The ice halberd spread its wings down, and as soon as it landed on the top of the city wall, ice cones flew out from the wings.

Hundreds of flying monsters from the enemy country didn't even have time to react, and they were all frozen to death along with the sword masters on them.

Golden seeds fell one by one, and golden vines with thorns grew everywhere in an instant. The swordsmen and monsters besieged on three sides were all entangled by the vines, and it didn’t take much time for the blood to be sucked dry, and they couldn’t die. Die again.

Miaomiao and Mo Yan looked at Xue Xue and Bing Ji without moving. Those two were really suitable for group battles.

After half an hour, all the enemy troops except a few leaders were wiped out by blood and ice halberds.

"Lou Muyan's spiritual pet is so powerful." King You Luo looked at the two monsters who had swept the battlefield in disbelief.

The army dispatched this time were all swordsmen under his command, but he did not expect the result to be annihilated like King Zuo Luo.

A woman wearing a veil with a bell hanging on her hands and feet spurted a mouthful of blood beside him, and the white veil was instantly stained red with blood.

There was a glint in her eyes, and she released a sixth-order flying monster of the contract, grabbed King Youluo and the other two and fled in the distance.

"Saint, we just escaped like this?" King Youluo asked in embarrassment.

The woman changed her veil and snorted coldly, "Don't you want to die if you don't run away? Didn't you see that Lou Muyan's Bing Luan beast is an eighth-order monster?"

"What is the eighth order?" King Youluo's eyes widened, "Impossible! I feel that his breath is the same as that of the man-eating blood-thorn vine king."

"He hid his breath." The woman took out a pill and took it.

King Youluo was shocked, "What's the matter? If it's an eighth-order Bingluan, then just one of her spiritual pets can crush us."

"You go back and quickly report to the national master of Brahma, and let him take control of the eighth-order ice luan, and kill Lou Muyan as originally planned." The saintess of the Qiang country have never suffered such a loss.

All the monsters she controlled were killed, and the people were also seriously injured by the backlash. In the future, this account will have to be settled with Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan did not ask Bingji to hunt down a few people, she waited for the mastermind behind the scenes to surface, and after solving the hidden danger, she could rest assured when she went to the sect.

Seeing that the army was about to be crushed by three sides, who would have thought that Lou Muyan would kill the enemy with his own power, which made the generals and soldiers of Yan Zhou Kingdom have to admit that she was too strong. .

The news that she had cut off King Zuo Luo's head and hung it on the wall lifted the hearts of the army. At this time, her feat of destroying the enemy army made the soldiers of the Yanzhou Kingdom extremely admire.

"Grandpa, Dad, Uncle." Lou Muyan jumped to the side and shouted.

"Okay! My family Yan'er has grown to this point, I'm very relieved!" Lou Zhantian couldn't help laughing a few times, and he was shocked and happy in his heart.

A soft smile appeared on Lou Moyu's gentle face, "Thanks to Yan'er today, otherwise we would face the consequences of the annihilation of the entire army."

"Father, Mo Yu, let's go back to the city and talk to Yan'er again." Lou Mozhou, who was beside him, also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, the whole army returns to the city to prepare for the battle."

After returning to the city, Lou Muyan, Lou Zhantian and others discussed the strategy against the enemy after reminiscing, and then she began to set up a teleportation array.

The next day, Lou Zhantian received news that the five countries around Yanzhou were actually persuaded by the national teacher of Borneo to form an alliance to fight against Yanzhou.

On the third day, the Seven Nations Alliance was formed, and the army pressed in from all directions. At the same time, six sword sects and twenty sword emperors were sent to assist the battlefield.

However, although the opponent was an army of the Seven Nations Alliance, with a large number of troops, when the soldiers approached the city, they were trapped and killed by Lou Muyan's formation, killing more than a third of them, which made the senior officials of the Seven Nations angry and terrified.

In the end, the national teacher of Borneo led a team of mysterious men in black to sit on the battlefield.

On this day, Lou Muyan received an invitation to battle from the national teacher of Borneo.

"Yan'er, could this be their conspiracy?" Lou Moyu asked cautiously.

Those people have tried to assassinate his children many times. Although this time it looks like a clear battle, who knows if the other party will use any despicable means.

Lou Muyan played with the battle post and smiled, "It doesn't matter, since he came to the door, why not leave?"

She doesn't have much time left in the world, she needs to end the war as soon as possible.

"Yan'er, according to your opinion, we should take down this battle post?" Lou Zhantian asked after thinking for a while.

"Of course, grandpa, don't worry, I have my own plans!"

Seeing the confidence on Lou Muyan's face, now Lou Zhantian and others can only sink their boats, otherwise if the Seven Nation Alliance wins this battle, Yan Zhouli will be destroyed soon!

The next day, Lou Muyan went out of the city with the people who were about to fight. The leader of the other party was a young man in black.

"Lou Muyan, I didn't expect you to be so young, but you are very courageous." The man in black at the head can only be regarded as handsome in appearance, even with a sense of femininity. His voice was low and hoarse, which sounded like his face. Very inconsistent.

Lou Muyan let out a low laugh, with a bit of sarcasm on his face: "If you want to fight, fight, why are you so long-winded?"

"Hmph, what a big tone, today I will let you experience that there are people outside the mountain outside the mountain." The man in black snorted coldly and waved to the people behind him.

The Sword Sect and Sword Emperor behind him swept to the center and looked at Lou Muyan and others provocatively.

Lou Mubai and the others behind Lou Muyan flew out in unison, and soon the two sides fought.

The man in black teleported behind Lou Muyan, and stretched out an extremely pale hand to penetrate her chest directly.

A faint orange light appeared on Lou Muyan's body, but he did not dodge it. As soon as his hand touched the orange light, a black mist rose up.

"Magic repair." Lou Muyan took a step back and narrowed his eyes.

"Jie Jie! I didn't expect you to be able to see my secrets in just one round of battle at such a young age. I can't keep you today."

The lord of Borneo and the emperors of the other seven countries were also watching the battle not far away. When they saw that the national teacher was shrouded in a cloud of black mist, they were stunned, but they didn't think much about it. As long as they could win, the national teacher would cultivate. It doesn't matter what kind of exercise it is.

"Do you think we'll win this time?" The King of Borneo asked with a gloomy expression, his heart was beating suddenly, and he always felt that something bad would happen.

The patriarch of the Qiang country had a hint of disdain in his eyes, "If we all lose in this situation, then there is no need to go back."

Several other people also smiled and catered to them. In this battle, they mobilized the elites in the country. Even if the Lou Muyan group fought well, they were sure to win.

Just when a few people vowed to start discussing how to divide up the universe of flames in the future, sudden reports came one after another.

"Report, all the elites in the eastern ambush were strangled by the reinforcements of Rong Zeguo!"

"Report, all the elites in ambush in the west were strangled by the reinforcements of the Ye family and the Ling family!"

"Report, an ambush in the north..."

The battle reports kept coming, and the faces of the seven kingdoms' lords no longer had the confidence and confidence they had before.

"This, how is this possible?" The patriarch of the Qiang tribe picked up the battle report tremblingly and looked at it again and again, "How come there are so many elites from the superpowers who come to support the small country of Yanzhou?"

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