"The foundation of this Danlou is very deep."

Hearing her sigh, Luo Li said with a smile, "Of course, the Pill Tower and Refiner Pavilion are existences that all parties in the Tianling Continent are unwilling to offend."

"There was once a great family that offended the core authority elders of the Pill Building, and then the Pill Building issued a blacklist, announcing that all the pills in the Pill Building would not be sold to them from now on. As a result, that big family was finally reduced to a third-rate force."

"You are also an alchemist. If you meet an elder from the alchemy building in the future, it will definitely be beneficial to befriend him." Luo Li's voice was so soft that only Lou Muyan could hear it.

Lou Muyan accepted his kindness, "Yes."

"Is there a connection between Yaozong and Danlou?" She thought about it and asked.

"There is not much connection. Although there are many alchemists in Yaozong, they will not join other forces and only serve the Zongmen, and Yaozong's medicinal pills are not often sold to the public like the pill building." Luo Li replied.

Lou Muyan nodded. There are pill shops in the Pill Building in all regions, and their nature is indeed very different from that of the Medicine Sect.

Elder Xiao saw that many people below were ready to move. He smiled and said, "Now, let's take the nourishing qi pills first. There are three pieces in total, and the reserve price of each piece is two million purple gold coins."

"three million"

"Six million"

"Ten million"

Soon the price was called to more than 10 million. Lou Muyan blinked her eyes, and alchemy really made a lot of money. She can't even buy half a pill with the purple gold coins on her body. It seems that she can sell some in the future. .

Seeing that Luo Li was also planning to shoot, she crouched him with her arm and asked, "Do you want to shoot?"

"Of course, Yangyuan Dan is one of Danlou's high-quality medicinal pills, and it is rarely sold on the market." He was afraid that Lou Muyan would not be clear, so he specifically explained: "Don't listen to it, its effect is to nourish the meridians and remove impurities. , the most important thing is to be able to purify the Yuan force.”

"I know that Yang Yuan Dan can purify Yuan strength, but do you think that just taking one or two pills can purify Yuan strength?"

Yangyuan Dan belongs to nourishing medicinal pills and needs to be taken for a long time to be effective. After taking three pills, it only has the effect of nourishing the meridians. It is impossible to slowly remove impurities without more than ten pills, let alone essence. Pure power.

"That seems to be the case." Luo Li frowned and considered.

He had also heard that Yangyuan Pill had the best effect when taken for a long time, but it was difficult for disciples of the big clan to buy such a pill if they had money, so how could it be possible to take it for a long time.

"Even if it is good to nourish the meridians first." He said after thinking for a while.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him speechlessly. These people were burned by too much money. Seeing that he wanted to take pictures, he pulled his sleeve and said, "Don't take pictures, I'll give you a pill later to make sure it won't work. It is lower than this Yang Yuan Dan."

The more she got along with Luo Li, the more she felt that he was like the fried kitten she once raised, leaving a softness in his heart, naturally generous.

Luo Li glanced at her suspiciously. Can she have a third-grade medicinal pill with the same effect?

Looking down and seeing her pulling his sleeve, his heart pounded, even if this woman lied to him, he would recognize it.

"Okay, I'm not shooting anymore."

Only then did Lou Muyan show a smile, very satisfied with the kitten's cooperation.

In the end, Yangyuan Dan was auctioned at the price of 20 million purple gold coins each, and Lou Muyan couldn't help but light up.

The next Ning Yuan Dan auction was much more intense, basically to the point of grabbing, even the sword masters of the other three countries in the superpower continued to bid.

In the end, it was auctioned at the price of 50 million purple gold coins each, and many people expressed regret. After all, the swordsmen who came to participate in the Continental Hegemony Tournament only had their own savings and could not ask the family for support.

Luo Li originally wanted to take a picture for Lou Muyan, but she also stopped him. The words "You better give me 50 million purple gold coins than Danlou" almost made Luo Li explode again.

"Okay, the auction of the Pill Building has ended. Now, please ask the sword masters who need to trade to one side to take the number plate and come to the stage in turn. The old man will not say more, you can play freely." Elder Xiao smiled and walked down the stage and sat down. .

Both the Pill Building and the Refining Pavilion have their own plans to hold such trade fairs in turn.

The swordsmen who were interested in trading stood up and went to the left to get the number plate. Even the swordsmen of the superpower did not dare to violate the rules of the Danlou.

"I have a top-quality spiritual treasure here..." The first swordsman to come on stage began to introduce.

The things that those who came to power brought out basically required barter, so there were no successful transactions.

The things that the seven or eight sword masters in the front took out were not bad, but none of them were of interest to Lou Muyan.

It was not until an indifferent black-clothed man came to the stage and took out a mysterious ice jade box and opened it, Lou Muyan sat up straight.

"This is the sea serene grass I found when I entered the competition space. Those who know it naturally know its effects. I want to exchange it for a third-grade medicinal pill that can improve my cultivation level. It is also possible to exchange without medicinal pills and spirit stones, but it cannot be exchanged. Less than two hundred low-grade spirit stones." The man opened the mysterious ice jade box and began to ask for a transaction.

The jade box is full of seawater, and there are more than ten dark green seaweeds dancing in the seawater, all of which are alive and well preserved.

The sea serene grass has a great effect on useful people, but it has no value at all for ordinary swordsmen, so the people below are lacking in interest.

Seeing Lou Muyan's eyes lit up, Luo Li remembered the news that she had asked him to help find Hai Youcao, and asked, "Do you want to change?"

"Of course." Lou Muyan nodded.

"This sea grass is not worth what he said to exchange." Luo Li was afraid that she would be deceived.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "I think it's worth it."

"Two hundred yuan of low-grade spirit stones are too expensive, if it is one hundred yuan, I want it." Before Lou Muyan spoke, a beautiful young woman sitting in the seat of the superpower said.

The black-clothed man on the stage pondered for a while, and said, "If it is less than two hundred low-grade spirit stones, it will not be replaced."

A look of displeasure flashed across the woman's eyes, but she did not immediately increase the price.

"I have a third-grade medicinal pill here that I want to exchange with you, can you take a look?" Lou Muyan flipped his hand and threw a white porcelain bottle in his hand directly to the man on the stage.

The man took the porcelain bottle and swept Lou Muyan, only to be surprised when he found her cultivation level, without showing contempt or contempt.

He opened the bottle cap, and a scent of medicine came out from it, and a slight joy appeared on his indifferent face.

He poured out the elixir with two fingers, put it on the tip of his nose, smelled it, and said, "It's really a third-grade elixir that can improve your cultivation. I've changed it."

The man in black quickly put the medicinal pill back into the bottle, closed the Xuanbing jade box and prepared to throw it to Lou Muyan.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you two hundred and twenty low-grade spirit stones, and I want your sea secluded grass." The beautiful woman who had stopped speaking again spoke again, with a strong and domineering tone.

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