In Leiyu's main hall, Emperor Lei was wearing a silk cyan robe and leaning lazily on the couch with a glass of wine.

The guardian who guarded the demon pavilion hurried in and knelt down anxiously: "Emperor, the jade card of the cannibal blood vine king is broken."

Lei Huang opened his half-squinted eyes, his eyes stern and gloomy, "How is it broken?"

The Guardian of the Demon Pavilion shook his body and said, "He has already been contracted."

Inside the demon pavilion are the jade tablets of the monster souls of all the sixth-order monsters in the three dangerous regions of the Luoxia Mountains. They are also subject to the Thunder Emperor. There are only two possible ways for the jade tablets to be broken. One is to be killed, and the other is to be contracted by humans.

In this area, there has been no such thing as a sixth-order monster being contracted by humans for thousands of years. I didn’t expect that this time the invincible man-eating blood-thorn vine king in the sixth-order would be contracted by humans. He was afraid of the emperor. In a fit of anger, even these little demons didn't let them go.

Lei Huang shook the wine glass, his mind moved, and he bounced two drops of the wine in the glass into the air, and once the demon power was poured in, the previous picture scroll appeared again.

Above the portrait are all the pictures of Lou Muyan and his party stepping into the area of ​​the golden thorn grass.

"Purple Gold Spirit Fire." Lei Huang's thin lips parted lightly, and he turned his gaze to the colorful parrot and the palm-sized Huoyun Mink, and his calm eyes rarely revealed a bit of surprise, "Spirit-devouring beast and Qingluan descendant, no Thinking that our small interface also has such divine beasts."

The three dangerous places have long been under the control of the Thunder Emperor, and all the human or monster auras that appear cannot escape the detection of his monster sense.

There was a ray of light in his dark eyes, and the hand holding the hand cup tightened, that woman might be an opportunity.

"Huang, do you need to catch these human swordsmen?" the burly man standing below asked.

He was the captain of Lei Huang's bodyguard. Seeing that Lei Huang's expression was cloudy and uncertain, he took a step forward and asked for instructions.

Lei Huang raised his eyes and swept the purple-clothed woman on the screen. After a while, he said leisurely, "No need, this emperor will go in person."

After saying a flash, he disappeared into the hall.

Golden thorn bush area.

Lou Muyan was in a very good mood after subduing the blood. Seeing the Golden Eagle King standing with Mo Yan not far away, she was surprised. She walked over and asked, "Are you Qinghan's spiritual pet?"

This golden eagle king exudes the blood of Ye Qinghan, and she can feel it because of the ancient contract art.

A hint of surprise flashed in the red eyes, this woman is indeed extraordinary, "Yes, the master asked me to take you back."

"Let's go then." Lou Muyan nodded, and said to the cannibal king vine: "Blood, I will take away the cannibal blood that besieged my friend."

"Yes, Master." The blood demon's consciousness moved, and all the man-eating blood-thorn vines that were besieging Ye Qinghan and the others burrowed into the ground and returned to his body.

Seeing that the man-eating blood-thorn vine that attacked the fire hood disappeared without a trace in an instant, Mu Yi sat on the ground tiredly and poured out the medicinal pill to recover, "I think Lou Muyan has killed the man-eating blood-thorn who was controlling the back. Vine King."

"It should be." Ye Qinghan said, looking not far away.

After a while, a few people saw the black-brown golden eagle flying in midair, and it was Lou Muyan sitting on his back.

"Muyan, are you alright?" Ye Qinghan stepped forward and asked with concern as soon as Lou Muyan landed.

Lou Muyan smiled and shook his head: "No problem."

Shi Feng raised his head with some worry in his eyes, "That man-eating blood-thorn vine king died?"

"No, but he won't appear to harm us again." Lou Muyan said with a light smile.

Although she and Mu Yi and Shi Feng are good friends now, they have not yet reached the point where they can trust each other in life and death. They can only be regarded as friends, and Ye Qinghan is the only best friend, so she did not mention her conquest of the cannibal blood thorn king. .

As for Ye Qinghan, she didn't want to hide it, and she believed that Chi would tell him when she returned.

Shi Feng and Mu Yi are not talkative people either. After hearing her say that, you can relax and don't ask any more questions.

"Let's go, let's sweep around here and catch a few fifth-order monsters and go back." Lou Muyan always felt that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time.

The others had also recovered a lot of energy just now, and they stood up to leave with her.

After only walking a few steps, Lou Muyan's sea of ​​consciousness remembered the exclamation of blood: "Master, that pervert from Leiyu is here."

Lou Muyan felt a little trembling in the blood's voice, thinking that she was very afraid of the perverted/perverted Leiyu.

Then her eyes were full of dignified colors, and the monster that can make blood so fearful can only be the legendary ninth-order one.

It's just that the countermeasures have not been thought of, a dense coercion locked this space, and several people couldn't help but almost kneeled on the ground.

Lou Muyan's face turned pale. Facing this coercion, there was a thought in his heart that he couldn't fight against it.

This is the insurmountable gap between cultivation bases.

Even if she can fight across levels, she is still powerless in the face of powerhouses two or more levels higher.

"What is this?" Shi Feng looked blankly not far away, his feet trembled a little, and he tried his best not to kneel down and give in.

"The legendary ninth-order monster." Ye Qinghan's face was dark, and he had the most dealings with monsters, which made him feel that he had no power to fight, and he was afraid that only the ninth-order monster was shrouded in death. beast.

A despair rose in the hearts of several people, is it really going to be damaged here today.

Lou Muyan also had a rare look of gloom in her eyes, but she did not feel hopeless. She had lived two lives, and she would not be afraid of death.

The coercion became more intense, and a blue shadow suddenly appeared in front of several people.

His body was covered with a layer of mist, his face could not be seen clearly, his figure was tall, and the temperament of a king was undoubtedly revealed.

Lou Muyan and the others couldn't see through his level of cultivation, they only felt a surge of depression, making them seem to be out of breath.

"Is there something wrong with your Excellency?" Lou Muyan's eyes did not have much turbulence, and his tone was calm.

She could feel that there was no killing intent on this high-level monster, so the purpose of his sudden arrival was debatable.

Lei Huang's lips curled into an arc. This woman was very courageous. Facing him so calm and calm, she couldn't help but feel a sense of appreciation in her heart.

"You broke into this emperor's area without authorization, don't you need to give this emperor an explanation?"

"Little master, don't listen to this pervert, Leiyu is his territory, and this is my territory." Xue shouted, he was both afraid and hated for Leihuang.

Lou Muyan twitched at the corner of his mouth, "Your territory is a ghost. If he wants to kill you, it would be like crushing a grasshopper."

"What do you want us to explain, senior?" Ye Qinghan asked hard.

He couldn't let Lou Muyan come out like this. In the face of such a dangerous powerhouse, a man was needed.

Ling Feiyang and others also showed the same thought, deeply looking at the mysterious man who appeared.

Lei Huang ignored Ye Qinghan's question and looked straight at Lou Muyan, "This emperor wants to talk to you alone."

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