Lou Muyan was stared at by seven pairs of fiery eyes, her expression was natural, and she was still calm.

The other swordsmen present also turned their attention to Lou Muyan. The elders of the six sects offered such good conditions to Chu Han, and even more to Lou Muyan.

None of the elders of the major sects spoke first, wanting to hear the conditions of the other party's offer, and then add their own chips.

Lou Muyan looked at them in astonishment and waited for a while. Just as he was about to say his choice, the elder of Haoyue Sect took the lead.

"Little girl Lou, I know you are a body cultivator, and the best physique training books in Tianling Continent are all in our Haoyue Sect."

"If you join our sect, I can make the decision to let you choose a heaven-level body cultivation method and provide you with the animal blood you need to be promoted to Juggernaut."

Such a bargaining chip is not a big deal, but they will not be stingy with geniuses and other sects with deep roots.

Hearing the inhalation of the swordsman behind, Lou Muyan smiled faintly and did not answer immediately.

As far as she knows, the Tianjie body training method can be exchanged as long as it reaches a certain contribution value of the sect, and it is only a copy of the method.

And being able to provide beast blood to advance to Juggernaut is just an invisible cake, monks can't use beast blood to refine the body frequently, even body repair is the same.

If she can't be promoted all the time, then the consumption of beast blood will naturally not be much, and if she is really promoted to Juggernaut, then the sect will have an extra strong person, and the beast blood she paid before will naturally be rewarded.

Of course, this is a win-win situation, and few Haoyuezong will not be tempted by throwing this kind of bait, but she is an exception.

The elders of Jianzong saw that the elders of Haoyuezong said that Lou Muyan was unmoved, and there was a smile on his serious face, "Little girl Lou, your sword formation is very good, but there is still room for improvement. ."

"As long as you choose Jianzong, you can choose a set of this sect's Heaven-ranked sword formation or swordsmanship to practice, and the resources allocated for normal practice are doubled."

"Little girl Lou, your fire and wood dual element attributes have been completed, and you were born for alchemists."

"If you join the Medicine Sect, I can let you go to the sect's dan pavilion to read the pill recipes under the sixth rank, and you can remember as many as you can. Of course, you can also choose one of the heaven-level exercises in the sect. ." Yaozong's elder said with a gentle smile, not to be outdone.

Pill recipes are the foundation of alchemy masters. The reason why there are no alchemists above the fifth rank is because of the lack of pill recipes. Let Lou Muyan read the pill recipes below the sixth rank, which is one of the highest rewards.

If it weren't for her talent, he wouldn't dare to make such a decision for the sect.

The elder of the Royal Beast Sect glanced at a few people and said with a smile: "Little girl, Lou, you are so strong in spirit and know how to contract, so it is not suitable for you to be a spirit beast master."

"As long as you join our Beast Master Sect, you can choose a copy of the Heavenly Rank exercises, and you can learn the secret techniques of the three beasts, and you can also read the detailed books of the mainland monsters."

Seeing that the conditions for opening other sects are so rich, the elders of Tianji Palace thought about it and said with a kind smile: "Little girl Lou, our Tianji Palace is the first of the six sects, and there is no shortage of exercises, secret techniques, and resources. , as long as you have enough strength, you can get unexpected rewards."

After listening to Chu Han's rejection of Sword Saint Inner Sect Elder's proposal to accept him as an Inner Sect disciple, he found that these people were very proud, and they were more keen on the resources they were competing for. This was also the foundation of Tianji Palace.

"Of course, if you choose to join the Heavenly Secret Palace, you will not only be able to choose a heaven-ranked exercise, but also get a middle-grade holy treasure." After a while, he added: "If you want to worship the swordsman of the sect It is also possible for a strong person to be a closed-door disciple as a teacher."

Lou Muyan may not want to be a teacher like Chu Han, but he can't favor one over the other, so naturally he has to add this one.

Hearing that the elders of the six major sects offered such generous conditions only to win over Lou Muyan to choose a sect, many people became jealous.

Lou Muyan should be the first person in many Tianling Continent Tournaments to be so highly valued by the sect.

Although she is envious and hateful, she has to admit that her talent is indeed against the sky. The most important thing is that she is not even eighteen years old. If the sect has vigorously cultivated her, it is not impossible for her to be promoted to Juggernaut.

This is the difference between people. They are desperately trying to enter the sect to become the core disciple of the outer sect, and then they have to practice desperately to improve their strength and participate in the selection of the inner sect of the sect.

After entering the inner sect, they have to work desperately to earn contribution points in exchange for rewards such as heaven-rank exercises, and hope to get the attention of an elder, and it is even better if they can be accepted as inner sect disciples.

But people Lou Muyan can get these before entering the sect, how can this not make people jealous.

Seeing that the elders of the other sects were throwing the bait, the elder of the Eight Extreme Sect rolled his eyes, his face still smiling like a splendid chrysanthemum.

"Little girl Lou, the conditions put forward by those old people are actually not that rare. Heavenly rank exercises can be exchanged with the contribution value of the sect. As long as you contribute to the sect, the secret method can also be obtained by yourself, it is meaningless. ."

The corners of the mouths of the elders of the other five sects twitched, and Ao Rong, the immortal old man, was standing and talking without back pain.

It is an exception for them to offer so many attractive and rich conditions. The first is that Lou Muyan's talent is worth cultivating, and the second is that he has to fight for the sect.

How come to his mouth, the cultivation method of Tianjie is as ordinary as Chinese cabbage.

"Ao Rong, don't mislead them indiscriminately, in the sect, you can indeed exchange contribution points for exercises and other things, but the contribution point is also amazing, how can it be so easy to exchange?" The elders of the medicine sect frowned unhappy. looked at Ao Rong and said.

The elder of the Haoyue Sect nodded in agreement: "I see that you, an immortal, say that the grapes are sour if you can't eat the grapes. Your Baji Sect is the bottom of the six sects, and you slander us if you can't get so many rewards. You are so embarrassed to say it."

In addition to the wise elders of the Tianji Sect, the elders of several other sects also agreed.

"Ao Rong, what kind of reward do you want to give Lou Xiao girl to enter the sect? Also tell us how rare it is." The elder of Haoyue Sect continued with a smile, waiting to see him make a fool of himself. looks like.

Ao Rong snorted coldly and glanced at a few people lightly, "At least not as superficial as you guys."

"Little girl Lou, I won't mention anything to you first. Why don't you mention what you want? If it is within a reasonable range, our Eight Extreme Sect can do it, so I will promise you three conditions, how?" Lou Muyan smiled very amiably.

After hearing his words, Lou Muyan knew that this elder was very clever and cunning, and agreed to three conditions within a reasonable range.

But since she has decided to join the eighth-level sect, she will naturally not refuse the benefits that come to her door.

"Is it possible that I can offer all the conditions within the reasonable scope of the sect's ability?" Lou Muyan blinked and smiled and looked at Ao Rong.

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