When Lou Muyan and the others arrived at the foot of the deep mountain, the whole mountain forest was surrounded by mist, and the scenery inside was looming, giving people a sense of mystery.

This deep mountain forest is not the only way to enter the central area, but it is a good place to hunt monsters.

"On the map of Yupai, this place is divided into three types of dangerous areas, and no sword masters have entered along the way. We have to be careful." Yun Zimo looked at the deep mountain in front of him and said.

In the competition space, three types of dangerous areas are delineated, namely Class I, Class II, and Class III. Class I is the most dangerous, and Class III is relatively less dangerous, but it can be clearly marked by the organizer on the map of the jade card. not simple.

Lou Muyan took out a few sachets and handed them to several people, "Put this on, and some of the medicinal powder in it can prevent poisonous snakes and insects."

"The more dangerous the place is, the safer it is. There are not many swordsmen here, so let's find a secret place to hide and practice." Lou Muyan turned around and said to several people, "Follow me."

"Mo Yan, lead the way." Lou Muyan poked Mo Yan's body and smiled.

Mo Yan's cold eyes showed a bit of helplessness. The king of his dignified demon domain was often called by this woman, and he was afraid that no demon would believe him when he said it.

But without hesitation, he jumped off Lou Muyan's shoulder and got into the deep mountain.

Lou Muyan followed closely, and they still believed in her spiritual pet's ability.

All the way up the mountain, I didn't encounter a monster, and was led by Mo Yan to avoid it.

"Should we kill some monsters to earn points?" Chi Yixuan asked as he walked.

Lou Muyan didn't turn her head back and said, "No, once the killing ban is started, it will attract the attention of the high-level monsters in the deep mountains, and our cultivation plan will not be able to be implemented."

"That's right, I didn't think about it carefully." Chi Yixuan pursed his lips and said.

Lou Muyan turned to look at him and said, "It's okay, you can kill it when you come out."

Several people hid their way through the mountains, hiding their breath. They encountered poisonous snakes and poisonous ants on the way, but when they approached them, they seemed to smell something afraid and avoided them in horror.

Lou Muyan's sachets contributed a lot, and these sachets were also prepared before she came.

The spiritual energy in this deep mountain is much richer than the outside, and just walking in the mountains can be refreshing.

"Mo Yan, can you feel the rank of the king in this deep mountain?" Lou Muyan asked in front of several other people without transmitting his voice.

Mo Yan walked in front, "There are three seventh-order monsters in the depths here, each occupying a place, as long as we don't set foot on their core territory, it will be fine."

"Is there any spirit grass nearby?" Lou Muyan knew that Mo Yan's nose was very powerful, and that he had the ability to find spirit grass and spirits in his innate supernatural powers.

Mo Yan glanced at her lightly, "Naturally, there are spiritual grasses and spiritual things in such a place, but there is no need to guard the monsters. I won't stop you if you want to fight grass and scare snakes."

Lou Muyan glared at him amusingly, "We can cultivate out and then go robbery."

Her mental power has been dormant, although this is a precursor to evolution, but too long will affect the display of her combat power, so she also hopes to find a spiritual herb that can stimulate her mental power.

"We're almost there." Mo Yan is now a sixth-order monster, but monster consciousness is the pinnacle of this interface, so the general situation in this deep mountain is already in his mind.

After walking for another half an hour, a few people emerged from a lush primitive deep forest. What they saw was a large waterfall. There was a deep pool under the waterfall, and the spiritual energy was more abundant and deep than the outside.

This place has beautiful scenery, quiet environment and abundant spiritual energy, which is perfect for cultivation.

"This place looks very good, so there are no monsters occupying it?" Lou Muyan looked at Mo Yan and asked.

Mo Yan walked to a tree that was withered and fell to the ground, looked at it casually and said, "There should be monsters occupying this place before, but I don't know why it hasn't appeared now. Either die or go out."

"What if he comes back?"

"It's natural to keep him or drive him away." Mo Yan raised his eyes, as if your question was very boring.

Lou Muyan shrugged and looked around. After thinking about it, she took out a formation flag from the space ring and four jade statues of four gods and beasts that she had cultivated.

He pinched his fingers, buried it in the ground at four locations in the south, east, and northwest, and planted the formation flag in the formation.

Her hands were constantly waving like butterfly wings, and one after another jade-colored void talismans came out of her palms and landed around the formation.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past, covering the surroundings of the waterfall with a layer of veil mist.

"What kind of formation is this?" Yun Zimo found that this formation could block the penetration of spiritual power, and it also had the effect of covering up the breath, so he couldn't help but ask.

"The combination of the Four Elephants Killing Array and the Four Elephants Illusory Array." Lou Muyan retracted his hand and said, "As long as there are monsters and people passing by, what they will see is not a waterfall but an abandoned mountain range. The Four Elephants slaughtered."

Her tone was very light, but it shocked the hearts of several others.

They didn't expect Lou Muyan's formation skills to have reached such a level, such a formation method is afraid that only a third-grade or even higher-grade formation wizard can arrange it.

"In the past, the monster's cave was in the waterfall. You can use his, or you can create a separate one." Mo Yan stared at the center of the waterfall and said.

"Go ahead and have a look." Lou Muyan wiped a smile on her lips, tapped her toes and flew into the waterfall.

Several other people followed suit and flew in.

There is a large cave in the depths of the waterfall. The cave is very dry and the layout is very simple.

There is also a cave in the cave, which is the nest of the monster.

Looking at a large piece of snake skin that fell off in the cave, it can be judged that the previous owner of the cave was a snake monster, and they did not find anything other than the snake skin.

"There's nothing in this cave. I want to come to the snake to go out or move."

Lou Muyan took a look around and felt that this place was quite suitable for them to practice, and she was too lazy to open up a cave alone, "Let's practice here, I've used this cave for alchemy."

"Okay!" Several people naturally would not object.

Since that day, they have temporarily lived in this cave, and there will be monsters breaking in from time to time, but they are either confused by the formation or they are killed by the formation.

Lou Muyan also spent a few days refining a lot of medicinal herbs, including those for intensive cultivation, replenishing Yuan Li, cultivating essence, detoxification and healing.

After giving Yun Zimo and others a few bottles of the third-grade Jingyuan Dan, she also began to enter the cave and absorb the spiritual energy of the heavenly spirit, and it turned into pure spiritual energy in the dantian, while constantly refining and absorbing it. The power of the monster's crystal nucleus.

Time passed, and the rankings on the jade card kept jumping, but Lou Muyan's five people did not fluctuate, and she quickly dropped from the top fifty to one thousand.

Seeing that Lou Muyan's name on the standings hasn't changed since that day, many people guessed that she was afraid that she might have suffered an unexpected loss.

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