As soon as Si Nan arrived at the palace, he took Lou Muyan to a remote but quiet and gorgeous palace.

Lou Muyan also hoped to get rid of the poison as soon as possible and go back, so let him be so anxious.

When walking into a bedroom of the palace, I happened to meet a middle-aged man wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and walked out with a look of excitement and exhaustion on his face.

When he saw Si Nan, he paused, his eyes burst with excitement, and he shouted cautiously, "Nan'er, you are back!"

He just heard that his son had entered the top ten of the Tianling Continent Tournament, and he couldn't help but get excited.

When Si Nan saw the man, he returned to his heartless cynicism. He took out a gold leaf folding fan and fanned it, and his indistinguishable handsome face was full of irony, "Aiya, today's blow What kind of wind is it! It's actually blowing the father, the emperor, who is in charge of every day."

He called out to the emperor, but there was irony in his face and eyes, and his tone was not very respectful.

Lou Muyan stood beside Si Nan without speaking or salute. She could see that Si Nan had a kind of disdainful hatred for the emperor, maybe it was hatred after love and respect, so it was so strong that even she felt it. his resentment.

As a friend, even if the other party is the emperor of a superpower, she will definitely be on Si Nan's side.

Moreover, looking at the situation, the poison in Si Nan's mother and concubine is absolutely inextricable from the emperor. Lou Muyan is more disgusted with scumbags, even her uncle is not pleasing to the eye.

If it wasn't to make her aunt feel better and let her aunt learn to be self-reliant, otherwise she would have cleaned up the so-called Emperor Yan Zhou who had a compelling reason.

On the one hand, these men say that they love a certain woman deeply, and on the other hand, they have to constantly accept other women. They also claim that in order to balance the power in the palace, even if the woman they love is hurt, they are just pretending to express their affection. for what?

Situ Yi, the emperor of Rui'an Kingdom, listened to Si Nan's sarcasm and his expression did not change, as if he had known it would happen. He sighed and said, "Whether you believe it or not, the poisoning of your mother and concubine is the last thing I want to see."

"Then go and kill the mother and son to vent your anger for my mother and concubine." Si Nan immediately put away his smile and said coldly.

Situ Yi's eyes shrank, frowned and said, "Is it true that Concubine Xian's poison has no evidence at all. If you kill her just based on your speculation, how can you convince the public? Besides, Yu'er is your own biological son. Brother, I don't expect you to be brothers and sisters, but I don't want you to kill each other."

Seeing Si Nan's face getting colder, Situ Yi immediately added: "If your mother can wake up or you can find enough evidence, I will punish Concubine Xian as you wish."

"Hmph, after all, you just can't bear the mother and son, even if they are murderers, you have to protect them, hypocrisy!" Si Nan snorted coldly, grabbed Lou Muyan's arm, and quickly entered the bedroom.

How obvious is the evidence back then? Concubine Xian, the woman cried and knelt outside the hall for a few days, and the man really believed in her innocence. It was really disgusting to him.

Situ Yi's face sank. The woman he loves has been in a drowsiness for ten years. If he can't find a cure, he may gradually lose his vitality.

Concubine Xian has been with him for so many years. Even if she doesn't love her, she still has feelings for her. The most important thing is that the evidence is not enough now. How can she be convicted?

The second prince is also his favorite son. Although he is not as good as Si Nan, he has been spoiled for so many years. How could he go and kill them with his own hands?

He closed his eyes in pain, suddenly remembered something and asked the leader of the dark guard behind him, "Who was the woman who entered the palace with Nan'er just now?"

Although his son was arrogant on the surface, he knew that it was just his way to hide himself. This was the first time he saw his son bring a woman here, so he couldn't help but be curious.

"Reporting to the emperor, that woman is called Lou Muyan, a person from the small country of Yanzhou in the Eastern Region." The leader of the dark guard saw Situ Yi's brows and continued: "But this time she is a blockbuster, not only she has become the scene of this session of Tianling Continent. The dark horse of the hegemony competition also won the first place."

As early as when Si Nan led someone into the palace, he had already found out the details of Lou Muyan.

"First place?" The shock in Situ Yi's eyes replaced Shen Se, and after thinking about it, he asked, "What did Nan'er bring her here?"

"Report to the emperor, this has not been found yet."

"Forget it, he can do whatever he wants to do recently. In three months, he will go to Tianji Palace to report. It will be difficult for me to meet him." Situ Yi sighed and turned to look at the already. The two figures who disappeared turned around and walked out of the palace.

Since that woman can win the first place in the competition, she must have her own advantages. As long as it is not a woman of unknown origin, he will not interfere with his son's development.

After entering the bedroom, Lou Muyan saw that there was a thousand-year-old warm jade bed at the very innermost corner, on which lay a stunning woman who was pale and bloodless but was exceptionally beautiful.

"This is my mother-in-law." Si Nan watched the woman on the bed's cold eyes melted away with warmth.

Lou Muyan nodded: "I'll take a look first."

After speaking, she went straight to the big bed and sat down, picked up the woman's wrist and began to feel the pulse.

After a while, her Liu Mei frowned slightly, and she changed her pulse again. She breathed a sigh of relief after a while and said, "Fortunately, the poison has not yet entered the heart, otherwise even the Daluo Immortal will be difficult to save."

Si Nan loosened his tightly clenched fists and asked excitedly, "Is there any help for my mother-in-law?"

"Did she protect her heart with a seal before?" Lou Muyan asked without answering.

"Yes, the chief enshrined pharmacist of the royal family used a secret method to seal the heart of the concubine ten years ago when she was poisoned. It's a pity that he has been studying for ten years and still can't solve the water illusion." Si Nan sighed. .

Lou Muyan's eyes showed a trace of clarity, "It is also thanks to his seal that your mother-in-law has survived until now. I can solve the poison, but I need to prepare some spirit grass to refine a medicinal pill, and I don't have time to study this seal. Untie it, let the enshrined pharmacist solve it."

The seal placed by that person used a special secret technique. Although she could unlock it, it would take several days. She didn't want to waste it on this kind of thing. She had to rush back to Yanzhou Kingdom.

"No problem, if your detoxification is enshrined to the pharmacist, he will definitely find it." Si Nan heard that Lou Muyan was able to detoxify and was affected by Situ Yi.

"You help me to pay attention to the news of Dianyan Zhou Kingdom, I've been feeling a little uneasy recently." Lou Muyan said after thinking for a while.

She had a bad premonition in her heart and figured out that something might happen at home in the near future, but it would be safe within a month, so she asked Si Nan to check first.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to find out what's going on in the Yanzhou Kingdom recently." Si Nan nodded in agreement.

"By the way, do you live in this dormitory or do you want to live elsewhere?" Si Nan asked.

Lou Muyan said without hesitation, "Just stay here. In the past three days, I will open up a few acupuncture points for your mother and concubine for the next treatment."

"Okay, I'll have someone prepare a room for you."

"You go to collect the spiritual herbs I want as soon as possible. I want to use it to refine the elixir for resolving water, fantasy and ghostly dreams. These spiritual herbs must be delivered within five days at most." Lou Muyan handed a written list to Sinan.

Si Nan took it over and looked at it, with a solemn expression, "Okay, I will definitely find a way to get it and deliver it within five days."

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