Xiao Junyao was dodging from Lou Mu's firework attacks, but who knew that a vine suddenly entangled in his feet, he couldn't avoid it, and he was pulled and fell heavily under the battle platform.

The old man on the pillar gave Lou Muyan a thoughtful look and announced the result: "Lou Muyan wins and enters the final round."

The mechanical voice immediately resounded in the building: "Lou Muyan wins!"

On the other side of the battlefield, Luo Ye and Chu Li both heard this voice, and they couldn't help but be surprised.

Lou Muyan actually beat Xiao Junyao.

Chu Han looked at the silver-clothed man in Tsinghua University with a dark expression, and a smile appeared on his stern face, "Since both sides have already decided the winner, there is no need to delay here, take out Fight me with your strongest strength."

"Okay!" Luo Ye's unhurried voice was very pleasant.

After watching the battle between Lou Muyan and Xiao Junyao, the swordsmen in front of the crystal wall were once again stunned!

"This, this is the loss?" One of Xiao Junyao's team members said in disbelief.

"This is too unexpected. Lou Muyan can defeat Xiao Junyao, I feel unreal now." One of them touched his chest and said.

"Lou Muyan's tricks and methods are too many, Xiao Junyao is not guarded at all." Someone complained.

"There are so many tricks and tricks, that's because Lou Muyan has this ability, and you can make Xiao Junyao so embarrassed?" People who had already developed admiration for Lou Muyan retorted.

"That's right, Xiao Junyao is not wronged to lose."

"How to say?"

"Didn't you see that the battle situation was under Lou Muyan's control from the very beginning?"

"The more Xiao Junyao fights, the more embarrassed he is, but Lou Muyan is still calm. Even if he doesn't lose now, as time goes by, his Yuan force will not be able to support the consumption of magic weapons, and he will inevitably be knocked down by Lou Muyan." The elite swordsman of the superpower opened his mouth.

"I really can't see that this woman, Lou Muyan, is hiding so deeply." Many people sighed in their hearts.

"Lou Muyan hides deeply, and the one named Chu Han hides even more deeply."

"You see Luo Ye was injured by him."

"Luo Ye actually lost!"

"What is the origin of Chu Han? Now he hasn't even pulled out the giant sword on his back."

"The biggest dark horse this year is probably Chu Han."

"Lou Muyan has a lot of interest in Chu Han. When two dark horses collide, who do you think will win?"

"Naturally, it's Chu Han. You didn't see that he made a clean shot in every battle, and his strength has not been fully exerted. He is ruthless and accurate in dealing with each opponent. Such an opponent is too scary."

"I'm also optimistic about Chu Han. With absolute strength, all kinds of tricks may not be effective."

"I am more optimistic about Lou Muyan. After all, she has always been a blockbuster since the beginning of the competition space!"

"Chu Han has been firmly in the first place since the first round. To say that he is a blockbuster, he will not give up too much, but he is not as much right and wrong as Lou Muyan, and his reputation is not as loud as hers."


After Luo Ye lost to Chu Han, the swordsmen present were discussing who would win the match between Lou Muyan and Chu Han.

One of the sword masters who loves to gamble opened the game on the spot, and two-thirds of the people bought Chu Han to win.

Although Lou Mubai and others didn't like to gamble, they believed in Lou Muyan, so they put all their belongings on her.

Watching a group of people betting in the big room, the organizers who were guarding all around were scratching their hearts.

There were also small bets in private, and most of them were won by Chu Han.

In fact, most people think that Chu Han will win is also justified.

First, Chu Han's cultivation is a high-level sword sect, Lou Muyan is a high-level sword emperor, and he is a whole level higher than her.

Second, Chu Han was vigorous and resolute in the previous battles, with few tactics but extremely effective, huge momentum, and very ruthless moves; and Lou Muyan, despite all the tricks, always gave people a feeling that his real strength was not very good. Winning is less thrilling peril.

After all, most of the sword masters present were used to fighting with magic weapons and Yuan Li, and the layered methods like Lou Muyan could not be played at all.

Therefore, deep-rooted in their hearts, they all believe that Chu Han's fighting style is the embodiment of real strength. Lou Muyan's kind of short-term may be successful, but once others are prepared, it will be difficult to win.

"Tomorrow, Lou Muyan and Chu Han will fight, and the other two groups will fight first." The referee's voice sounded timely.

Although the match was delayed until the next day, Lou Muyan and Chu Li were not allowed to leave their room.

After the two of them fought, they started to adjust their status after taking the pills.

On the same day, the last five also decided the ranking, but not many people paid attention.

Sinan and the others left the closed room after the match, and waited with the others to watch the last match of the second day.

Of course, as Lou Muyan's admirers or friends, they naturally spent a lot of money to beat Lou Muyan to win.

First, they always felt that Lou Muyan would not lose so easily. She had more than half of her hopes of winning. The odds are now one to five.

Second, if Lou Muyan's sly and careful woman came out and knew that they were crushing Chu Han instead of her, they would probably be beaten one by one.

What kind of treatment, after buying medicinal herbs, will definitely become a cloud.

In the central castle, the elders of the six major sects are not calm.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that Lou Muyan and Chu Han would be the last to compete for the first place." An elder of the Tianji Sect couldn't help but sigh.

Xiao Junyao was already an official disciple of the Heavenly Secret Palace, and they had always held great hopes for him.

In the competition for third place, Luo Ye defeated Xiao Junyao, which was acceptable, but the sudden appearance of Chu Han and Lou Muyan caught them by surprise.

"Haha, I said that this girl Lou Muyan will be a blockbuster, you old people still don't believe it." The strong and sturdy elder of the Eight Extreme Sect laughed a few times and glanced at the elders present.

"Hmph, what are you doing? Even if Lou Muyan wins the championship, she is not a disciple of your Baji Sect." The elder of Haoyue Sect snorted coldly.

Between Chu Han and Lou Muyan, he is more optimistic about Chu Han. Compared with Lou Muyan, Chu Han is the swordsman they have to spend a lot of effort to win over.

"Even if Lou Muyan didn't choose the Baji sect, he wouldn't choose you sects who only know how to use brute force." The elders of the Baji sect and the elders of the Haoyue Sect have not dealt with each other for a long time.

"So don't argue anymore. Lou Muyan is a woman who used wood-attribute Yuan Li when she first came out. It is most suitable to come to our Medicine Sect to learn alchemy."


"Enough. As for the ownership of Lou Muyan and Chu Han, they must have already made a choice in their hearts. No matter how much you quarrel, it's useless."

Seeing that the elders of several major sects were arguing for candidates again, the wise elder from Tianji Palace frowned slightly to stop him.

Not only was he in the Heavenly Secret Palace, but he was also extremely prestigious among the six major sects, so after he opened his mouth, the elders of each sect no longer quarreled about robbing people.

"Hmph, Haoshan old man, do you dare to gamble with me?" The elders of the Baji Sect couldn't help but provoke the elders of the Haoyue Sect when they saw that the juniors started gambling.

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