"What do you mean as long as I'm still alive, you will accompany me?"

Lou Muyan glanced at Si Nan, "It literally means."

"Cough cough..." Si Nan coughed dryly and squeezed his eyes, "Am I so weak?"

"Who knows?" Lou Muyan said lightly.

Si Nan looked at the sky speechlessly, is he obviously very strong? It's just that he didn't show it. It doesn't matter who will win or lose in the battle between him and Luo Ye.

"Qinghan, you guys recover quickly, we're going to kill the beast tide to earn points at night." Lou Muyan took out another bottle of Huiyuan Dan and threw it to him.

"Okay!" Ye Qinghan took the medicinal pill and distributed the medicinal pill in the porcelain bottle to others with a calm expression. A strong aroma filled the air, "Mu Yan, can you refine the third-grade medicinal pill?"

"Well, that's about it." Lou Muyan leaned against the wall lazily.

"Your talent is really against the sky." Ye Qinghan smiled bitterly, and he was thrown farther and farther by her.

Lou Muyan smiled sideways and said, "There are many third-rank alchemists, so there's nothing strange about it."

Her goal is not just a third-grade alchemist, her goal is to become the top tenth-grade alchemist in the entire world.

Others had different expressions when they heard the conversation between the two.

Everyone couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths. There were indeed more third-grade alchemists than high-grade alchemists, but no one had heard of third-grade alchemists who were less than eighteen years old.

Her indifferent tone is truly speechless!

Si Nan and He Lianlie were most shocked. This time Yuan Dan was made by Lou Muyan himself? Didn't he tell Elder Xiao that her master made it? Seems to be deceiving.

"Lou Muyan, you made the Yuan Dan this time?" Luo Li couldn't help asking.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Guess?"

She felt that the third-grade alchemist really had nothing to show off, and the kitten was about to explode.

Luo Li glared at her, "Boring!" Then he turned his head away.

"Haha..." Lou Muyan felt very relieved when he saw that his hair was really fried.

Luo Li's face was a little hot, this woman is really hateful, but why does he like her more and more?

Ye Qinghan saw Lou Muyan's beautiful smile on her face, and her deep eyes darkened.

Si Nan glared at Luo Li and said that he was shameless, and Luo Li was also shameless.

When night falls, a crescent moon hangs in the sky, bright and bright.

Lou Muyan was sitting on a big rock outside the cave, and the moonlight poured down, making her whole person look deserted and ethereal.

Luo Ye jumped onto the boulder and sat beside her with a handsome figure.

"Are you here to ask about eye problems?" Lou Muyan turned her head and met Luo Ye's clean and bright eyes, she sighed in her heart, it would be a waste to keep these beautiful eyes blind.

There was a faint smile on Luo Ye's lips, and under the bright moonlight, he looked even more handsome, and a voice as clear as spring water came out slowly, "When did you find out?"

"The first time we met." Lou Muyan replied.

Luo Ye was slightly surprised, "Your medical skills are indeed brilliant."

"I haven't even checked your pulse for you yet, so how do you know that I am skilled in medicine." Lou Muyan's tone was somewhat teasing.

"It's true that I became blind because of my practice. Countless pharmacists and alchemists have helped me to see it, but no one has noticed that I have an eye disease."

Luo Ye's voice was gentle and quiet, as if with a seductive magic.

"Can I get the pulse?" Lou Muyan asked.

Luo Ye raised a hand and put it in front of Lou Muyan, "You can do whatever you want."

Lou Muyan let out a low laugh and reached out to touch the pair of slender and fair wrists. After a while, she said, "Have you been inherited by external forces?"

Luo Ye was startled, and asked in surprise, "How did you know?"

"There is a vague power in the sea of ​​consciousness in your body, but I found out that it doesn't belong to you. I feel that it is not the spiritual power of the external powerhouse, but a mass of soul power that is about to dissipate." Lou Muyan explained.

Luo Ye pondered for a while and then said, "I accidentally broke into a tomb when I was ten years old. By chance, I inherited a magic method of divine word, and finally I was forcibly entered into the sea of ​​​​knowledge in the body by a touch of soul. Due to the fact that he was still young at that time and his cultivation was not high, he could only resist his move to seize the house."

"Namo Soul was a Sword Master before his death. He always wanted to devour my soul and control my body, but unfortunately he has the special physique of the Luo family, so not only did he fail, but his soul power has been absorbed by me over the years. A lot."

"After that, I practiced the divine word, but my eyes gradually seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, and finally I was completely blind." Luo Ye sighed, "After I refine his soul power, I will use the It was only from his memory that he knew that this was the disadvantage of cultivating Divine Word."

"Divine Word? Is that what you call the ability to predict and predict?" There is no Divine Word in the world of cultivating the immortals. People who realize the Great Dao can calculate the future, so she just tells her guesses.

Luo Ye nodded: "Yes, but because of the blindness caused by the inherited exercises, I have rarely practiced since then."

Therefore, the prediction technique of his divine word only stays at the elementary level, and those who have seen the light hate this boundless darkness.

"So it is." Lou Muyan muttered to himself.

"Can you really cure my blindness?" Luo Ye didn't know why, but there was always a premonition in his heart that Lou Muyan could really restore his light.

"Well, I said it can be natural, but to cure your blindness, you need to find several kinds of spiritual herbs and spiritual things to configure a kind of eye-washing and eye-catching drops."

Lou Muyan knew that although Luo Ye could use his mental power to perceive everything in the outside world and live like a normal person, he was very eager to see this colorful world again.

"This is the list of spiritual herbs that need to be configured. If you know, I will help you refine it." Then she handed over a prepared jade slip, "Before refining the eye drops, you must That soul is refined.

Luo Li took the jade slip and did not immediately enter the spiritual investigation, "Thank you!"

No matter if he can really cure blindness in the end, he will thank Lou Muyan!

Lou Muyan smiled, stood up and patted the dust on her dress, "Let's go, it's almost time."

"it is good!"

The figure of the two talking on the stone was seen by Ye Qinghan who walked out of the cave.

Night is a time when monsters are frequently dispatched. Under the guidance of Mo Yan, Lou Muyan led Luo Li and several groups to besiege three waves of medium-sized beasts.

In pursuit of speed, the two seventh-order monsters, Lou Muyan, did not intervene, and were solved by Luo Ye and Sinan.

After a few more days of night hunting, Lou Muyan's score lived up to expectations and rushed to the ninth place, shocking many elite teams from big countries.

The points of Ye Qinghan and others were also soaring violently, and all five of their team members rushed into the top 100 of the standings.

Just ten days before the preliminary round, a light bell sounded in all the refuge cities, as if it came from the distant horizon.

The countdown to the preliminaries is finally here!

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