Lou Muyan and others practiced in a canyon near the central city, waiting for the bait to be hooked.

Sure enough, after the dissemination of intentional people, their news quickly spread to the ears of the elite teams of various countries.

"Captain, we have already inquired about Lou Muyan."

"Is the news reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable, she and the two teams of small countries stayed in the Lufeng Grand Canyon."

"Go and assemble the troops to set off quickly, but don't let others get on the jade plate first."


Such conversations are ringing in various places in and outside the city.

In the private room of Xizhao Restaurant.

Luo Li repeated the inquiries and looked at Luo Ye with a slightly worried look, "Brother, so many people are playing the idea of ​​the jade card in Lou Muyan's hand, why don't we also go to the Grand Canyon to help her."

Si Nan's team had just returned from outside the city, and they came to the restaurant together after meeting Luo Li, and there was worry in his eyes.

"No, we're going to cause trouble." Luo Ye said lightly, playing with the moonlight cup in his hand.

Luo Li frowned, "How could it be causing trouble?"

"She deliberately led those people to go, we went to scare people away, be careful she beat you." Luo Ye spoke slowly.

Luo Li was startled, then twitched the corners of his mouth. If he really ruined that woman's good deeds, he might really be beaten.

"Brother, do you mean that she deliberately led those people there? Why did she do this?" Luo Li asked.

Si Nan looked at him with your idiotic eyes, "Lou Muyan's little fox definitely wants to lead those people to come to her door to give her a jade card."

After listening to Luo Ye's words, he also reacted. With Lou Muyan's intelligence, it was possible for everyone to know the news of his hiding. He couldn't think of any other purpose than to snatch the jade card.

Luo Ye reached out and patted his brother's shoulder, "If you care, you will be confused."

Lou Muyan has so many colored jade cards in her hands. Those from the big country and the Chinese elite team did not dare to provoke them, but they dared to rob her. Even if those people realized that she was releasing the news on purpose, they would not give up the idea of ​​robbing her. .

"Then why don't we go and have a look? If there are too many people, we can grab some along the way." Luo Li and Lou Muyan had been separated for several months, and a feeling of longing had never occurred in their hearts.

Luo Ye sighed, his brother was really sinking deeper and deeper.

"Okay, as you like."

Si Nan also wanted to see what tricks Lou Muyan wanted to play, so he decided to follow him secretly.

He Lianlie, Yan Jun, and Mo Ling also share the same thoughts with them.

On this day, Lou Muyan and several others were cultivating when suddenly a strange wave of Yuan force broke the calm of the canyon.

"They're here." Lou Muyan opened her eyes and said with a smile.

Ye Qinghan and the others were also gearing up, and it seemed that Que Que had already prepared for the test.

Their plan was very successful. As expected, two sword masters from the elite teams of the great powers came outside and fell into Lou Muyan's ecstasy formation.

She has now been promoted to the high-level sword queen, and her spiritual power is more mellow, and she can also set up a three-level magic circle to besiege and confuse the enemy.

Arrays are also divided into grades in this continent, from the first to the ninth level, and the formation masters above the fourth level are the targets of various forces to win over, and are very rare.

In the fascination array, those swordsmen would lose the sense of time for a stick of incense, and in the array, Lou Muyan incorporated Miaomiao's poisonous gas into it, making them move very slowly.

Soon the jade cards of the previous batches of troops were easily removed by them, and they hardly used much combat power.

"Mu Yan, your method of standing by and waiting for the rabbit is really useful." Ye Qinghan said after taking off the jade card of the opponent's last swordsman.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "It was they who acted greed first, we just fought back."

They introduced those people into the ecstasy formation, and after they were caught in Miaomiao's poison gas, they moved slowly, and then they entered the formation and grabbed the jade card.

However, she did not intend to kill, and after snatching the jade card, she did not hurt or kill anyone, waiting for them to automatically pass out of the competition space, and then continue to lure the second wave of people in.

"We won a lot of jade medals on the first day, and it is indeed much faster than us to take the initiative to attack." Yun Lan said with a smile.

Lou Muyan nodded: "More people will come in the next time."

Inside the central castle.

The elders of the six major sects couldn't help stroking their foreheads when they watched Lou Muyan's formation to lead the enemy into the depths. How could this girl's brain grow?

"Did she get the inspiration when she was besieging the beast tide? This way of standing still is fast, accurate, and ruthless." The elders of Jianzong showed some admiration in their eyes.

The burly old man of the Eight Extreme Sect lit up, "It's more than good! It's really good!"

If he was not mistaken, Lou Muyan arranged a third-level formation, such a talent would be an old disciple who could hire Mei to practice formations for many years in the Eight Extreme Sect.

The other people glanced at the excited Baji sect elder with disdain, and they wouldn't go to your Baji sect even if they were excited.

"Although they used tricks, they didn't snatch the space ring of the loser or cause massacres. Their hearts are really rare." Yaozong's elder smiled kindly, and his satisfaction with Lou Muyan soared.

The elder of the Imperial Beast Sect nodded and said: "It is indeed a good seedling, not only Lou Muyan, but also the three of them, Ye Qinghan, Lou Mubai and Yun Zimo, are also very good."

Ye Qinghan has already taken his fancy. If he can reach the top 100, he will let him directly enter the outer sect as a core disciple.

Lou Mubai and Yun Zimo have good talents and temperaments, but unfortunately they don't have the expertise to control beasts, but it doesn't matter.

Although one of the six major sects is particularly outstanding, there are other cultivation options within the sect.

For example, the Imperial Beast Sect also has branches such as formations, medicinal pills, and refining, among which there are many well-qualified disciples.

"Yun Zimo's kendo is righteous in line with our sword sect. If we can enter the finals, we will accept it." The elder of the sword sect said.

He said that the other elders didn't take it seriously, Jianzong saw that Yun Zimo really wanted to go to them, and he didn't lose, and he was not scrambled like Lou Muyan.

"We want this son of Lou Mubai from the Heavenly Secret Palace." The wise elder of the Heavenly Secret Palace said with a smile.

It's just that other people don't agree with his words. Lou Mubai is Lou Muyan's older brother, so it might affect Lou Muyan's choice, and they will have to fight for it. Besides, Lou Mubai's talent and Potential also deserves their attention.

"Let's see how the dark horse named Chu Han is doing." The elder of Haoyuezong suggested with an interesting smile.

The elders of other sects also showed interest. Apart from Lou Muyan this time, Chu Han was also the dark horse they wanted to compete for entering the sect.

The elders of the six major sects have already begun to discuss the attribution of their disciples, but Lou Muyan and others have ushered in a new enemy.

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