"Is he not sick?"

When Si Nan heard Lou Muyan say this, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

How could such a handsome and handsome man look like he was sick?

"Yes, he is sick, poisonous, narcissistic, nervous." Luo Li nodded in agreement.

Si Nan glared at Luo Li, who had fallen into trouble, and he knew that every time he saw this kid, it was not good.

"Miss Lou, I misunderstood you just now. I apologize. I will hold a banquet in Xizhaolou tomorrow to apologize to the girl. What do you think?"

Lou Muyan glanced at him, this man changed his face faster than flipping through a book, with a deep mind, able to bend and stretch.

"Not interested." Lou Muyan refused.

She didn't want to have anything to do with Si Nan, this guy's purpose is definitely not pure.

"Don't! Miss Lou, if you don't know each other, let's make friends." Si Nan said with a cheeky smile.

The corners of the mouths of the team members behind him twitched, and the leader began to fall ill again. The leader of a dignified superpower, why did he humbly with a little girl, the bad taste is definitely coming again.

Seeing that the slut was getting closer, Luo Li frowned in front of Lou Muyan and said, "Si Nan, stay away from Lou Muyan, you shameless bastard."

"Luo Li, won't you be itchy if you don't hit you for a few days?" Si Nan opened the gold leaf fan that was pierced by Lou Muyan's gold needle and shook it.

Looking at the posture of the two, it is normal to fight frequently.

Lou Muyan saw that the two quarreled even though they met, and wanted to do it, but neither of them had the slightest murderous intent in their bodies or eyes. It seemed that they were the kind of friends who wanted to kill each other.

Luo Li rolled up his sleeves and hummed, "Come on!"

"Let's fight two, and you can go out to the competition space to drink tea in a while." Lou Muyan threw out a sentence leisurely.

The two were startled, and each snorted coldly and no longer prepared to do it.

Even if it is just a sparring in the Refuge City, it will be judged as a fight, and no matter who it is, it will be disqualified from the competition.

Si Nan wanted to talk to Lou Muyan but was blocked by Luo Li, and Lou Muyan ignored him at all.

The regret in his heart!

In fact, he was not malicious when he was born and taunted Lou Muyan, he just wanted to see if Luo Li really valued her as he was rumored to be.

He and Luo Li do not know each other, attacking each other on the surface, but in private they are actually the best friends.

He didn't go to the last trade fair. During the day, he heard Moutong and Luo Qinghe say that Luo Li was being played around by a woman. Tonight, he happened to hear Lou Muyan's shameless words, so he couldn't help but want to test it out.

Who knew, but tried it on the iron plate, this woman named Lou Muyan is definitely not as superficial as Luo Qinghe and the others said, neither her calm and calm temperament nor the self-confidence she unconsciously revealed in her expression. Mediocre.

Especially after Lou Muyan took out two kinds of medicinal pills, he even scolded Luo Qinghe and others in his heart. Who would have thought that a disciple from the Luo family branch would dare to blackmail Luo Li behind his back.

"Luo Qinghe and Moutong were spreading rumors today while hunting, saying that you were fascinated by a woman who claimed to be a high-level sommelier, and only a fool like you would believe it."

Si Nan's stabbing ability is absolutely top-notch, "They also said that you spent a lot of money for that small country woman surnamed Lou, not only collecting Lingcao and sending Lingshi, but also giving her Tianhan Jinjing to exchange for a dead one. Soul tree."

"I will be filled with righteous indignation after hearing this. I just heard that Miss Lou said that she would use medicinal herbs for spirit herbs, so I couldn't help but want to try it, because I was afraid that you would be deceived." Seeing Luo Li's gloomy face, Si Nan immediately added: "Testing. The results show that those people are absolutely slander, so much that even I almost believed it."

Most of what he said was true, and he bluntly said that he was tempting Lou Muyan just now, but it made people feel disgusted.

Lou Muyan took a few glances at Si Nan, this man was mean and dark, but he could tell right from wrong when he was doing things, and he was not shy to admit when he was wrong, which made her resentment towards him lessened a bit.

"Luo Qinghe, the one who eats the inside and the outside, must clear the door when the young master sees him next time."

Luo Li had already seen Luo Qinghe's sanctimonious hypocrite as disgusting, but he didn't expect to see him spare his life for the Luo family's sake, but that person dared to ruin his and Lou Muyan's reputation everywhere, damn it.

The murderous intent flashed in Luo Ye's eyes, Luo Qinghe not only had a big heart, but slandering Luo Li like that had violated his bottom line.

"Lou Muyan, I didn't mean to tell you that you can make spirit wine." Luo Li was afraid that Lou Muyan would anger him when he heard Si Nan's words.

Lou Muyan was slandered by the people who went out of the Luo family and Mouton, and he was more angry than anyone else.

Lou Muyan smiled indifferently: "It's okay, I know you won't hurt me."

Luo Li took the spirit wine she sent to Luo Ye that day, and then Luo Qinghe was left alone. I think that person said something bad about him before being driven away by Luo Li.

"Well, I'm definitely not going to hurt you." Luo Li's heart turned sweet when he heard Lou Muyan trust him like this.

Lou Muyan smiled, she already regarded Luo Li as the kitten she kept, and she had an inexplicable trust in him and included him in her own category.

Si Nan saw that the relationship between the two did not seem to be fake, and he could see that Luo Li was really interested in Shang Lou Muyan, but Lou Muyan looked at Luo Li, but there was no **** but pampering.

At this time, the shopkeeper hurriedly walked down from the second floor and said to Lou Muyan with a smile, "Miss, the elders of the Dan Building invite you to speak on the second floor."

Lou Muyan nodded: "You have Lao to lead the way."

The shopkeeper didn't stop Luo Li and the others following him. Lou Muyan wasn't afraid to expose himself. Naturally, he wouldn't be a bad person.

Si Nan had a tendency to join in the fun, so he raised his feet and followed, but the other swordsmen were itching to see this, but they did not dare to follow.

Luo Li and Si Nan are also called the little overlord and rogue in the superpower, and they will definitely not be able to eat and walk away when they provoke them.

Lou Muyan didn't mind revealing her identity as an alchemist. Since she knew that there were people from six major sects and other major forces paying attention to this world, she no longer kept a low profile. This was a way to increase her bargaining power.

On the second floor, the shopkeeper led them into the innermost room.

In the room, sandalwood was smoky, and a sober scent lingered. There was an elegant old man sitting in it, the elder Xiao who appeared at the trade fair before.

"Miss Lou, we meet again!" Elder Xiao slowly opened his closed eyes, and a gleam of light flashed across his eyes quickly. In front of him were two white porcelain vases, which were Lou Muyan's elixir.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "Hello, Elder Xiao!"

"Miss, please take a seat." Elder Xiao nodded kindly to her.

Then he turned his attention to Luo Li and the others, "Miss Lou and I have something to say. If you have anything to do, you can leave first."

Inside and outside the words are the meaning of chasing people.

But some people pretended not to understand, and Si Nan grinned beside Elder Xiao and said, "We're not busy."

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