The high wall built by the jade-colored runes intertwined with the purple-gold spirit fire quickly surrounded the man-eating blood-thorn vine king, and locked his demon power to prevent him from escaping.


The man-eating blood-thorn vine king above found that the demonic power of the root was bound by the nasty spirit fire, and he couldn't shrink it any more.

In just a few clicks, the ground above all cracked into deep ravines, but he couldn't vent the anger in his chest.

The corner of Lou Muyan's lips slightly raised an arc. When the man-eating blood-thorn vine king slapped the ground angrily, she reacted extremely quickly and controlled the fire dragon built by Yuan Li to roll up Ye Qinghan who had been thrown on the ground and run away.

When the man-eating blood-thorn vine king reacted, the fire dragon was already roaring straight into the sky, and flew far away like clouds and fog.

He was so angry that he roared and stretched out the main branch and quickly extended towards the sky, trying to recapture the two.

This is his food and nourishment. No humans or monsters have entered its territory for a long time. He hasn't tasted fresh blood for decades, but he doesn't want to let go of his prey like that.

Only a part of his main branch and vines stretched out, Lou Muyan recited the spell and sealed it, and bound his roots tightly, and the purple gold spirit fire kept burning his roots, making him the first time. Feel the piercing pain.

The vines that stretched out were retracted unconsciously, and Ye Qinghan and the two were also taken by the fire dragon and flew back to the place where Ling Feiyang and the three were.

As soon as the fire dragon's claws were released, the two people they were holding fell from a high altitude and fell directly into the fire hood that Lou Muyan was supporting.

"Qinghan, Yunlan."

Seeing this, Shi Feng quickly crouched down to check the two of them, and then heaved a sigh of relief, "It's okay."

"It's okay? Then why can't they move." Mu Yi asked inexplicably while blessing the fire hood.

After Ye Qinghan and Yun Lan were dropped, he found that they couldn't move at all.

"They were hit with the paralyzing toxin on the man-eating blood thorn vine, and it will take a while for them to recover." Shi Feng explained after taking out two detoxification medicine pills for the two of them.

After a few breaths, Ye Qinghan's stiff faces and bodies eased a lot, and Shi Feng asked, "Where's Lou Muyan?"

"We didn't see her. We only know that she saved us with the fire dragon with the power of fire energy, and angered the cannibal king." The paralyzing toxin in Ye Qinghan's body gradually disappeared, and he was able to speak. He spoke, but there was an indescribable worry in his tone.

Yun Lan's eyes also showed a bit of annoyance, and it was him and Ye Qinghan who dragged Lou Muyan down.

"Your Yuan Li is not fire attribute, it's normal to be caught by that demon Zhiwang." Ling Feiyang said when he saw the two people's expressions are vague and annoyed.

This really can't blame the two for dragging their feet, it only shows that the cannibal king is too cunning.

Ye Qinghan immediately stood up after realizing that he could move his entire body. When his mind moved, a black light flew out from the spirit beast ring on his wrist.

"Hey!!" A deafening voice resounded throughout the forest.

A red body is dark brown, with a slight purple luster on the back and shoulders, and a cluster of golden feathers on the head and neck, as if wearing a crown, the huge sixth-order golden eagle king appeared in front of everyone.

"Chi, get rid of you and bring her back safely." Ye Qinghan looked at the Golden Eagle King with deep eyes and said.

"Okay!" The Golden Eagle King, known as Chi, nodded slightly, spread his wings indifferently and rushed up, disappearing into the sky in a few moments.

Ye Qinghan clenched his fists tightly. Previously, Chi was in a dormant state and he couldn't contact him. After being fed the medicinal pill by Shi Feng, he suddenly felt the signs of Chi's awakening, so he used his mental power to quickly wake him up.

King Golden Eagle was his spiritual pet since he was a child. He has accompanied him through the Spring and Autumn Period for nearly 20 years. This time he has just broken through to the sixth rank. I just hope that he can bring Lou Muyan back safely.

Not far from them, Lou Muyan rushed to the ground from the ground, and when he looked up, he saw a naked golden plant of more than ten feet waving its thick rattan constantly.

"Damn human, what have you done to me?" The root system of the man-eating blood-thorn vine king could not move, and was firmly trapped by an unknown force and spiritual fire.

Lou Muyan played with a cluster of purple-golden flames in the palm of his hand, and said, "Naturally, it will seal you up so that you won't come out to make trouble. Are you convinced?"

"Bold, you dare to treat this king like this, this king must tear you to pieces." In addition to being beaten by the pervert/pervert from Leiyu, this is the first time in the past thousand years. made so embarrassing.

Lou Muyan sneered, "Then let you taste the feeling of burning your body more." It seems that this Demon Zhiwang will not be resigned without any means.

She has always disliked forcible contracts when she received spiritual pets. If he does not surrender now, she will beat him to surrender.

The man-eating blood thorn vine is very useful. It is not only the best material for medicine, wine making, and magic weapon refining, but also has a strong combat power. Such a practical and playable spiritual pet, she accepted it.

Clusters of purple-gold flames came out of her hands, and in mid-air, they turned into a pair of invisible hands and grabbed the countless golden vines that were about to attack her.


The main cane of the Man-Eating Blood Thorn Vine King was firmly grasped by the purple-gold spirit fire that turned into a pair of big hands. Lou Muyan gave an order, and the flames burned quickly, igniting the golden cane, and it was only a few breaths of time. ash.

"Ah!!" The main rattan was damaged, and it also had backlash damage to the man-eating blood-thorn rattan king.

He secretly hated that although this human woman was one rank lower than him, she possessed the spiritual fire of the celestial extreme, and this spiritual fire was the nemesis of their demon planting.

In this way, he had to be burned to death by this woman. With a change of mind, he was ruthless, and directly separated the demon core and the position above the demon mansion from the root system, turned around and drilled underground to try to escape.

Lou Muyan understands the habit of this kind of demon plant, of course he will not let him succeed, and he has set up a formation long before the battle just now.

The man-eating blood-thorn vine king wanted to plunge into the soil, but was blocked by a layer of jade-colored runes that suddenly bounced up, and a slender purple-gold flame was flowing above the runes.

"Squeak!!" The top of the man-eating blood-thorn vine king was burned by the purple gold fire, and he hurriedly took a few steps back with lingering fears.

Who knew that when he was still trying to escape, a spiral-shaped jade-colored talisman quickly lifted up from the surrounding ground, directly surrounding his body.

The strips of purple-gold spirit fire in the jade-colored talisman turned excitedly, as if it could devour the demon plants in the circle as long as the master gave an order.

"Human, what do you want to do?" Although the man-eating blood-thorn vine king has lived for thousands of years, he has only just grown up. He has not had much experience in fighting to be king and hegemony here all year round, and he has never suffered such a loss. The fire was so heavy that he could only ask angrily.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows, her domineering body poured out from her body, and her aura was arrogant.

"I want you to recognize me as the master, do you accept it or not?"

While she was asking the question, the purple-gold spirit fire in her palm was still dancing with the wind, staring at the cannibal blood-thorn Vine King with fangs and claws. As long as he dared to say a word, he would immediately rush out to clean up again.

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