Early the next morning.

After Lou Muyan gave Ye Qing Oxygen acupuncture, he went back to the room to rest for an hour and started to prepare the object to expel the blood curse from Ling Feiyang's body.

"Muyan, what are you looking for? I'll help you find it." Ye Qinghan saw that Lou Muyan was about to go out, and stepped forward to ask.

Lou Muyan didn't want to trouble Ye Qinghan again, but seeing his obsidian eyes with anticipation, he thought about giving him a list, "Then I will trouble Qinghan."

Ye Qinghan took the list and swept it over, and said, "I can find all these things, Muyan, you go back to your room to rest first, and I'll come to you when you find everything."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan sighed when Ye Qinghan walked away quickly with the list in hand.

She remembered Ye Qinghan's kindness to her, but she was unable to respond to her feelings other than her friends, and sudden estrangement would cause misunderstandings, so she could only take one step at a time.

After chatting with Ye Qingle and Mu Xia for a while, Lou Muyan returned to the room and started to meditate.

In the evening, she took out some of the blood thorn sacs obtained from the man-eating blood-thorn vine king, and with Ye Chen's consent, she took the water from the spiritual spring on the mountain behind Ye's house and began to brew spirit wine.

After regrouping at Luoxia Mountain, Shi Feng and the others gave Lou Muyan some of the man-eating blood thorn vines they got. In order not to expose the contracted blood, she thought about it and decided to take it and prepare to brew it. A gift of spirit wine.

A day later, Ye Qinghan returned with what Lou Muyan needed.

She found that there was a remote yard in Ye's house where the sun was very strong every day, and the owner was uncomfortable, so it was used to store debris.

She needed this kind of strong sunlight to lift the blood curse of Xie Xiu, so she borrowed the courtyard from the Ye family.

I heard that she was going to start to unravel Ling Feiyang's blood curse, and Shi Feng came to watch from a distance after her consent, and even Ye Chen and Ye Zhan came at the same time.

"Cousin Feiyang, go sit in the circle I drew, and don't step outside the circle no matter what happens." Lou Muyan pointed to a circle drawn with cinnabar in the middle of the yard.

Ling Feiyang had a warm smile on Junya's face, "Okay." After speaking, he went straight to the circle and sat cross-legged.

Lou Muyan took out the four jade carvings of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, and placed them in four positions in the south, east, and northwest.

After everyone watched her put down the jade carving, they measured the steps with a serious look, and put a copper coin on the ground every few steps.

"Is she setting up a formation?" Ye Chen asked Ye Zhan.

Ye Zhan kept his eyes fixed on Lou Muyan's movements, "Yes, but I have never seen such a formation."

"This girl's talent is too strong." Ye Chen's complexion changed, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Array Masters are even rarer in Tianling Continent than Alchemy Masters, Artifact Refiners and Spirit Beast Masters. They not only need talent, but also need the sword body to perceive the three attributes of fire, wood and gold.

The secret scriptures of the formations are rarely circulated outside. The secrets of the formations outside are the most basic texts, and some are still incomplete. It is not difficult to learn by yourself, but it is difficult to achieve success.

"Indeed, alchemists, spirit beast masters, and array masters, this girl's talent is probably not as good as those of the super geniuses in the north and south regions." Ye Zhan also showed admiration in his eyes, this girl can show people every time they meet. new side.

Ye Chen took a sip from the teacup and said, "Not only that, but it also shows that this girl has realized the three attributes of Yuan Li."

"Blue is better than blue. I have only realized the three kinds of Yuan force attributes in the Sword Queen's period of cultivation. She has not even reached the age of eighteen, and the Eastern Region will only be the starting point of her footsteps in the future." Ye Chen His eyes darkened, and he added another sentence.

"What's so good about staying in the Eastern Region? I don't approve of Qing Han's inheritance of the Ye family. I hope he can join the sect in this Continental Battle for Hegemony."

Ye Zhan didn't look worried. He was very opposed to the idea of ​​the Ye family's executives wanting Ye Qinghan to inherit the Ye family in the future.

Ye Chen nodded, "Qing Han's inheritance of the Ye family is just the last plan of several ancestors. If he can enter the six major sects through the competition to become the core disciple of the outer sect, the family will naturally not hold him back."

"If there is no accident, he will. Big brother recently decided to see who is more suitable to inherit the position of the Ye family's patriarch." Ye Zhan's implication was that Ye Chen could find an heir to train him.

If Ye Qinghan couldn't make the top 100 in the Continental Hegemony Tournament this time, he would have missed the sect, he would also take him to the mainland to find opportunities for development.

"I'll think about it." Ye Chen said.

About half an hour later, Lou Muyan arranged the Sixianggui array and walked to the center to sit cross-legged.

She took out a black array flag from the space ring. This is the soul-suppressing flag she refined. It is specially used to absorb and refine evil spirits, and it can also be used as an array flag.

She exhaled a breath of essence from her mouth to urge the formation flag, and the formation flag fell over the formation with her control.

She kept making seals with both hands, still chanting difficult and obscure incantations, and the seals flew out of her hands and penetrated into the four jade carvings.

A strip of jade-colored talismans connected the four jade carvings, and the light suddenly became bright, and the copper coins on the ground trembled slightly.

"Ji." She snorted softly, and the jade-colored talismans flew out from the four jade carvings one by one and entered Ling Feiyang's body.

A little bit of time passed, and everyone saw a strip of jade-colored talismans drilled out of Ling Feiyang's body, and every time they drilled out, a trace of black gas would be entangled.

As soon as the black energy appeared, the formation flag on the top of the formation would keep turning to absorb it all.

Ling Feiyang's body trembled countless times, like a spasm in pain, and an evil spirit would appear in his mind to lure him out of the circle.

He quickly read the scriptures in his mouth, calmed down a little, and persevered with perseverance.

"Pfft!" After a day and a night passed, Ling Feiyang suddenly opened his eyes and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

The black blood squirmed a few times, Lou Muyan staggered and printed with his hands, his eyes narrowed, and his red lips lightly parted: "Take it!"

I saw that the array flag on the formation was shining brightly, and a big hand condensed with spiritual power reached out and stretched into the black blood on the ground.

After a while, the big hand was slowly pulled away from the black blood, and everyone saw that the big hand was holding the souls of several evil spirits, which were torn and pulled hard and flew back to the formation flag.

As soon as those evil spirits were pulled out, they made a wailing sound, but no one sympathized with them, and they all hoped to eliminate them as soon as possible.

As soon as the evil spirit entered the formation flag, the pile of black blood on the ground gradually turned red and faded, and finally disappeared.

Ling Feiyang's complexion gradually turned from pale to rosy, and the blood curse that had been entangled in him for several years was finally released.

Lou Muyan put all the evil spirits into the formation flag, and when she waved, the formation flag fell into her palm.

The blood curse has been lifted, she put away the magical instruments on the ground one by one, stood up with a pale face and said, "I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to rest first."

"Cousin Feiyang, remember to adjust your breath for three days after you go back."

"Okay, Yan'er, go and rest." Seeing her stunning little face turning pale, Ling Feiyang said worriedly.

Lou Muyan was really tired, so he greeted everyone and went back to his room to rest.

Three days later, Lou Muyan walked out of the room, and Yechen had been waiting outside for a long time.

"Girl Lou, the ancestor of our Ye family wants to see you."

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