On the third day, Lou Muyan closed his eyes and used the spiritual power with green mist to repair the defect close to Yan Jun's heart.

In the past two days, she had warmed his heart to prepare for repair.

"I'm going to start repairing your heart next, you have to endure it again." Lou Muyan said before the start.

Yan Jun nodded: "Don't worry, I can bear it."

After Lou Muyan reminded him, he didn't say more. He cast the golden needle first to make his blood vessels go backwards, and the pressure of his heart continued to expand.

Yan Jun's body trembled, and the pain from the backward blood vessels in his whole body made him grit his teeth tightly. This kind of pain is indeed more than before, but as long as his heart disease can be cured, he will not give up.

Not long after, Yan Jun's red clothes were wet with sweat, and his face flushed abnormally.

Fortunately, the other team members were kicked out by Lou Muyan before she gave the needle, otherwise, seeing Yan Jun's appearance, she would definitely think she was making a fool of yourself.

Yan Jun was in unbearable pain, and his whole body trembled, but with that firm perseverance, he still gritted his teeth.

When the heart swelled to a certain size, it stopped automatically. Lou Muyan probed his mental power to find the missing place, and immediately injected the green mist into his body, and continued to circulate and repair along the heart.

Her hands were not idle, and she constantly changed the position of the golden needle to cooperate with the green mist to repair it. Most of the spiritual power in her body was quickly used up, and she took time to pour out a return to the spiritual pill to take and then heal.

Time passed by little by little, and after five hours, the backward blood vessels returned to normal, the flushing on Yan Jun's face gradually faded, and his complexion returned to the ruddy of a normal person.

The swollen heart shrunk back to its original size little by little, but with a little observation, you can see that the missing part of the heart has been filled in, and a layer of faint green energy surrounds it, nourishing the beating heart.

Lou Muyan pulled out the last golden needle, and only after finishing his work did he realize that his whole body was also wet with sweat.

She secretly sighed, it seems that this method is still very labor-intensive, but as long as she enters the Core Formation stage, she will be able to relax a lot, and she still can't wait to improve her cultivation.

After taking a pill, she sat cross-legged to recover her spiritual and physical strength.

Yan Jun opened his tightly closed eyes, full of ecstasy.

He used several Great Zhoutian Yuan Forces in his body and dantian, and found that his heart would no longer be weak and colic as if it couldn't bear the force. He knew that he was no doubt a normal person now.

"Your heart has only been repaired. In the past three days, you haven't used Yuanli for subtlety." Lou Muyan noticed that Yan Jun was running Yuanli in her body, and frowned as a reminder.

This man usually looks very stable, how can he not understand this kind of common sense?

Yan Jun suffered from a fragile heart since he was a child. He couldn't help but be overjoyed when he was suddenly cured. Hearing Lou Muyan's reminder, he immediately accepted Yuan Li, "Thank you for reminding me, I'm a little lost!"

Lou Muyan ignored it and sat quietly to recover.

Yan Jun stood up and moved his muscles, gave her a gentle look and walked out of the cave alone.

When Yan Jun came out, several people waiting outside the cave quickly surrounded him.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Yan Jun's face was full of red light, but his inner excitement calmed down a lot, "My heart disease has been cured!"

"What? Great!" The man who had asked Lou Muyan for help had an excited look on his face, "I didn't expect that woman to have such skills."

They were actually prepared for the failure of the healing outside the cave. Such a surprise was really great.

Yan Jun's thin lips pursed a smile, "She is indeed quite unexpected."

Not only was it unexpected but also hidden, he suspected that the third-grade medicinal herbs that Lou Muyan didn't care about were made by herself.

"Young Master, what shall we do next?" one of them asked.

Yan Jun stroked the position of the heart on his chest, and his face showed a rare tranquility, "Wait for her to rest before making plans. She is worthy of the Yan family's friendship."

"Based on her accomplishments in formations and pharmacists, it is indeed the best choice to befriend her," said a young man with few words among the five.

"Well, I have a plan in my mind."

The next day, Lou Muyan opened his eyes and stood up and walked out of the cave.

"Miss Lou, how are you recovering?" Yan Jun had been outside the cave, and when she saw her come out to show a smile, her indistinguishable handsome and evil face made the surrounding flowers dim and colorless.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "It's almost there, is there anything unusual about your body?"

"No, I feel that after the heart is healed, the whole person is much more relaxed." The bottleneck that he had suppressed for a long time has also begun to loosen, and I believe that it will be able to impact Jianzong in another month or two.

"That's good."

Yan Jun walked to Lou Muyan and handed her a storage bag: "I only have 50,000 spirit stones on me right now. I'll pay you the remaining 50,000 when I get out of the competition space."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan took the spirit stone unceremoniously, this Yan Jun is really rich.

"Miss Lou, I still owe you a favor, do you need to cash it now?" Yan Junqing leaned against the wall of the cave with a lazy expression.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "I owe the favor first, I can't use it now."

She had a feeling in her heart that she might be able to use Yan Jun's favor soon after she left the competition space.

Later facts also proved that her sixth sense was indeed accurate.

"Okay, just come to Yan Lie Empire to find me when you need it." Yan Jun also hoped that Lou Muyan would owe her favor a little longer, so that he would have more time to have a good relationship with her.

"Anything else for you? If not, I'm leaving." She had been out for a few days, and she wondered if Lou Mubai and others would be worried if they found out.

Yan Jun pondered and said with a smile, "We are going to find a secret place to practice. I wonder if Miss Lou has any good suggestions?"

"No." Lou Muyan answered decisively, she didn't want to go with the elite disciples of these superpowers, and it would be very troublesome for them to snatch the status jade.

Yan Jun touched his nose, he seemed to be disliked, and it was the first time that a woman would refuse his closeness. Lou Muyan was indeed a special woman.

"Then let's look for it ourselves." He didn't force it, but he said again as if remembering something, "Miss Lou, can you sell us some of the Huiling Pill and Peiyuan Pill you have?"

"What did you buy it with?" She didn't forget that the man said that all the spiritual stones on his body had been given to her.

Yan Jun has a few more magic tools in his hand, "How about using the sacred weapon with you?"

Lou Muyan swept the magic weapons in his hand, they were all primary sacred weapons, and the attacking ones were not too strong. Finally, his eyes fell on a small bell, "Is this bell a defensive sacred weapon?"

"Yes, in fact, it can be defended and attacked. This clock can release the soul to attack the three-breath time of sword masters of the same rank. If it is used well, it will be very useful in battle. It is the most satisfying piece of these holy weapons." Yan Jun He smiled softly.

Lou Muyan saw that he looked at these sacred artifacts as if he were looking at his own children, and he knew in his heart that these sacred artifacts were all made by him.

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