Ji Yu gritted his teeth and endured the reluctance in his heart, and threw the talisman in his hand upwards, muttering a few words in his mouth, and a red light flew from his sleeve and disappeared into the talisman.

In an instant, the talisman made a humming sound, struggled in the air, a beam of yellow light lit up, and the entire space shook.

"What is this?" a man behind Ji Yu asked.

Ji Yu didn't answer his companions, and stared deeply at the talisman that the yellow light was growing in the sky.

Lou Muyan felt a distant and powerful aura coming from the talisman, with a hint of coercion, as if something was about to break out of the cocoon.

There used to be a dense layer of intricate spell seals on top of the rune. At this time, after Ji Yu's red light penetrated, it gradually peeled off, the black rune became lighter and thinner, and finally disappeared into the air as dust.

"Boom!!" Several thunders sounded in the sky, and the originally bright sky was covered with dark clouds.

A depressing heart palpitations instantly spread throughout the space.

The expressions of Si Nan and others changed, "What is this?"

The breath emanating from this talisman actually made them feel a sense of death, and their hearts sank, even the people on Ji Yu's side had a bad premonition.

"Ji Yu, what are you?"

Ji Yu also had an indescribable palpitation in his heart. He frowned and said, "This is the high-level talisman that my grandfather gave me. It is said that killing sword masters under Sword Master is no problem."

The companions behind him endured the fear and showed joy in their eyes. If Ji Yu's talisman could kill Si Nan and others, they wouldn't have to fight to death or be seriously injured.

Although the number of the other side is not as large as them, but after fighting for a while, more than half of the people on their side have been killed or injured.


A startling roar resounded through the sky, and then a huge yellow behemoth broke the seal of the talisman and drilled out.

"Ninth-order Earth-type Flood Dragon Demon Soul, everyone be careful!" Luo Ye immediately discovered what was above his head, and he hurriedly led everyone back a distance.

That Flood Dragon has been sealed for countless years, and this time it was freed from the talisman and raised its head happily and roared a few times.

Jiao has four sharp claws under his body, and two raised bags on his head. If he didn't die back then and became a demon spirit, he would have already soared into a dragon now.

"Did you let me out?" The khaki-colored giant Jiao squinted at Ji Yu below with half-squinted eyes, but he couldn't see his anger.

Ji Yu did not expect that a ninth-order Flood Dragon Demon Soul was sealed in the talisman. No wonder his grandfather asked him to use it carefully. It is indeed true that he could kill the sword master under the sword.

"It was done by the junior." Ji Yu's attitude was quite sincere. After all, although the other party was the soul of the talisman released by himself, it was normal for him to call him senior.

Jiaolong shook his body, a wicked look flashed in his eyes, and laughed loudly: "Okay, very good!"

Ji Yu's heart was overjoyed, but she didn't show it on her face. Just as she was thinking about how to use the giant flood dragon to kill Lou Muyan and the others, a cold aura suddenly approached.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw the huge head of the giant Jiaoyu being under heavy pressure.

It was only a few breaths from when Jiaolong spoke to when Ji Yu was sucked in, and no one could understand what was going on.

Didn't Ji Yu release this Jiaolong? Why was the first person to swallow it turned out to be Ji Yu?

This is the true portrayal of everyone including Lou Muyan.

"Ah! Why, you dare to kill the lord." Ji Yu was swallowed half of his body by the giant Jiaojiao, and the weak voice came from the Jiaojiao's body.

Jiaolong snorted coldly, and swallowed Ji Yu in one gulp, "You carry that smelly old man's breath on your body, it must be his bloodline, when he killed me and sealed me, I swore in my heart to destroy it. Kill him and his descendants, and use you as a memorial today."

"You..." Ji Yu's voice was so small that it was no longer audible, thinking that it had turned into food for ghosts.

The faces of Ji Yu and his group changed drastically, and they fled in all directions without anyone telling Qi Qi to step forward.

This Flood Dragon has to kill even its master, and it is even easier to kill them.

Looking at the constantly fleeing crowd, Jiaolong's eyes showed a bit of contempt. This is how these human beings are, timid and afraid of death, and insidious and cunning.

His body was shocked, and he took a few breaths in the direction of escape, and the sword masters who were fleeing fell into his mouth.

Although Jiaolong is a demon spirit, it can devour human cultivators to replenish his true energy. After all, after being sealed for so long, his soul power is also very weak.

"Mo Yan, what should we do?" Lou Muyan looked at the Jiaolong not far away with fear. This is a genuine ninth-order demon soul. Even if they are weak at present, they are not their opponents.

Mo Yan's deep and secluded eyes not only did not show any worry, but a gleam of light flashed, "This dragon's demon soul is a great supplement."

If he can devour it and refine it, his cultivation will definitely recover a lot.

Lou Muyan couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, the ninth-order demon soul must be filled! But you can only watch it when you are making up, can you still catch it and eat it?

"Do you have a solution?" Lou Muyan asked while pursing his glossy lips when he saw his dark eyes shining.

Mo Yan pondered for a moment and said, "You lead him to a place where there is no one, and I have a way to deal with him."

Lou Muyan still believed in Mo Yan very much, and after seeing the Jiaolong demon soul swallowing Ji Yu's group, she put her eyes on them with an unfinished look.

Being stared at by a chilling gaze, Si Nan and the others couldn't help but feel an irresistible feeling in their hearts.

This is the look in the eyes of the hunter staring at the prey, and everyone smiled bitterly in their hearts. I didn't expect that the recent hunting of monsters has now become a delicious food in the eyes of monsters.

"The strength is barely enough for me to recover a layer of skill, bad luck." Jiao Long looked at Luo Ye and the others with disgust, as if he had already regarded it as the food he was about to eat.

Si Nan and others have a black line, and you are unlucky to dislike you, don't eat us!

Lou Muyan caught the heat in Jiaolong's eyes, even if he disliked them, he would not let them go.

"Fight!" Si Nan also found the killing intent in Jiaolong's eyes, he endured his numb scalp and said to the crowd, "Either he died or we died, let's fight."

Luo Ye also thought so in his heart, "Okay!"

The others didn't want to die like this, and they all took out their weapons and injected their energy into them, and they all swung towards the khaki-yellow giant flood dragon in mid-air.

The colorful sword lights gathered together to form a giant axe, which combined the power of the sword masters present and slashed towards Jiaolong's head.

Jiaolong's eyes showed a bit of playfulness, and he said, "Beyond your own ability!"

Then he raised his tail and swept hard, and the mighty axe was easily defeated.

"Pfft!!" Luo Ye, Sinan and other high-level sword emperors were shaken and vomited blood.

Just one move of the giant flood dragon gave them a profound lesson, which also indicated that their lives might not be guaranteed.

They are not reconciled, but there is nothing they can do, who makes them less powerful than Ju Jiao.

Just when everyone was in despair, Lou Muyan took out a mysterious ice jade box from the space ring, opened and closed it to Jiaolong, and said provocatively: "Follow if you want!"

After speaking, he turned around and flew towards the distant jungle without looking back, and disappeared immediately.

Jiaolong's eyes showed a trace of madness and greed, he ignored Si Nan and the others with a roar, and followed Lou Muyan's direction.

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