Lou Muyan saw that the wooden mammoth took the initiative to come at her, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Good come!"

After he said that, his toes flew up and landed directly on the back of the wooden mammoth, punching punch after punch.

The wooden mammoth was furious and ran around trying to get rid of her, but it couldn't get rid of her like it was stuck.

There is a burning pain in the body, what is the woman's hand doing? Not only so hard, but also with flames, it will hurt him to death.

The wooden mammoth roared a few times, and roared and slammed into the surrounding trees. Lou Muyan showed interest in his eyes. This mammoth was not too stupid, and he knew how to use a branch to scrape her off.

She also wanted to try the mammoth's attack from the front. She jumped from his back and slammed her fists into the mammoth's face.

The mammoth is worthy of being a sixth-order monster. He covered his head with the monster power of his entire body. Although the opponent's fist bombarded him a bit, it made him dizzy, but because of the barrier of the monster power, the hot fist wind was also blocked by most of it.

"Why does your sister like hand-to-hand combat so much? It's really violent." Fu Chen couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw Lou Muyan's choice of fighting method.

Lou Mubai glanced at him, "My sister is different, I like her so violent."

After he finished speaking, he took the initiative to meet the mutant lynx whose speed was the biggest advantage. After the physical upgrade, the other people were also gearing up for a fight, and they all picked a monster to fight.

Yun Zimo saw that the monster was divided among several people, his eyes as dark as ink were dyed with a smile, and he clasped his hands against a tree to watch the battle.

"Roar!!" The combat power of the few people was good. Although they were in the domain of monsters, they always had the upper hand.

Lou Muyan even beat the wooden mammoth to hide in Tibet, her movement was flexible, no matter how much he avoided, he couldn't escape her fiery fist.

"The earth is cracking." The wooden mammoth stepped on the ground with big feet.

The demon power exploded in an instant, and cracks appeared on the ground, hitting Lou Muyan straight away.

Lou Muyan curled her lips into a smile, facing the crack with strong demonic power, which made the ravines all over the earth.

The wooden mammoth used a lot of methods but couldn't really attack Lou Muyan.

Didn't you hear that all human women are made of water? Why is this woman more violent than their monsters, she is going to die!

Several monsters turned into the strongest body to fight, but the upper hand was suppressed by the opponent in a short while. When he was about to lose, Shan Jian suddenly remembered the sound of rumbling.

The wooden mammoth was overjoyed, their reinforcements came, he turned to the leader and stared fiercely at Lou Muyan, wishing to eat her flesh and drink her blood.

Lou Muyan's eyes turned cold, and she also heard that there were a lot of monsters running, and she immediately released the man-eating blood-thorn vine king.

"Master, you finally remember me." Xue looked at Lou Muyan with aggrieved expression, the stinky thing of Bingji often came to show off in the spirit beast ring, and he could not wait to follow the master outside every day.

Lou Muyan stroked her forehead, "Stop, don't learn the virtue of ice halberd." Then she pointed in the direction of the wooden mammoth and said, "You've been hungry for a long time, let's eat today."

The wooden mammoth on the opposite side of Xuejian is full of marks of being bombarded with fists. It seems that it is the masterpiece of the master, and the little master is mighty.

Don't delay, but he hasn't opened his belly to drink blood for many years. He deeply embedded the rhizome into the ground below, and waved the dark golden main branch and grabbed it towards the wooden mammoth.

The wooden mammoth stayed here for many years but had never seen such a monster plant, but the dangerous palpitations spread throughout his body. He instinctively turned around and ran, but he couldn’t keep up with the speed of the blood, and he was swept away by the blood vines in a few seconds. caught.

The small thorns on the golden vines instantly tightened the wooden mammoth's body, and the paralyzing toxin spread all over his body. He fell heavily to the ground, and his copper bell-like eyes were full of horror, as if he had already felt the shadow of death.

On the contrary, the blood was extremely excited, and quickly absorbed the blood essence in the wooden mammoth through the main vines. In just a moment, an incomparably huge sixth-order wooden mammoth was sucked into jerky.

"The crystal nucleus is not allowed to be eaten."

Seeing the blood, Lou Muyan rolled up a khaki crystal nucleus with vines, and was about to feed it into the humanized mouth on the tree trunk, she immediately flew up and grabbed the crystal nucleus.

"The earth-type crystal core is still useful to me, you just need to suck blood." Lou Muyan rolled her eyes at the extremely aggrieved blood, thinking she didn't know? The man-eating blood thorn vine sucks blood essence, but the effect is much better than swallowing the crystal nucleus.

"Go, suck up those monsters as well." Lou Muyan kicked him when he saw that he was staring at the crystal core in her hand, "It's a shame to look useless."

Hearing what the master said, the man-eating blood-thorn vine king trembled, turned his head and squinted to look at the monster who was fighting with Lou Mubai and the others.

Those scorching gazes almost turned a few monsters into disbelief.

Seeing that the wooden mammoth was sucked into jerky by this sixth-order demon plant, and stared at by his scorching eyes, their scalps felt numb for a while.

"Let's go!" The mutant lynx called and fled into the depths of the forest.

The other monsters did not delay, and fled in different directions, for fear that they would become the food of the terrifying monster plant one step later.

However, their opponent is the cannibal King of Blood Thorn Vine, who has been mature for many years. He has already set up countless vine trap nets in the ground.

Those few monsters were all restrained by the golden vines, and as soon as the blood thorns on the vines pierced their bodies, they felt unable to move.

He could only feel the blood in his body being drained a little bit with fear in his eyes, and the breath of life disappeared.

"Cannibal Blood Thorn Vine King!" Yun Zimo's cold and unwavering eyes revealed surprise, and the others watched the golden plant excitedly sucking the blood of the monster with numb scalps.

Except for Lou Mubai and Yun Lan, they never thought that Lou Muyan had such a terrifying demon-planting spirit pet. The most important thing was a sixth-order demon-planting king. What trump card does this woman have?

The more they came into contact with Lou Muyan, the more shocked they became, from shock to numbness to her endless methods.

When Lou Muyan found that his name on the jade plate began to beat again, he immediately stopped the blood: "Leave them alive first." Who knows but shouted a step too late.

She embarrassedly said to Yun Lan and the others, "Forget these monsters, you won't get points if you don't kill them first, and you will kill this sloppy beast before it sucks it."

"Okay!" A few people didn't care about this person, and they looked at her with a little bit of embarrassment, and their eyes were filled with smiles.

"Roar!!" The roar of the beast sounded, and more than 20 monsters of the fifth and sixth orders came running wildly.

It was just that the vines that had been ambushed by the blood had been swept away before he got close. This time, Lou Muyan asked him to give the monsters a sigh of relief. After Lou Mubai and several others were beheaded, he devoured all their blood and essence.

The demon beasts called friends and accompanied them, and they came from all directions, making the pores of Xue's whole body wide open, and they were excited to prepare a feast.

Lou Muyan's points soared again. The speed was faster than that of the first day. In less than half an hour, it soared from more than 700 points to more than 2,000 points, which also shocked many swordsmen.

And in the nearest hole in the deep forest, a man with blue tattoos on his side opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of ice.

"There is actually a human swordsman who is killing people in this king's territory, courting death!"

After speaking, he narrowed his eyes dangerously, and disappeared into the cave in a flash.

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