The spiritual power in Lou Muyan's body has basically been exhausted, and his spirit is also a little sluggish.

She took out a few bottles of Spirit Replenishing Pills and took them, causing many swordsmen in the lounge to twitch their mouths again.

How many bottles of elixir does this woman have? Is such a waste of luxury really good?

Danxiang overflowed from the bottle and lingered in the entire lounge. The swordsmen who were resting and meditating next to them opened their eyes one after another, hoping to grab the Dan bottle in her hand so that she would not waste it like this.

After Lou Muyan took a few bottles of Spirit Replenishing Pill, the void spirit in her body was replenished a lot. The effect of the second-grade Spirit Replenishing Pill for her to replenish her spiritual energy has weakened a lot. It seems that she has to find Hai You as soon as possible. It is only necessary to refine the third-grade Huiling Pill from grass.

I found that the eyes looking at her were too hot, so I'd better find an inn to live in when it's dawn.

It's just that before dawn, the sea of ​​​​knowledge remembered the painful cry of blood and blood.

"Master, I can't take it anymore."

Lou Muyan asked suspiciously, "What can't you take anymore?"

"The token you let me swallow is too metallic. Not only is the demon power in my body suppressed, but the wood aura on my body is also fading away." The bloody voice was slightly hoarse.

Lou Muyan opened her eyes abruptly, and now it is not appropriate to take out the token to check in front of so many people, she stood up and said to Yun Zimo and the others, "I want to wash up, let's go to the inn to stay. Bar."

It is almost dawn now, and there will be no more monsters and beasts. Many swordsmen have already packed up to earn points, and the inn will also have free rooms.

Several people didn't know why she was so sudden, but they didn't ask, they all stood up and left the lounge together.

In fact, Lou Muyan's scruples were right. After the battle and they went to the city wall lounge, many swordsmen went to the battle area to look for something. The pile of ashes on the ground was also turned over countless times. The wind blows away.

Even the elders of the six major sects have been monitoring the situation in the battle area, only to withdraw their attention when they found that the red-golden token that Yi Zhao fused was really missing.

Those who coveted the red gold token guessed that it was either fused by Yi Zhao or burned to ashes by Lou Muyan's Yuan Li flame, which was a pity.

Many people saw that Lou Muyan and the others did not take anything with them before they left, not even the space ring of the enemy, so the swordsmen who were rummaging for things also thought about how many people died in addition to the golden token. space ring.

It's just that they're doomed to be busy.

At this time, many swordsmen left the inn and went out of the city, and they also successfully found a few vacancies.

Lou Muyan said hello to a few people and got into his room, and set up a spirit separation formation to isolate all sounds and mental power from entering and disturbing.

As soon as her mind moved, blood appeared in the room, and the human face on his trunk was in pain.

"Master, it's so uncomfortable, I can't spit out that token."

Lou Muyan's eyes froze, and she put her hand on Xue Xue. When she found the location of the red gold token, she forced it out with her spiritual power.

Holding the token in her hand, she did not withdraw her hand, but ran her dantian, inputting a trace of spiritual power with a green mist into the body of the man-eating blood-thorn vine.

The golden body that had dimmed a lot gradually regained its luster, and a lot of buds grew on the branches. This kind of delivery lasted for more than an hour. When the spiritual power in her body was about to be exhausted, she withdrew her hand.

Xue Xue moved the vines comfortably, and it was a lie to say that it would not be touched.

Lou Muyan didn't check it immediately after taking out the token. He used the pure spiritual power in his body to heal his wounds. Now he is not only healed, but the bottleneck that has been stuck has just collapsed, and he has successfully advanced to the middle stage of the sixth order.

Of course, apart from Lou Muyan's special spiritual power, his ability to break through so quickly was also inseparable from the recent absorption of a large amount of blood essence.

"Master!" Xue Xue waved the vines to hug Lou Muyan, and even wanted to rub her head against her like an ice halberd.

"Let's consolidate your cultivation." Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him and immediately waved away his vines. Why does his spiritual pet like to rub against her except Mo Yan.

Then Xue Xue found that both Bingji and Mo Yan were throwing cold knives at him. He swallowed and moved the rhizome to a corner to consolidate his cultivation, scolding the two beasts over and over in his heart.

Both shoulders of the master Xiangxiang were occupied by two beasts. He wanted to get close to the next master and they turned cold eyes on him. It was really hateful.

"Mo Yan, do you think this is a token to open something?" Lou Muyan flipped over the red-gold token, always feeling that it was not simple, and it was hiding some kind of secret.

There was a smile in Mo Yan's light eyes, "Well, although I don't know where the token is to open, it definitely has a high entry value."

"You don't know where it is?" Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows.

"I don't know, I'm not familiar with Tianling Continent." He was familiar with Lou Muyan, who had not read Mainland China Chronicles in this small interface.

Seeing her thinking deeply, he continued in a light tone: "It may be a secret realm, it may be an inheritance place, or it may be a secret space somewhere. Anyway, such a place has endless benefits."

Lou Muyan played with the red gold token in her hand. She keenly found that there was a formation in it, which was still very advanced, but because her mental power had not awakened and could not be detected, she could only give up temporarily.

Although the methods of formation in this continent are not as comprehensive as those in her hands, she has never seen many formations. It is like the reflection of the formation that Mo Yan said that day, and a desire to explore arises in her heart.

"The metallic element contained in this token can't even stand blood and blood. I'm really looking forward to the day it will actually be used." She put away the red-gold token, and there was always a feeling in her heart that she would use it one day. a feeling of.

Mo Yan glanced at the man-eating blood-thorn vine king who was consolidating his cultivation in the corner, and spit out a sentence: "Too weak."

"..." Xue was still in the excitement of the upgrade, when he suddenly heard Boss Yan's words, it was like a bucket of cold water was poured over in an instant, and all the passion was gone.

"Haha, Xue is a weak chicken." Bing Ji is a rare joke.

Mo Yan glanced at him, "His combat power is no weaker than yours."

Bingji choked, "I was not sealed with demon power by the master's man, how can I compare with that weak chicken."

"You're an eighth-order monster, one level higher than that person's cultivation base, so you've been sealed with monster power, so you're embarrassed to say it." Mo Yan snorted coldly, really embarrassing the beast.

"That man is a pervert at all, and you'll know when you meet him another day." When he mentioned the battle that day, he felt a chill in his heart, and it would be better not to provoke that man in the future.

With a bloody face of grievance, he was lying with a knife...

Lou Muyan rolled her eyes at Bingji, what is he called a man?

It was funny to watch the two beasts bickering, and she was also very curious about how Ming Xiu defeated the ice halberd that day. Every time this stinky bird mentioned the events of that day, she looked like she had lingering fears.

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