not to get stabbed by the thorns on the vines, otherwise the body will be paralyzed for a period of time, although it is only a few breaths, it may also become their food after losing combat power."

What Ye Qinghan realized was not the fire-attribute energy, he could only remind everyone while wielding his long sword without giving up, holding the mentality that he could slash as much as he could.

Mobilizing the fire element to fight solidly consumes a lot of energy and the body. Shi Feng and several people kept taking the medicinal pills, and their foreheads were covered with beads of sweat, and they began to struggle.

Lou Muyan's face was a little dark, and both hands kept quickly clasping. After a while, a fiery red mask appeared around the few people to surround them.

The surrounding space was filled with heat, and the flames fell from the sky, all hitting the golden vines that were trying to attack the flame shield.


There were several shrill screams from the depths of the vines covered in flames, and the golden vines that had not been burned to ashes retreated one after another, hovering not far away and dancing the vines to express their indignation.

The path upstairs, Muyan, and the golden vines formed a stalemate. They were trapped in a small circle by the vines in all directions, and they couldn't rush out even if they wanted to escape.

Lou Muyan took out a few bottles of Spirit Replenishing Pills and threw them to a few people, "Replenish Yuan Li, their new wave of attacks is coming soon."

After she finished speaking, she picked up a porcelain bottle and poured the elixir into her mouth constantly.

But there is no way to go on like this. Even if she has a lot of spiritual supplements in her hand, she can't stand such a loss. These golden vines simply die and come back endlessly.

Furthermore, their Yuan Power can be supplemented with medicinal pills, and it is even more difficult for them to reach it within the body.

Suddenly, a few sturdy blood-eating vines emerged from under Ye Qinghan and Yunlan's feet, and they quickly wrapped around their feet and dragged them down.

"Be careful going underground." The voices of Mo Yan and Bingji echoed in Lou Muyan's sea of ​​consciousness at the same time.

Lou Muyan's eyes were cold, and her mental power was sleeping. She couldn't detect the fluctuations in the ground at all, and the method of hiding the breath of the man-eating blood-thorn vine was very clever, even when Mo Yan and Bingji found the reminder, they were also a step late. The two of Qinghan were entangled in their feet by the vines that suddenly drilled out and dragged them into the ground.

"Qinghan, Yunlan." Mu Yi was shocked and quickly mobilized the fire snake to burn the thick vines.

But a scene that made them feel a little despair in their hearts happened, their condensed fire energy burning on those few vines with dark golden light was useless at all.

He could only helplessly watch as the two were dragged away and disappeared.

Lou Muyan frowned, it seemed that these thick dark golden vines were the backbone.

She mobilized the spiritual power of her whole body, and whispered softly: "Disease!"

From behind her, a lifelike giant fire dragon roared in mid-air, and then got into the place where Ye Qinghan and Yunlan disappeared just now.

"Are they all right?" Mu Yi used his mental power to search underground but found nothing.

Ling Feiyang frowned deeply, "For the time being, there is no fear of life, but the demon plants that control these man-eating blood-thorn vines have already given birth to wisdom, which must be very difficult to deal with."

That Yaozhi could see that Ye Qinghan and Yunlan were not comprehending the fire-attribute Yuanli Law. It was not a big threat to it, but it was also the easiest to catch, so they concealed their aura and attacked from the ground, and sure enough, they succeeded.

Lou Muyan took out two more bottles of medicinal herbs and poured them into her mouth, her eyes widened, and Huo Yuanli blessed the fire mask. Outside.

It's just that the golden vines kept flapping without giving up, trying to pierce the firelight with the tip of the vine.

The three of them saw Lou Muyan's face turning pale, and the tip of her nose overflowed with a thick layer of sweat, and they knew that she could maintain the fire mask for a long time. cover.

Involuntarily, there was a faint despair in my heart. Could it be that they are going to be damaged here today?

However, several of them are determined and tenacious, and soon put that despair behind them. No one can tell the result until the last moment. In order to survive, they must not lose confidence.

Lou Muyan saw that the three people's condensed fire energy was just enough to maintain the energy of the fire cover. She looked at the direction where the two were dragged and said, "You hold on for a while, and I'll come when I go."

After speaking, without waiting for a few people to answer, he used his spiritual power to mobilize two flying swords and put them in front of him before diving into the place where the two were dragged away.

The flying sword kept spinning, stirring up the surrounding land, and she chased in the direction of her fire dragon breath.

She had read the introduction of the man-eating blood-thorn vine in the Monster Beasts and Monster Plants on Tianling Road, and found that the habit of this blood-thorn vine is almost the same as the man-eating blood vine in the cultivation world, and the same method can be used to deal with it. .

She once obtained a recipe for brewing blood sac wine in the inheritance of the alchemist that day, so she has been looking for cannibal blood vines in the spiritual world for a long time. Use means to suppress it and make it surrender.

At this time, although her cultivation level was not as high as that of the man-eating blood-thorn vine, she had some confidence in dealing with it.

Her blood sac wine is still waiting for the blood thorn sac of this cannibal blood thorn king, no matter how difficult it is, even if she tries her best and her trump card, she will defeat it.

Of course, not letting Ye Qinghan and others die here is an important reason and determination that she doesn't want to and can't give up.

"Squeak!!" The harsh and high-pitched screams echoed continuously.

Lou Muyan's heart tightened, and he accelerated the speed of going deep into the ground.

No, Ye Qinghan and Yun Lan were entangled close to the body of the man-eating blood stabbing king, dangerous!

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