The next day, Lou Muyan and others arrived at the central city smoothly.

After entering the city, the surrounding streets are bustling with people coming and going, especially the swordsmen who are staying in the central city are those who can participate in the second round of the competition. They are naturally very happy, and most of them have smiles on their faces. .

The difference between the central city and other cities is that the inn will not give special care to the contestants of the superpowers. After all, the swordsmen who can enter the second round of the competition are considered to be the best among the younger generation in this continent. People are dissatisfied.

Lou Muyan and his party found an inn with an elegant and quiet environment near the city to stay in. If they were replaced by the usual two guys who like luxury, Si Nan and He Lianlie would not agree.

It can be seen that Lou Muyan identified this inn, and they could only agree reluctantly, but in the end they also covered most of the yard.

After Lou Muyan entered the inn, he went to the room and arranged the magic circle.

"Master, master, are you going to dig out the crystal core of that octopus monster?" Lou Muyan asked her as soon as he finished setting up the ice halberd, rubbing against her shoulder.

Lou Muyan knew that he had been thinking about the crystal core of the monster for a long time, so he took out the body of the octopus in a funny way, but the ice on it had not yet thawed.

She casually threw a cluster of purple gold spirit fire down, and the ice on the octopus monster slowly melted.

She looked thoughtfully at the pool of water that was made of ice in the ground. What kind of cultivation did the meditation achieve? This kind of Yuan force condensing into ice is not something that ordinary sword sect powerhouses can do.

Seeing the look of Bingji, she couldn't help but smile, stretched out her hand and took out the crystal nucleus next to the octopus monster's heart and threw it directly to him.

"Take it for refining."

Bingji held the crystal nucleus in his mouth, and his eyes were touched with emotion.

The little master went to the deep pool to save him regardless of his life and death, and now he gave him such a precious crystal core. He originally thought of breaking the seal and going to his own dashing ice halberd, and suddenly made up his mind to follow Lou Muyan well in the future.

Following such a mysterious and powerful master has a future, and the most important thing is that the little master is too generous!

"Master, Miaomiao is hungry." Miaomiao looked at the crystal core of the eighth-order monster in Bingji's mouth with a bit of envy in her eyes, but she would not be jealous, the master did everything right.

Lou Muyan touched her head affectionately, took out a few sixth-order monster beast crystal nuclei and put them in her hands to swallow, "It is not suitable for you and the strength of blood to swallow high-level crystal nuclei, wait until you advance to seventh-order Monster beast, I'll go get the seventh or eighth-order crystal core for you to refine."

"Miaomiao likes the master the most." The little white snake swallowed a crystal nucleus and rubbed against Lou Muyan.

The crystal nucleus is not as attractive to the cannibal blood-thorn Vine King as blood. Since the last time, he has transformed into a string of wooden bracelets and hung on Lou Muyan's wrist, "Master, you will get more blood from high-level swordsmen in the future. I'll just taste it."

In the competition space, he absorbed a lot of blood of high-level monsters, and he already felt the barrier to promotion. If he was sucking the blood of some sword masters, he believed that he would soon be able to break through.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him and warned, "Don't think about drinking human blood all the time, unless you are a wicked person or my enemy, you are not allowed to go out to suck human blood, or I will throw you there. Desert to be with cacti."

Xue's body froze, and he froze in desperation, "As per your order!" The little master's words always counted, and he didn't want to go to the desert area where birds don't lay eggs for company with cacti.

Although I prefer fresh blood, it is not bad to have a crystal nucleus for refining, so the few spirit pets went to refine the monster beast crystal nucleus with peace of mind.

There was a smile in Lou Muyan's eyes, and life was not so boring after receiving these pets.

Early the next morning, the people from the Dan Building delivered the spirit grass she needed to the inn. The efficiency was very high, and she was satisfied.

She remembered the information from the phoenix bracelet before, took out a hundred-year-old spirit grass and put it in the mysterious ice box. When her mind moved, a green mist of spiritual power overflowed from her palm and poured into the box, and then sealed it. .

If this herb is successful, she will make a profit, and she will basically not worry about the high-year spiritual herb in the future when refining medicinal herbs.

A few spirit pets prefer to eat medicinal pills compared to the crystal nucleus, but the medicinal pills she refined have been almost consumed in the previous beast horde. This time, the spirit herbs were replenished, and she spent two days refining them. Making pills.

Another day later, there were constant knocks outside her door, and she put the last pill in the bottle. She opened the door and saw Luo Li's handsome face with bright sunshine.

"Are you concocting pills?" Luo Li smelled a scent of pills as soon as he walked to the door.

Lou Muyan nodded: "The previous medicinal pills are all used up, so I need to refine some for spare."

Luo Li twitched the corners of her mouth when she remembered that every time she swallowed the pills like eating candy, remembered the business and said with a smile, "Let's go to the central square."

"Why go to the central square?"

"You didn't receive the news from the jade card?" Luo Li asked in surprise.

He also came to knock on the door when Lou Muyan hadn't appeared, but he didn't expect that she didn't know about it.

Lou Muyan didn't pay attention to the alchemy before, but now she took out the jade token and found out that the organizer of the competition had notified him that half an hour later, he would gather in the central square to announce the next round of competition.

"Let's go."

When they arrived at the central square, it was already full of people and it was very lively.

Lou Muyan and others found a remote corner and stood there. She looked around and found many powerful groups.

The elite teams of superpowers are generally not just one group, just like Luo Ye and Si Nan, there are two other teams in their countries, and their strength is not bad.

As soon as the notification time came, a loud voice sounded in the central square.

"You are all swordsmen from various countries who have passed the preliminary round of this Continental Contest. Congratulations here."

As soon as his voice fell, everyone saw a middle-aged man in white appear in Lingkong, he continued with a faint smile: "But don't be proud, because the next two rounds are the key to whether you can stand out. "

"The top ten in the first round will be rewarded with jade medals. The information will be sent to your ten identity jade medals later, which will be redeemed at the end of the second round."

"The second round of the Continental Championship is the rematch, which will officially start tomorrow and last for five months."

"During these five months, you can use the ample space in this room to cultivate and improve your strength, or you can directly snatch the identity jade card. After five months, the identity jade card will remind you of the end time, and then the seven-color identity jade card will be in your hands. The most five hundred people go to the final round of finals."

"Of course, what I'm talking about is not just quantity, but also quality. The person with the most green, orange, purple, and three-color jade cards will naturally rank high in the second round. As usual, the point system is used, and the entire competition rules will pass the formation method. Send it to your identity jade card."

"By the way, as a reminder, those who rush into the top ten of the standings in the rematch still have rewards, and they are very generous, and they will be distributed to you later."

"I won't say more, I wish you all good results, we will see you in five months."

After the middle-aged man in white finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared into the central square, and the originally quiet square also exploded in an instant.

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