Lou Muyan observed that there was no hatred in Ji Xuan's expression, and his body was calm as before, without a trace of murderousness, and he had guesses in his heart.

"Do you want to avenge Ji Yu?" she asked tentatively.

Ji Xuan's originally waveless eyes revealed a bit of sarcasm, "Is he worthy?"

Ji Yu's mother secretly killed his mother-in-law. Ji Yu has been plotting to kill him since he was a child. If it weren't for the great opportunity and fate, he would have died in countless assassinations.

How could he possibly avenge that person, but unfortunately he didn't personally get to know Ji Yu.

"As expected, your brothers are at odds as rumored." Although Ji Xuan hid it well, Lou Muyan still caught the hatred in his eyes.

Ji Yu's temperament is gloomy and ruthless, and his mind is relatively narrow. He must have been embarrassed or framed Ji Xuan before in their country, otherwise this man with the same deep scheming would not be able to help show such hatred.

Ji Xuan didn't care what Lou Muyan thought of their brother's feelings, and said bluntly: "I actually want to thank Miss Lou for killing him."

"You're welcome, I don't think he is pleasing to the eye." If Ji Yu was compared with Ji Xuan, she would indeed be more disgusted with Ji Yu.

Ji Xuan in front of her made her a little hard to see through, and she didn't feel much disgust in her heart, but she would not despise him, and still beware of his shot, this man has definitely turned black.

"Miss Lou is an interesting person." Ji Xuan found that Lou Muyan was not like the woman he had ever known, either cold or tender, or savage and charming, in short, she made him unable to see clearly.

Lou Muyan swept the few people who stood out from the woods behind, looked at Ji Xuan deeply and asked, "Just tell me what business you want to do."

She found that several people had been searching for the seventh-order snake demon that they killed for a long time, and wanted to know if they had the idea of ​​killing people and stealing treasures.

"Miss Lou is really a cheerful person." Ji Xuan said with admiration in his eyes, straight to the point: "I want the snake guts of this snake. If Miss Lou can give up her love, I am willing to pay a sum of spirit stones, as long as I have other things. Yes."

"Can I ask why you want snake gallbladder?" Lou Muyan asked.

She didn't have the will to win the snake gall of this monster. She planned to use it to make wine, but she didn't like the bitter taste.

"The master is a sommelier. Before entering the competition space, he ordered me to collect the snake guts of the high-level demon snake. We also found the trace of this snake girl when we entered here." Ji Xuan said with a light smile.

It's just that they never thought that Lou Muyan would take the lead.

Lou Muyan raised her eyes and looked at him with a smile but not a smile and said, "So that's the case, I'm not interested in other things. How many spirit stones did you produce?"

Ji Xuan is Jianzong Xiuwei, and there is another member of Jianzong Xiuwei beside him.

She has a dispensable attitude towards snake gall, and as long as these people don't think of nuclei and poison sacs, it's okay for her to take a step back.

"How about 10,000 Spirit Stones?" Ji Xuan knew there was drama after hearing her say that.

Although Lou Muyan is only a person, the spirit pet around her is sixth-order but has the strength to fight seventh-order. It is said that there is a blood-sucking spirit pet that has not appeared. It's nothing to exchange for money.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows: "Twenty thousand spirit stones, take them if you want, or I won't accompany you if you don't."

If you can make a fortune, the auction in the central area is about to be held, and she only wants to show that she is not soft, but she is too lazy to fight with them.

"Don't be too aggressive, 10,000 spirit stones have already been given to you by my master." A man behind Ji Xuan looked at Lou Muyan angrily and said.

What qualifications does a high-level sword emperor have to bargain in front of his master? If they didn't see her kill Ji Yu and bring a few spirit pets by her side, they would have already done it.

Ji Xuan frowned slightly and used his eyes to stop the other people's actions that they were going to talk to.

Sure enough, as he thought, Lou Muyan snorted coldly and was about to put away the snake on the ground, as if he liked it or not.

"Miss Lou, do you think this snake gall is worth 20,000 spirit stones?" Ji Xuan said with a smile, his face unchanged.

Lou Muyan found that his self-cultivation was indeed much stronger than Ji Yu, "Isn't it worth it? This snake gall is not an ordinary snake gall, but a gall derived from a snake whose internal organs have mutated. If it is used to make spirit wine, there are eight The effect of the rank snake demon snake gall."

"Can I take a look?" Ji Yu's eyes flashed with surprise. Lou Muyan had never seen the snake gallbladder, how did he know it was mutated?

"Yes, in addition to the poison sac and crystal nucleus, the internal organs of this snake can be given to you, but not less than a cent of the 20,000 spirit stones." Lou Muyan said generously.

The corners of Ji Xuan's mouth twitched, why did he want those internal organs? It sounds like she is quite generous.

Seeing that Lou Muyan was the first to use the flying sword to take away the crystal nucleus and poison sac from the giant snake and put it away, he used his long sword to open the snake's belly and picked out the snake's gall to take a closer look.

He is also a sommelier himself, and has followed his master to make wine with snake gallbladder all the year round. He recognized at a glance that it was indeed a mutant snake gall, and he couldn't help but look at Lou Muyan a little higher.

"Miss Lou is also a sommelier?" He looked up and asked.

"Is the sommelier related to our transaction?" Lou Muyan replied with a smile.

Ji Xuan lowered his head and smiled, this woman is very wary of him!

"Okay, 20,000 spirit stones are sold, and I want the snake gall and these internal organs." The internal organs of snakes can also be soaked in wine, but the effect is not as good as that of snake galls, but these internal organs are all mutated, and the effect should be better than that of sixth-order snake monsters and snake galls. use.

He was also somewhat interested in the snake's venom sac. It could be seen from Lou Muyan's appearance that he paid more attention to the crystal nucleus and the venom sac.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Then you can take it all, but the body of this snake will not be given to you."

Take this snake lin back and ask the leather armorer to refine it into defensive leather armor, which can arm the relatives up and down the Lou family again, and naturally it will not be given to Ji Xuan.

Ji Xuan looked at her funny and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in snake bodies."

Although the snake lin was good for refining, he didn't want to fight with Lou Muyan because of something that could not be obtained, just because she thought Ji Yu was not pleasing to the eye and killed him, he did not want to kill her. Hold a good feeling.

Immediately, he put 20,000 spirit stones in a storage bag and threw them to Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan took the storage bag and didn't check it, she just put it away. She had already swept it over with her mental strength, so she wasn't worried that he was cheating.

Seeing that Ji Xuan had taken away the internal organs and snake gallbladder, she also put the corpse of the giant snake into the space ring.

"Prince Ji is also a cheerful person. I'll find you later if I have business. I'll leave first if I have something to do." Lou Muyan didn't want to stay here any longer.

Ji Xuan's face was sincere, "Okay, there will be a period later!"

After Lou Muyan's figure and aura completely disappeared in this mountain forest, the man behind Ji Xuan asked, "Master, we just let her go?"

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