Lou Muyan lowered her eyes and pondered, but Lei Huang did not urge him.

Lei Huang's cultivation base is less than tenth order and cannot go out alone, but as long as he contracts with her to become a spiritual pet, he can no longer be bound by this space.

No wonder he kept asking her about the equality contract when he was in the Luoxia Mountains, and he showed joy when he learned that he could act freely.

Signing an equal contract with her spiritual pets is also a way to buy the hearts of beasts. The forced bondage makes them truly loyal when they surrender, but it is not the same as the loyalty of Xinyue surrender.

And she never likes to be forced to do things, even when it comes to contract spiritual pets.

"Promise him." Mo Yan's voice sounded in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Lou Muyan asked in surprise, "Why?"

Mo Yan rarely intervenes in her affairs, and she must have her own reasons for being able to make her promise so decisively.

"Thunder beast is one of the royal mutant monster beast groups in the upper interface. After the tenth order, there will be a second mutation, and the strength is very strong."

"I felt the bloodline of the Thunder Beast Royal Family on him. His identity is not simple, and he may help you in the future."

"He has flown to this interface with this space since he was a cub, which means that he may have been born here. I always feel that there are some secrets hidden here."

"How do you judge that he was born here? The hatred in his eyes just now was very strong, but it was not aimed at the great powers of human beings. I think it should be related to his background." Lou Muyan asked inexplicably.

Mo Yan replied: "The spiritual energy in this space is so rich, if you can stay for a long time, your human mighty sword masters would probably have organized people to come in to cultivate."

"You mean there is a time limit for entering here?"

"Well, all alien beings in this space can only stay for a year and a half at most, and they will be forcibly spread out when the time is up, so if Lei Huang was born here, he is closely related to this place."

"Does this have anything to do with the contract with him?" Lou Muyan frowned, "The contract means big trouble, and those human powers will not allow him to leave here."

Her current strength is simply not enough to fight against those human powers.

"Because he has a great connection with this place, he will definitely be able to use the blindfold method to deceive those human powers, and then the body will follow you out of here."

"The most important thing is that he should be cultivating a kind of secret magic power, which is very bloody and dark, but it can help him break through the tenth order and escape the shackles of this space and human formation."

"If at that time, he will definitely take revenge when he goes out. If he cultivates the secret method and the tenth-order cultivation base, the so-called great powers of you humans will not be his opponents at all, and the whole continent will be swept up in blood by him. wind."

"That kind of secret method requires the blood of a human swordsman to condense into a blood pool for him to absorb the essence, and your family may suffer."

"He is only at the first level of cultivation. After learning that you can help him, he chose to temporarily stop. This shows that although he has hatred in his heart, his humanity has not been destroyed, and he is not a demon cultivator who likes to kill."

"But if you reject him, with his deeply buried hatred, it will go to the extreme. After cultivating the secret method, it will be a big problem to leave this space."

Lou Muyan frowned deeply, if that's the case, it's really tricky.

"Your equal contract technique should still have a secret technique, right? You are the next to him during the contract. If he dares to kill innocent people or arbitrarily influence this small interface in the future, you can also restrain him."

Mo Yan pondered for a while and then continued to speak, "This is a method of killing two birds with one stone, which is most beneficial to you, and the big opportunity he gave you might have some surprises."

Lou Muyan's drooping eyes flashed, and the corners of her lips raised an arc, "What is your identity, Mo Yan?"

The equality contract technique stipulates that humans and monsters make contracts based on an equal relationship, but after all, this technique was created by ancient human monks, and it is naturally more beneficial to the human side.

After the contract, spiritual pets can't kill their masters at all, otherwise they will be rejected by the laws of heaven and earth. But human beings are not affected by this. Although spiritual pets cannot be killed directly, there are several secret techniques that can suppress disobedient spiritual pets.

Mo Yan's insights and knowledge are not what an ordinary royal monster should have.

"My identity will be known when you leave this small interface." Mo Yan replied lightly.

"Okay, I'll wait for the day you speak." Lou Muyan believes that Mo Yan's identity is definitely not simpler than Lei Huang.

Mo Yan's eyes were stained with a little smile, "Yes."

After talking with Mo Yan, Lou Muyan looked up at Lei Huang and asked, "I will take your contract out of this space. If the almighty human finds out, they won't let you and me go, right?"

"Don't worry about this, our Thunder Beast Clan has a magical power that can confuse the breath. I will put a clone here to ensure that they can't identify the true and false." Lei Huang raised his eyebrows slightly, full of confidence.

"Do they know about your avatar in the Luoxia Mountains?" Lou Muyan asked after thinking for a while.

Lei Huang shook his glass, "They only know that there is a ninth-order demon cultivator in the Luoxia Mountains, but they don't know who I am, otherwise they would have joined forces and used various methods to kill him."

"That's good!" Lou Muyan nodded.

There must be his own secret in Lei Huang's ability to go out and cultivate to the ninth order, and she will not touch it.

The main body cultivation is less than tenth order, and the clone/body will naturally be affected and stuck at the bottleneck, so Lei Huang wants to break through the tenth order and pursue higher cultivation strength, he must go out from here.

"You don't have to worry about the power of human beings. Since I have signed an equal contract with you, I will naturally be restricted by the laws of heaven and earth and will not be able to harm you. I will not believe that your techniques are truly equal."

Lei Huang looked at her with a half-smiling smile and added: "I'm willing to choose to believe you, take a gamble, don't you dare to gamble?"

"There's nothing to bet on." Lou Muyan chuckled and raised her eyebrows: "Then let's talk about the trading conditions."

"You have a contract with me, and I will give you a great opportunity, but after going out, although the contract cannot be lifted, you cannot restrict my freedom." Lei Huang's lazy expression was serious.

Lou Muyan curled the corners of her lips. After she went out, she wanted him to get out of trouble as soon as possible. Naturally, he would not restrict his freedom.

"Besides the big chance, you have to promise to help me do three things." She smiled meaningfully, the stars in her eyes lit up amazingly.

In Lei Huang's bottom line, if she can squeeze every point, she won't let him slap his butt so cheaply and easily and leave.

"Which three things?" Lei Huang's deep eyes showed a little more vigilance.

This woman is a little fox who will fall into her trap if she is not careful.

"I haven't figured it out yet, I'll save it for later use." Seeing that Lei Huang's expression changed slightly, she continued with a smile: "Don't worry, what you have to do will definitely be within your ability."

"Okay! I promise you." Emperor Lei gave a wry smile. Does he still have a choice?

In addition to contracting with Lou Muyan, he did have another choice, but he didn't want to practice that kind of magic.

"The lightning element in your body has awakened, right?" Lei Huang looked at her deeply and asked.

Lou Muyan didn't hide it, "Yes."

"That's right, the big chance I gave you is related to the thunder attribute."

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