Lou Muyan and Zi Cheshi left the yard together and went to find Ding Hao.

On the way, Ziche Shi said first: "It seems that the rumors are not credible. Junior Sister Lou can choose a separate courtyard because of her own strength."

"Hearing is false, seeing is believing. Senior brother didn't show any badness to me before, so he probably didn't fully believe the rumors." Lou Muyan replied with a light smile.

She will live in the Fuyuan for a long time in the future, so she will naturally have a good relationship with this senior brother.

"The atmosphere of the Baji Sect is relatively decent, so you are a relative of Elder Ao and only enjoy the privilege. As long as you are discerning, you won't believe it."

From the first time Zi Che Shi met Lou Muyan, he found that the sect master and several elders had an unusual attitude towards her. Only those who were blinded by jealousy would believe the rumors of so-called relatives.

After chatting for a while, the two met Ding Hao, who was introducing the other three people to Fuyuan, and joined in.

Ding Hao took them to meet many old disciples in Fuyuan.

The disciples of the Fuyuan are relatively free, they can usually move around, and they have a good relationship with each other.

When Lou Muyan returned to her yard, she found that there were not many resources available on her body, and because she gave all the spirit stones to Lou Muting, she was a very poor person.

It takes a lot of resources for a few spirit pets to advance, so she can only take out the contribution value jade slip given by Ao Rong and look at it.

The above specifically introduces the rules for how to obtain and use the contribution value of the Eight Extreme Sect, and also lists the things that can be exchanged in the resource pool in the past three years.

Lou Muyan swept it again and found that she and a few spirit pets could use a lot of things in the resource library, but the contribution value that needed to be spent added up to an astronomical figure, and it could only come one step at a time.

"Master, are we going to take the quest to earn contribution points?" Bingji was gearing up, and when he was beside Lou Muyan, he was used to turning into a colorful parrot.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him, "In the sect, give me some peace of mind."

"Let's talk about the task after going to listen to the lecture of the elders who teach at Fuyuan tomorrow."

The next day, Lou Muyan went to the Fuyuan to listen to the elder of the fourth-level talisman master. Although she knew most of the things, there were also things worth learning.

Two days later, Lou Muyan Yujian flew to the Zongmen task registration management office.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the main hall, I saw a lot of people coming in and out very lively, most of them were raw faces, and a few people were still very strong.

Lou Muyan stepped into the main hall and went straight to the innermost registration office.

There were three consuls on duty at the registration office at this time, and there was a long queue in front of them, either the disciple who handed in the task or the one who took the task.

Lou Muyan randomly chose a long line to walk over and wait in line like everyone else.

During the period, I also heard a lot of people talking.

The quest distribution of the sect is divided into one to nine levels. The higher the level, the higher the difficulty, and of course, the more contribution value.

Lou Muyan listened to the surrounding discussions and found that most of the outer disciples in the sect chose the tasks below the fourth level, and the inner disciples chose the tasks below the seventh level.

As for the tasks above level 7, you generally need to form a team to complete, and the difficulty factor is very high, and no one may take it for a few years.

In the mission area, two walls of spar refining were specially built. On one side, there is a ranking list of the top 100 contribution points of the inner door, and the other side has a ranking list of the top 100 contribution value of the outer door.

Of course, the contribution value list will also change constantly with the contribution value of the disciples.

However, it is said that whether it is the top ten outside the door or the top ten in the inner door, the people on the contribution list will basically not change, generally only the ranking, and the magnitude is not large.

It was almost half an hour before it was her turn. As soon as she walked in, she handed the identity token to the deacon in charge of registration.

After the deacon checked the identity token as usual, he handed her a jade slip and said, "The tasks are all on it, you can choose it yourself. You can only choose one at a time, and you can continue to pick up the second one after completion."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan used his mental power to check the tasks and found that most of the tasks below the third level can be completed with the strength of the Sword Emperor, so he jumped away and looked at the third-level tasks.

In fact, the third-level task is not difficult for her, but the first time she took the task, she still followed the principle of low-key, so she chose the most difficult one among the third-level tasks.

"I chose the task of catching the leopard beast alive." Lou Muyan said.

The consul looked up at her in surprise, thought for a while and reminded: "This is the most difficult task of the third level. It is your first time to do a task, so you can do something simple first."

"Thank you for reminding me, I'll choose this one." Lou Muyan said with a smile.

After completing this task, there is only one hundred contribution points. For what she wants to exchange, the contribution points are still a hundred and eighty-seven miles away.

If it wasn't because it was her first time doing a task and she wanted to try it out, she would definitely choose a task with high contribution points and difficulty.

Only by doing difficult tasks can you improve your strength while gaining contribution points.

"Then it's up to you. The maximum duration of this task is half a year. If you don't come to hand in the task after half a year, it will be regarded as an automatic abstention." The consul had already reminded him, but the other party still insisted that he would not say anything more.

"Okay, sorry for the trouble." Lou Muyan didn't go back to her residence after receiving the task, and flew directly to an unmanned area in the Baji Sect to do the task.

When the Baji Sect built the sect, it included several dangerous areas with abundant resources and many monsters. First, it used the method of issuing tasks to experience the growth of the disciples of the sect, and second, it also provided a steady stream of resources for the sect.

When Lou Muyan left, she was seen by a female disciple who had a good relationship with Xue Laner. After she handed in a third-level common task, she ran to tell Xue Laner.

"Since she went to take the most difficult task of the third level?" Xue Lan'er asked in surprise.

"Well, I watched her take it with my own eyes, and the consul reminded her, but she still insisted on taking the task." The woman replied.

Xue Lan'er smiled disdainfully: "The leopard beast is like lightning, and it lives in groups, even if it is difficult for a sword master to catch a hundred of them, let alone a disciple who has just been promoted to the sword sect, really out of control."

"Yeah! You don't have to be so arrogant even with the support of Elder Ao." The woman echoed.

"Go and release this news." Xue Lan'er said with a sullen smile, "You should know how to do it, right?"

"I understand." The woman usually clings to Xue Lan'er and dares not refuse her orders, and she also hates Lou Muyan, who can enjoy a single courtyard.

The news that the new disciple Lou Muyan accepted the mission for the first time did not listen to the consul's reminder and had to accept the most difficult mission of the third level within an hour.

Before, many people were influenced by Xue Laner's deliberate spreading of rumors and disliked Lou Muyan. Now that she heard that she was so arrogant, it was even more annoying.

This matter spread to the ears of the principals of the various hospitals, and they all came to pay attention to this matter.

After all, although the leopard beast's mission is only level three, it is very difficult to complete. So far, no one has managed to catch more than 50 live animals.

Lou Muyan didn't know what Xue Laner did, she was on her way to the mountain where the leopard beast lived.

Of course, if she knew about Xue Lan'er's plan, she might even applaud her, and slapping her face one after another was her favorite thing to do.

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