"Didn't the young master figure out that there will be a beast tide coming tonight? Why can't you see even a shadow?"

There were many people standing on the city wall of a large city, headed by a man in silver clothes with eyes as clean as moonlight. He stood against the wind, and his handsome face was very calm.

Hearing someone ask the next question, he stretched out his hand and calculated it, and said slowly: "The beast tide was intercepted."

His voice was clean and warm, clear and pleasant.

"What? Was it intercepted?" A red-haired teenager next to him asked, "Big brother, who can intercept the beast tide?"

The man in silver pondered for a while and said, "Lou Muyan."

"Lou Muyan? Is that the woman who was rumored to be divine?" The red-haired boy didn't question in his voice, but he didn't quite believe it in his heart.

"I received the news tonight that their team came out of the refuge city to catch the night road. It seems to be true." Another slightly older man said.

In addition to a group of men in silver clothes, there are teams from many countries on the city wall. They all showed doubts and disbelief. Even if Lou Muyan really has some strength, it is impossible to bring a group of human war beasts?

Luo Zhu, the superpower here, is afraid that he will not dare to provoke the beast tide easily. How dare a yellow-haired girl who is still young dare to be so arrogant?

Luo Ye was also a little curious about the woman named Lou Muyan, but he wanted to see how they stopped the beast tide.

"Go and see and you'll know." He said lightly.

He flew down the city wall, and his figure soon disappeared into the night.

The people in the same team didn't hesitate at all, jumped off the city wall and swept away in the direction where Luo Ye disappeared.

"Let's go and have a look." Someone on the city wall suggested.

"What should I do if I encounter a beast tide? I don't believe that the person from a small country named Lou Muyan can really deal with the beast tide." Someone said.

"What are you afraid of, Lord Luo has gone. Even if we encounter a beast swarm with him, we can all retreat." Someone said excitedly.

"Forget it. When the time comes, they will fight each other when they encounter the beast tide, and whoever is scattered will take care of who." Some people refused.

In the end, only a few bold sword masters jumped off the city wall and followed in the footsteps of Lord Luo and others.

When Luo Ye and several team members arrived at a canyon, they saw a scene that shocked them.

Hundreds of monsters in front were constantly charging towards the center, and several silhouettes kept flashing and quickly reaping the lives of the monsters.

By the moonlight, they saw a woman with a slender figure, like a ghost, constantly controlling ten golden flying swords to fly among the monsters.

Wherever Feijian passed, the roaring monsters fell down, the sword was deadly, and all the stabs were vital.

There were also five men in the group of monsters. Although they weren't as charismatic as her, their speed in killing monsters was not weak at all. Judging from the level of proficiency, it was not the first time to do such a thing.

"Is this too exaggerated?"

The red-haired boy who followed was stunned and watched the woman while controlling the flying sword to kill the monsters, while bombarding the monsters with her fists. What was even more shocking was that the fifth-order monsters were in her hands. The fist was unbearable, and the fist was killed.

Even when she faced a few leading Tier 6 monsters, she still fought fiercely, with her hair flying and wanton. Although her movements were rude, it gave people a pleasing sense of contrast.

"This, is this still a woman?" The boy swallowed.

Aren't all women supposed to be delicate and beautiful, gentle and pleasant? At least he had never seen such a violent woman before, but why did he have an indescribable favor in his heart.

The women who appeared in front of him had never been like this before. He actually didn't like those delicate and weak women at all, and he immediately touched his chin and looked at the women in the group of monsters with interest in his eyes.

This woman is much more interesting than rumored!

Lou Muyan knew that someone was approaching after Mo Yan's reminder, so the blood and blood had been collected by him, and the ice halberd had returned to the appearance of a colorful parrot.

When the strangers arrived, they were almost at the end of their slaughter. After all, the ability to fight in blood and blood groups was too strong, and those monsters had no resistance at all, and they were drained of blood by him.

"Master Luo, do we want to help?" The swordsmen of other countries who followed were also shocked by the scene in front of them, but seeing that there were still hundreds of monsters that were not killed, they also raised a kind of rush to kill. .

The emotion on Luo Ye's face was very light and light, and he didn't mean to answer.

The red-haired boy standing beside him turned his head to glance at the man, and said sarcastically, "Do you think they still need help?"

These people want to use his eldest brother to snatch each other's monsters, it's too whimsical.

When the man choked, seeing that Lord Luo had no intention of doing anything at all, he smiled embarrassingly and then stepped back and stopped talking.

In the face of the red-haired boy, the younger brother of Luo Zhu, who came from the superpower, he did not dare to provoke him at all.

The red-haired boy snorted and turned his head to continue watching Lou Muyan fighting.

A quarter of an hour later, all the last hundred monsters fell to the ground and died, and the corpses of monsters were all within a hundred meters of Lou Muyan and the others.

Lou Muyan's technique is accurate, fast, and ruthless. Every time she kills, she goes towards the position of the crystal core of the monster, so the crystal core of the monster she killed has been taken away.

Yun Zimo and the others didn't have the movement skills like her, and they started to clean up after the beasts were all dead.

"Have you seen enough?" Lou Muyan didn't show any greedy moves to compete with them after seeing this group of people coming, but after watching the play, she didn't leave, so she couldn't help asking indifferently.

Luo Ye turned to look at her, and an ethereal and clear voice poured out from his lips, "I'm disturbing the girl!"

Lou Muyan was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect the other party to be so polite. The most important thing was that the other party's voice was so good. She was a full voice control.

She couldn't help but feel an unconscious intimacy with that clean and pleasant voice, and because of the other person's voice, she developed an inexplicable affection for the handsome and unparalleled man opposite her.

When he raised his eyes to meet those pure crystal-like eyes, Lou Muyan was stunned. It's a pity that someone with such a nice voice would be blind!

She couldn't help but sighed slightly, "No problem!"

She could see that the other party was blind, but she didn't know whether it was due to birth or due to illness. It was naturally impossible for the other party to take the initiative to ask for treatment because the other party's voice was nice.

"Why is the girl sighing?" Luo Ye's voice was gentle and slow, as clear as spring water.

Lou Muyan glanced at him lightly and said, "It's just a pity to sigh."

"What a pity?" the red-haired boy asked curiously.

Lou Muyan glanced at him, and her attitude took a big turn, "What's your business?"


The young man was startled, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, how could this woman change her face faster than turning over a book?

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