In the following month, Lou Muyan took a few spirit pets to challenge the territory of seventh-order monsters, successfully attracting the attention of the king in the mountains and forests.

In the second-class danger zone, under an abyss full of black qi, in a demon cave with abundant underground spiritual qi.

There was an old man with green beard sitting, with a man and a woman standing at the bottom.

"Wang, recently a human woman in the forest has killed us no less than ten seventh-order demon cultivators." The woman with a few slender red snakes coiled on top of her head spoke first, showing great respect to the old man in the seat.

The blue-bearded old man looked calm, raised his head and asked, "What is the strength of the dead seventh-order demon cultivator? What kind of cultivation is that human woman?"

"Reporting to the King, all those who died were demon cultivators in the early stage of the seventh order. According to the investigation, the woman was only a high-level sword emperor." The woman's face was a bit gloomy, and those wastes were really shameful.

The skinny man beside her had a dignified look in his eyes, "She should be the human swordsman who used an array to trap and kill monsters."

Lou Muyan's reputation has long passed into the ears of many demon cultivators, and the most famous is the formation trapped beast.

"It doesn't matter if she is that person or not, she dares to provoke us on the top of our mountain, so naturally she can't be let out alive." The woman snorted coldly.

The skinny man said nothing and looked directly at the old man above.

The old man stroked his green beard and smiled lightly: "Let her toss, and settle accounts together when the big battle is over."

The emperor had told them a long time ago that they were not allowed to kill the genius swordsman of human beings in person before the big battle.

Since the human female swordsman could kill the demon cultivator in the early stage of seventh-order, he sent out the demon cultivator at the peak of seventh-order, and she could escape even if she was defeated, so why bother.

If she accidentally kills a few late seventh-order demon cultivators, they will fall behind in the second-class danger zone during the big battle.

"Wang, do we just forget about it?" The woman obviously didn't want to be passive.

"Don't mention this again, as long as she takes the initiative to provoke you, you are not allowed to shoot." The blue-bearded old man's eyes turned cold and he warned.

The woman took a deep breath and muttered, "Yes!"

She really couldn't figure out why she wanted to let the human sword cultivator go. The seventh-order demon cultivators who were killed were all idiots. At this time, she desperately hoped that the woman would take the initiative to get into her hands.

After leaving the demon cave, the skinny man said to the woman before leaving, "For now, let's concentrate on training and wait for this decisive battle between humans and demons."

"Hmph, you don't have to pretend to be kind." The woman turned her head away and ignored it.

The man shook his head speechlessly, and disappeared into the sky in a flash.

The more the woman thought about it, the more annoyed her, her eyes were gloomy, and finally turned into a red light and went in the direction of Lou Muyan.

She is the female monk who doesn't like to see human beings arrogant on their territory.

At this time, Lou Muyan and the ice halberd who had transformed into a real body were guarding outside a grass, waiting for the blood to advance.

After swallowing the blood of a few seventh-order monsters, the blood finally broke through the shackles of the sixth-order and entered the seventh-order.

The woman felt the fluctuations of the spiritual energy of the world and accelerated her speed.

After half an hour, the blood body was tempered, the body's roots and stems were countless times larger, and the golden color of the main branch vine was even purer.

"Master, I succeeded." Xue exhaled excitedly.

Yaozhi is different from monsters. At the seventh rank, he can only speak human words but cannot transform into a human form. Only when he reaches the eighth rank can he transform into a human form, which fully reflects the difficulty of Yaozhi's cultivation.

"Yes, you can also take the medicinal pills I made." Lou Muyan smiled in a good mood.

The elixir she had previously refined with the crystal core of the seventh-order monster was only suitable for the monsters above the sixth-order, otherwise the violent power would be detrimental to the body, so neither Miaomiao nor Xue took it.

"Hmph, I'll be entering the seventh rank soon." Miaomiao stuck out a small head and said firmly.

Now she has the lowest cultivation level among all spiritual pets, so she shouldn't be the bottom.

Bingji rolled his eyes, "Little guy, your cultivation speed is already against the sky, right?"

Xiao Bai Jiao's cultivation speed is the fastest he has ever seen, and it took him a long time to follow his master to advance from the second-order monster to the late sixth-order stage. If it spreads out, he will not let other monsters live!

Even he was jealous and envious, who would have thought that this little thing would not be satisfied.

Sure enough, the master was too perverted, and none of the spiritual pets he followed were useless. He secretly decided that he could not be too bad and would not be lazy in the future.

"Miaomiao will be promoted soon, there are no ready-made resources to send to the door." Lou Muyan sneered and looked at the sky in the distance.

Sure enough, a moment after her voice fell, a red light **** came and fell in front of them and turned into a charming and unusual woman.

Snake Ji looked at the woman in purple on the opposite side with disdain in her eyes, "Are you the human swordsman who keeps beheading seventh-order demon cultivators in our forest?"

"So what?" Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows while holding her hands.

The demon cultivator on the opposite side is a late seventh-order snake clan, which is a bit tricky, but they are sure to win.

It just so happened that Miaomiao needed a seventh-order snake clan crystal nucleus to assist in the upgrade, and this demon cultivator came well.

"What a big breath, today I will throw you into the snake cave to taste the taste of ten thousand snakes eating your heart." She Ji snorted coldly.

A beautiful smile appeared on Lou Muyan's stunning face, as beautiful as a poppy with poison, "I really want to try it."

Snake Ji's eyes were cold, and she took the lead in launching the attack, her mouth moved, only to hear the sound of "chichi" immediately around.

Then countless red snakes quickly swam out of the mountains and climbed towards Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan swept the snakes on the ground casually, and when his mind moved, a wall of fire suddenly rose from all sides and engulfed the little snakes that came flying.

She Ji was stunned for a moment, she obviously underestimated Lou Muyan's strength, the coldness and killing intent in her eyes became stronger and stronger, and she turned into a giant red snake with red body as soon as she flew into the sky.

Snake eyes looked at Lou Muyan venomously, "You are lucky that I can reveal my body to kill you!"

Lou Muyan said amusingly: "I don't know why you always think of yourself so high, revealing your body to kill me, do I have to thank you?"

"Humph!" She Ji didn't say much, and swept down Lou Muyan with her violent tail.

Lou Muyan flew out of the way, and ten golden swords rose into the air and turned into a golden arc, slashing towards the tail of the snake.

After all, Snake Princess is a monster in the late seventh-order. Although her body is huge, her body is extremely flexible. Many of them avoid the sword arc and have a big mouth to bite at Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan stepped on the golden sword on his feet, and his hands were covered with a layer of pale red before throwing his fists, and the fighting spirit of his whole body was aroused.

At the same time, a group of people not far away were rushing towards the direction they were fighting.

"Master, the snake we are looking for is fighting with a human swordsman." One of them said excitedly.

The handsome man in black clothes in front raised an arc on his lips, "No hurry, we'll be that oriole today."

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