"Lou Muyan, you actually have a silver VIP token from the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce."

Lou Muyan turned around and saw Luo Lijun with a bright smile on his face, as if the sun in winter could shine into people's hearts.

"Is there anything special about the silver VIP order?" She actually didn't know anything about the Underworld Order.

Luo Li smiled and said: "The Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce has three types of Underworld Alliance Tokens: bronze, silver and gold. The bronze-colored tokens are VIP orders, the silver tokens are high-level VIP orders, and the golden tokens are top-level VIP orders. ."

"A sword master with a silver VIP Token takes pictures or buys items in the store under the Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce. Not only can they get 5% cheaper of the total value, but when their cultivation reaches a certain level, they can also be invited to the secret realm by the Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce. ."

"Secret realm invitation?" Lou Muyan asked with raised eyebrows.

"There are countless mysterious and secret places in the Tianling Continent. Not everyone can enter. It requires certain means and strength to open it. In addition to the six major sects with such strength, only a few top forces in the mainland can do it. arrive."

Luo Li paused and said: "Although the secret realm is accompanied by danger, the harvest is definitely worth taking the risk. However, such an opportunity is not available to everyone. I heard that the silver VIP order issued by the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce will not exceed 200. pieces."

"That's why you almost blinded our eyes with the silver VIP order in your hand." Si Nan leaned over and smiled slyly.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him, "It doesn't matter if you don't want those eyes."

Her face did not change, but she was thinking in her heart. After thinking about it, she felt that it was impossible for Ye Lao to give her a token of this level. The silver VIP Token in her hand must have been given to Ye Lao by Ming Xiu's servant.

Si Nan was stunned for a moment, then looked aggrieved, and phoenix eyes blinked, "If I'm blind, how can I appreciate beauty, especially a little beauty like you."

"Shameless and skinless." Lou Muyan gave him another look at him amusingly.

Before Si Nan could answer, he saw a shrewd-looking middle-aged man coming down from the second floor, led by the waiter, to Lou Muyan.

"Miss Lou, don't take offense if you are neglected, let's talk upstairs." The steward's attitude was very sincere.

The silver VIP order has everyone's identity and breath verification, so the Pluto Chamber of Commerce can use special means to identify the identity of the person who bears the order.

"Then it's troublesome." Lou Muyan smiled politely. Seeing the curiosity in Luo Li and others' eyes, she said to them, "If you want to listen, just follow."

The fact that she was going to auction the identity jade card was about to become public, and it would be good to have Luo Li and Si Nan as free labor as a deterrent.

When the two heard it, their eyes lit up, and they followed Lou Muyan to the second floor.

The steward took them to a private room on the second floor, sat down and ordered tea.

"I don't know what Miss Lou needs us to do?" the steward asked with a smile.

Lou Muyan enjoys a lot of privileges with the Silver VIP Token. As long as the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce can do it, the requirements must be met under normal circumstances.

Lou Muyan took a sip of tea and said lightly: "I want to borrow the venue to hold a small auction before your auction starts. It only takes an hour."

After hearing her words, everyone looked at her in a daze. Fu Chen and the others were puzzled. Didn't they agree to ask people from the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce to help with the auction?

However, Lou Muyan's shrewdness is not comparable to them, so they will support everything she does.

"I don't know what Miss Lou wants to auction? If there is any spiritual item to be auctioned, it can be auctioned by our Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce. You are a high-level VIP, and we will only charge half of the intermediate fee." The steward was very curious about Lou Mu. What is the idea of ​​cigarettes.

Lou Muyan's name has long been spread all over the city of the competition space, and they have also heard a lot about her, and with the silver token, he will be so polite to her.

"I want to auction the identity jade card needed in the rematch." Lou Muyan replied bluntly.

"Pfft!" Si Nan couldn't help but spit out a sip of tea, "Auction identity jade? You really can think of it."

The corners of Helianlie's mouth couldn't help twitching, this woman must be crazy about money.

Could it be that blackmailing the second prince gave her the inspiration to continue blackmailing others?

The steward was stunned for a moment, then said amusingly: "Miss Lou, are you sure you want to auction the jade badge? This is something you use to participate in the competition."

"Sure." Lou Muyan nodded, "There is no requirement in the rules of the competition space that the jade cards obtained must be robbed, right? There is no prohibition on buying and selling, so I will not violate the rules of the competition if I sell them."

She bluntly expressed her thoughts, and it is better to put such a thing on the bright side.

"..." Others have a black line, is it really okay for you to take advantage of this and be known by the organizer?

"That's true." After all, the steward is an elite of the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce, and he has no shortage of business acumen. At this time, he is also a little excited, but Lou Muyan dares to do such a business, but their Chamber of Commerce is not easy to make this kind of money.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for the one-hour rented venue." Seeing the steward, she added hesitantly.

If you don't help the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce to auction, there will still be a large amount of intermediate fee left, and Luo Li and others took the initiative to join in as coolies, she doesn't need to be a fool, so she changed her original intention.

"There is no need for the venue fee. You are our Silver Token Senior VIP. I can still give this convenience." The steward replied with a smile without hesitation.

Lou Muyan's holding the silver token is definitely not simple, there is even a secret, but he does not dare to explore it.

As far as he knows, even the sword masters in the entire Tianling Continent may not be able to get a bronze token, let alone a special silver token.

Since Lou Muyan has this ability, he naturally won't miss the chance to make good friends for petty profits. No matter whether it is useful or not, there is nothing wrong with showing goodwill.

Lou Muyan knew his thoughts and did not reject his kindness, "Then I would like to thank the steward, I don't know your surname?"

"It's down the river." The smile on the steward's face was more sincere.

Lou Muyan's ability to get the silver token must have something to do with some or a certain high-level executive of the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce. If she says a few good things about him, he will hopefully be transferred back to the headquarters.

"There is steward Lao Jiang who has arranged for us now." Lou Muyan said with a smile.

Manager Jiang nodded and ordered a few words to the waiter, and then personally took Lou Muyan and others to an auction venue in the lobby on the first floor.

"Luo Li, Si Nan, He Lianlie, it's time for you to play a role." Lou Muyan frowned and looked at the three with a smile.

There was a smile in Luo Li's eyes, and he was very happy to be able to help Lou Muyan, "Just tell me."

Si Nan and He Lianlie glanced at each other, scolding Luo Li in their hearts.

"It's okay to help, but there is a condition." Si Nan leaned over and smiled affectionately.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and asked, "Tell me."

This fox, Si Nan, is not a simple kitten like Luo Li.

As Lou Muyan expected, Si Nan's next sentence was, "We also have the remaining identity jade cards in our hands. How about auctioning them together with the light of the little beauty?"

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