Helianlie had been following the movements of Lou Muyan and Luo Ye, guessing that they would set off at night and wait here, and they did.

"Master Luo and Miss Lou are going out of the city on their way?"

Lou Muyan saw that he was holding a folding fan and looked like a romantic boy, but he was not disgusted, "Yes."

"I wonder if Hemou has the honor to join us?" Helianlie's handsome face showed a modest smile.

Luo Li gave him a white look, "No."

This Helianlie's look at Lou Muyan was not pure, he didn't like it.

"Master Luo, the trade fair is about to start, how about we join forces?" Helianlie suggested.

The end of the trade fair also means that the points competition will enter a white-hot stage. Elite teams from various countries will flock to the central city and will also make big shots. Most countries will choose a temporary alliance.

He was going to form an alliance with the other two countries, but he changed his mind after seeing Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan's talent in formation is so amazing, he no longer thinks about marrying her and going back to be the concubine. He can't control such a woman, but he can't let go of the opportunity to befriend her.

Although he is the most favored prince of the most powerful country in the eastern region, he also bears the responsibility behind his noble status. Each country has its own array of magicians to establish a great formation to protect the country.

Dongxunguo also has its own great formation, but it is only one step away from perfecting the defense, and this step requires a fifth-grade formation master to complete.

Fifth-grade array masters are very rare in the entire Tianling Continent. Any one who comes out at will is an existence that affects countless major forces. Dongxunguo also tried to invite them but failed.

A talent like Lou Muyan might have the possibility of becoming a fifth-rank in the future, and it would never be wrong to befriend him. What's more, the Yanzhou Kingdom belongs to one of the small affiliated countries of Dongxun, and they are also considered to be a family.

Seeing Luo Ye thinking, he turned to look at Lou Muyan with a smile and said, "Speaking of which, Miss Lou and I are both from the Eastern Region. How about joining forces in the next point competition?"

Lou Muyan naturally found out that Helianlie wanted to befriend her. Thinking of Helianlie's identity, she just smiled, "Okay!"

The Ling family and the Lou family settled in the Eastern Region, and there were many hidden enemies, such as the Xue family and the Gu family. In addition, the black-clothed forces that assassinated him in the extreme cold mountain range always made her feel a little uneasy.

Helianlie was the prince of the strongest country in the Eastern Region, and he was naturally not low in being selected to participate in the Tianling Continent Tournament. It would be beneficial for both Lou Ling and Lou Ling to befriend him.

Since Helianlie sent an olive branch, she would naturally take it.

Luo Li frowned, but he was originally from the superpower family, and he figured out the key to why Lou Muyan agreed.

"Okay, let's join forces." Luo Li sighed, Lou Muyan agreed to join forces with Helianlie, and Luo Li must also join forces.

"Lou Muyan, we are also allies." Although Luo Li disliked Helianlie, he would not disturb Lou Muyan's decision.

Her family is in a small country in the Eastern Region, and if she is friendly with Helianlie, the royal family of Dongxun will be able to take care of her.

Lou Muyan blinked at Luo Li and joked, "I thought we were allies long ago."

"Of course, you promised to be with us yesterday." Luo Li raised his chin proudly.

Lou Muyan liked his arrogant and frizzy appearance, "Luo Li, you look very much like a cat I once raised."

The cat was adopted by her when she was a child. Later, she followed her practice all the way. After transforming, it was very similar to Luo Li, but it was lost to save her in a secret realm.

Therefore, after getting acquainted with Luo Li, I also have a bit of love for him.

Luo Li's face darkened, the woman said last time that he was a cat with fried fur, "I'm not a cat."

Yun Zimo and the others also saw how close Lou Muyan was to Luo Licun, and they were extremely surprised.

You must know that Lou Muyan looks gentle and refreshing on the surface, but it is too difficult to become a friend in her heart.

After reaching an alliance agreement, Lou Muyan and the others rushed out of the city gate towards the next big city.

Large-scale beast hordes do not gather every day. At night, under the guidance of Mo Yan, they managed to stop two waves of medium-sized hordes of beasts, and they gained a few more points.

"Lou Muyan, how can you calculate better than my brother?" Luo Li leaned forward and said with a smile.

The places she guided them to are the gathering places of the beast tide, and it is impossible to detect the spiritual power at such a long distance. How did she find it?

Lou Muyan looked at him funny, "I didn't figure it out."

"You are such a strange woman." Luo Li shook his head and smiled without inquiring into her secrets.

This woman doesn't improve her cultivation, but she always likes to study these other things.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him, "You're weird."

In fact, apart from Yun Zimo's team, He Lianlie and others were very curious as to why Lou Muyan could accurately control the trend of the gathering of medium-sized beasts.

A little more contact with this woman will lead to new discoveries, as if with an endless sense of mystery.

After killing two waves of medium-sized beasts, Lou Muyan led three teams to surround and kill several waves of small beasts. In any case, grasshoppers have meat no matter how small they are.

The level of monsters between Dacheng and Dacheng also increased.

Now the small beast tide has basically disappeared from the existence of the second and third orders. Most of them are composed of fifth-order monsters and sixth-order monsters. The more you kill, the faster the points increase.

Seeing his ranking on the jade card rushing to the 32nd place, Lou Muyan's fighting spirit is high, and the next is the key time to grab the points.

"Lou Muyan, your points are still five short of mine. Maybe I will enter the top ten one step ahead, but you have to do your best." Luo Li still remembered the match with Lou Muyan that day.

"It's boring to compare, why don't we gamble?" Lou Muyan suggested with a smile looking at the arrogant kitten.

Luo Li rarely has the opportunity to get close to her, so naturally he won't let it go, "Okay, Xiaoye agreed, what are we betting on?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, why not promise each other a condition within their ability?" Lou Muyan thought about it and asked, "Or what do you want to bet on?"

Luo had a thought of "I want you" in his heart, and he quickly covered the strange look in his eyes, "Just bet on a condition within your ability."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan stretched out a palm and gave Luo Li a high-five agreement.

"There shouldn't be any suspense in the result, Lou Muyan is afraid to win." He Lianlie shook his fan and inserted a sentence.

He didn't think the two of them could really break into the top ten, but if there was such a possibility, he also thought that Lou Muyan had a better chance of winning.

"Hmph, what do you know, this little white face?" Luo Li glanced at Helian Lie, this romantic ghost is really annoying.

Lou Muyan chuckled: "Okay, let's hurry first, it's almost dawn."

The three teams arrived at the large city where the trade fair was located when it was slightly dawn.

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