The sword fight between Chu Han and Lou Muyan surprised and shocked the audience.

In the central castle, the elders of Jianzong stared at the two of them, with a smile on their originally serious faces.

"Good seedling!"

He decided in his heart that no matter what, he would draw the two of them into the Sword Sect after the finals. Others might not see it, but the sword realm that was triggered naturally when the two used sword skills was not something that ordinary sword cultivators could comprehend.

The elders of the other sects glanced at him, and they naturally knew if they were good seedlings, and they didn't need to remind him.

However, because of the previous warning from the elders of Tianji Palace, this time the elders did not quarrel over the matter of the two, but secretly had their own plans.

With the talent that Lou Muyan and Chu Han are showing now, if they want to get them into the sect, they will have to increase their stakes.

On the battlefield, Chu Han narrowed his long eyes and said, "Lou Muyan, if you can force me to use Yinfeng, you are indeed very good."

"Yinfeng? Is it the giant sword on your back?" Lou Muyan could hear that Chu Han had a slight emotion towards the name Yinfeng.

"Yes, I haven't used it for three years. In the competition space, you are the first to make it reproduce." Chu Han nodded.

Lou Muyan chuckled, "Isn't it a great honor for me!"

The giant sword on Chu Han's back is extraordinary, this is her first impression after seeing Chu Han.

"Lou Muyan, I will do my best, and I hope you don't hold back any longer." Chu Han pulled out the giant sword on his body from the scabbard, and an aura of deep cold instantly spread across the entire battlefield.

"Okay!" Lou Muyan replied decisively.

She will respect an opponent like Chu Han. If he can really force out her trump card, she will show it in front of everyone.

After Chu Han drew his sword, a swordsman watching the battle shouted in shock, "Deep Sea Xuanbing Iron!"

"It's no wonder that he doesn't use his sword easily. It turns out that his sword is made of deep-sea black ice iron." Someone was staring at Chu Han's dark giant sword with a cold light.

Luo Ye smiled bitterly: "So he still has such a backhand."

"Brother, will Lou Muyan lose!" Luo Li asked worriedly.

"From now on, it seems that she and Chu Han have the same strength, but it is not easy to infer that Chu Han used the giant sword made of deep-sea black ice iron. The weapon can not only increase his Yuan force attribute, but also the sword body can be unified." Luo Ye said calmly.

The grade of the deep-sea black ice iron was no worse than the long sword made by Lou Muyan's extremely cold gold crystal, and it was even better in terms of amplification.

After all, Lou Muyan's long sword is metallic, but she is now a master of both fire and wood attributes. Naturally, the boosting effect is relatively small, and it cannot exert its strongest power.

The deep-sea black ice iron is a rare earth-level spiritual object that is rarely encountered in a thousand years. It is hidden in the deep sea and is very difficult to find.

As long as the sword master you hold is cultivated up, the perception of the ice element power attribute reaches the perfect state, and after the human and sword are united, it can be frozen for thousands of miles.

The double-edged sword in Chu Han's hand was engraved with intricate patterns, which would make people dizzy if they looked closely. It was obviously a hidden high-level formation.

"Made of deep-sea black ice and iron, and there are also formations and restrictions blessed by the fourth-level formation wizard. If your sword is added to heavy water and re-refined, I am afraid that it will reach the level of the best holy treasure." Lou Muyan couldn't help it. A compliment.

For swordsmen who practice ice-attribute element exercises, the natal magic weapon made of deep-sea black ice iron can definitely rank the top three in the first choice.

Her ice attribute perception is only at the beginner level, and even if she has a deep-sea black ice iron, she can't control that icy aura.

But it can be considered in the future, after all, she can understand all the laws of heaven and earth, and the natal instrument also needs all attributes.

Chu Han twitched the corners of his mouth. Heavy water is a spiritual item that a swordsman strongman has spent decades refining, and it also requires the swordsman to be proficient in the water element attribute. It's as easy as eating.

"Do you have heavy water in Miss Lou? I can buy it at a high price."

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "I can consider selling one to you after I refine it."

"..." This sentence made a cold person like Chu Han couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Can a swordsman who can't even comprehend the law of water element refine heavy water? What a joke.

His eyes shrank slightly. Could it be that Lou Muyan still possesses the Law of Water Origin Power?

Then he shook his head, Lou Muyan was already a three-attribute swordsman at such a young age, how could he even understand the water element, and that would prevent other younger swordsmen from living.

"Then I'll wait for Miss Lou's heavy water." Although Chu Han didn't think Lou Muyan could really make it, he didn't show it on his face.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's keep fighting." Lou Muyan nodded with a smile.

As long as she breaks through the foundation building and condenses the golden core, she will deeply understand the water attribute Yuanli who has reached the realm of comprehension for a period of time. When she reaches the realm of comprehension, it is not difficult for her to refine heavy water.

Chu Han didn't say more, holding the dark hilt in both hands and waving it a few times in the air.

The double-edged sword made by the deep sea Xuanbing is very heavy and requires a strong physique to use, which is one of the reasons why he works hard in physique.

The giant sword was only swung a few times, and the temperature around it dropped suddenly, and a thin layer of ice was instantly covered on the battlefield.

The icy sword qi formed a vortex and swept away towards Lou Muyan.

The ice attribute sword energy this time was not comparable to the previous snowflakes. It was simply a battle between Haoyue and Firefly Light.

Wherever the vortex goes, there is no omission of ice.

This time, Lou Muyan didn't wait for the ice to come as she did last time. She compared a few strange seals with her hands in the air, and the golden long sword in front of her instantly transformed into a golden wall to temporarily isolate the whirlpool in front of her.

Then she tapped her toes, stepped back a few meters, and jumped onto a stone pillar.

Standing on the stone pillar, she continued to form seals. When the golden wall was frozen by the cold and frost, and the vortex was weakened a little, but it was raging, she put a palm, and a cluster of orange flames beat in her palm.

In the middle of the orange flame, there was a faint cyan light beating, as if it couldn't wait to jump out.

"You really have spirit fire." Chu Han narrowed his eyes slightly, his face darkened.

As soon as Lou Muyan's orange flame came out, the surrounding temperature rose sharply, covering the icy cold.


The orange firebirds flew out of her palms continuously, and they flew towards the vortex with their heads raised and chirping.

The icy cold air of the whirlpool quickly dodged as if it had encountered some natural enemy after the firebird swooped in, and strands of white gas emerged.

Firebird's humanized eyes showed a gleam of fierceness, obviously not ready to let go of the vortex that was dodging, and one by one, they got into it like moths to the flames.

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