Lou Muyan's actions caused many swordsmen on the city wall to wipe away cold sweat.

It's just that the imagined scene didn't happen. Although the purple shadow was surrounded by monsters, it was not torn to pieces. Instead, she smashed her fists towards the monster that bit her.

"Is that woman's body too strong?"

"Yeah! Compared with the fifth-order monsters, it is not inferior at all. This is too exaggerated."

"No wonder she dared to rush down. It turns out that the hardness of her body is comparable to that of a monster."

"Is this still a woman? She looks so beautiful, why is she so violent?"

"What do you know? Compared with so many delicate beauties, such violent beauties are more pleasing to the eye."

The eyes of the five people who had a grudge against them all showed a haze. Obviously, they didn't expect the woman who had just finished laughing to have such combat power.

"This woman can't be kept." This thought rose in the hearts of the tall men at the same time.

Their bodies did not have the hardness of Lou Muyan, and their bodies were not as flexible as hers, so they could only stand on the city wall and attack the monsters that jumped up or under the city wall, and the points increased very slowly.

After Lou Muyan rushed into the herd, he seemed to be attacking with the most primitive brute force, but it wasn't.

Her hands were covered with a layer of red fire energy, and every time she punched and attacked, she aimed at the vital point of the monster.

Every time he punched out a fist with a scorching wind, the scorching power that fell on the beast's vital point could directly hurt the heart.

A few punches can kill a monster, she took out the crystal nucleus and threw it into the space ring.

Yuan Li continued to lose, she did not take pills to supplement, but directly grasped the crystal nucleus and began to absorb and refine it.

In this space, due to the special power, other swordsmen can directly absorb the power of the crystal core without using the pills to remove the poison, but they need the refining process, otherwise it will cause the body to explode.

Lou Muyan didn't need it. Her body-refining exercises had already entered the second level, and her body was no less powerful than the monsters at the peak of the fifth-order. In addition to the effect of the sea of ​​fog in her dantian, no matter how much the power of the monster's crystal nucleus was absorbed Can be refined.

"I found the traces of the sixth-order monsters. You clean up the fifth-order monsters here. I went to kill the leaders." Mo Yan's voice entered Lou Muyan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Bingji was also very moved, and it was really boring to fight with these fifth-order monsters, "Master, I'll follow up and have a look."

"Let's go, remember to take it easy, don't kill too fast, or this group of beasts will recede." Lou Muyan bombarded the besieging monsters while transmitting sound.

"En." Mo Yan replied and jumped off her shoulders, disappearing into the beast horde in an instant.

The ice halberd spread its wings and flew towards the direction where Mo Yan disappeared, and disappeared after a while.

"Kacha!" Lou Muyan smashed the bones of a peak fifth-order monster that attacked her, and the palm covered with Huo Yuanli passed through the chest and grabbed a round and fluorescent green crystal nucleus.

"Wood-type monster." Lou Muyan whispered. This time, he didn't directly refine the crystal core, and put it away together with the monster's body.

Afterwards, she swept around and found a few same fifth-order wood scorpion beasts, and took a momentary step to stagger the surrounding monsters and moved towards those wood scorpion beasts.

"She's moving very fast." Many swordsmen on the city wall were not only fighting to kill monsters, but also focused on Lou Muyan.

Someone was waiting to see when she was exhausted or was besieged and killed by monsters, but now she saw that not only did she not return to the city wall, but instead moved towards the center of the beast tide, her movement was like a ghost, and her heart was full of fear. Couldn't help but be shocked.

Where is this woman from? She wasn't on the list of talented people that I paid special attention to!

Many people guessed that if she could come back safely tonight, she would be a dark horse in this preliminary competition.

The ranking of the jade card points in their hands kept changing, and the name Lou Muyan had skyrocketed from the 10,000-year mark to now approaching 1,000.

"There are only six points for killing high-level fifth-order monsters, but ten points for killing high-level five-level monsters. It seems that you have to find a way to start alone." Lou Muyan said to himself.

The speed of her movement towards the Muxian beast was unabated, and everyone only saw a faint purple figure, which was finally overwhelmed by the darkness and the beast tide.

"She's gone." Someone shouted unconsciously.

"I see her heading towards that dark green monster that looks like a brown bear." One of them said.

Some people who didn't like her showing off said coldly, "I think she's probably already buried in the belly of a monster."

"How is that possible? Look, now there is a name called Lou Muyan on the identity jade card that keeps growing. At first glance, it is a woman, so it should be her."

Many people were in awe of Lou Muyan's act of rushing down the city wall and beheading among the beasts, but they would never have dared to do so.

Lou Mubai and the others observed the changes in the ranking of the jade cards in their hands, and when they saw that the name of Lou Muyan was still growing, they slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your sister is too scary." Fu Chen stood beside Lou Mubai and sighed, "But she's really strong."

"That girl is getting wilder and wilder." Lou Mubai's eyes were filled with doting, as long as his sister was happy, he would not restrain him as long as his safety could be guaranteed.

Yun Zimo beheaded the monster that had been leaping up the wall and said, "You dote on her too much, and let her do everything."

Although Lou Muyan showed her strong fighting power, it made them nervous. While proud of her companions, she could not help but feel speechless at her actions.

Chi Yixuan's eyes darkened, looking at the faraway plain under the shroud of night, he could no longer find the splendid figure, and he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Is the distance between him and Lou Muyan already so big?

No, he won't give up, he must catch up with her and let her come back to him again.

As if motivated, Chi Yixuan jumped off the city wall, but he did not go deep. With the help of the black iron of the city wall, he bravely killed the monsters who were roaring and wanted to overthrow the city.

Seeing his flexible attack, the others also jumped off the city wall and walked among the monsters, using the power of the city wall to kill the monsters, the speed was indeed much faster than before.

Lou Mubai and the others looked at each other, then jumped off the city wall and quickly killed and harvested the fifth-order monsters.

After a while, there were more and more corpses of monsters under the city wall, and the sword masters below the city wall had the opportunity to include high-level monsters in the space ring.

Lou Muyan kept chasing and killing the mussels, and took out green crystal nuclei from their bodies. There was a smile on her lips. Today's harvest was really good.

At the same time, on a city in the east of the arena, there was a man whose face could not be seen clearly. The man stood proudly, exuding a coolness all over his body, forming an independent landscape that no one dared to approach.

He picked up the jade card in his hand, watched the name on it keep beating, and whispered, "Lou Muyan, is this year the dark horse of the small country?"

If someone is by the side, they will definitely find that the jade card in his hand is dark purple.

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