Hearing Lou Muyan said that he would not do the task, the consul was stunned, and just as he was about to speak, he heard her question, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

What do you mean by earning a lot of Spirit Stones...

If there is such a task or work, he would also like to go!

"There are currently no tasks or jobs directly paid for with spirit stones in the sect."

Lou Muyan frowned slightly and asked after a change of mind, "Is there any trading place in the sect? You can trade that with spirit stones."

"..." The mission madman is doing the mission stupidly, this is what the people present thought.

In fact, I can't blame Lou Muyan for not knowing, after all, since she first arrived at the sect, she was either in seclusion and impacting the pill formation stage, or she kept doing tasks outside, and she was really not familiar with the sect.

"Cough cough..." The consul coughed dryly and said with a smile: "There is a commercial street in the sect, where you can trade with spirit stones, and many disciples will go there to set up stalls, if you can't use things, you can go to the business. Try it on the street.”

This little monster has done so many tasks, so he should have a lot of good things in his hands, at least there will be no shortage of corpses of high-level monsters.

"So that's the case, then thank you consul, I'll check it out in two days." Lou Muyan smiled.

"No, if you're ready to take on the mission, remember to come to me." The consul's attitude was very kind.

Since the appearance of Lou Muyan, many long-standing tasks have been solved, and he has also been rewarded with a lot of contribution points in the past six months.

Lou Muyan is not doing tasks for the time being, and he said in his heart that he was not disappointed.

"No problem, then I'll go back first."

Lou Muyan said hello to the consul and left the mission hall. She didn't go to the commercial street immediately, but went back to her residence and slept well for two days.

She didn't know that in the past two days when she slept, her own affairs were rumored at the outer door, and many people were looking forward to seeing what she would bring out to exchange for spirit stones.

Three days later, Lou Muyan successfully entered the cultivation level of the Intermediate Sword Sect. This was the result of her constant suppression, otherwise she would have been able to break through two months ago.

After finishing the work, a red wasp that was not the size of a palm waving its transparent wings and rubbed it in front of Lou Muyan to express its hunger.

Lou Muyan twitched at the corner of his mouth, is he hungry again? With such a small body, what she eats is the sum of the other spiritual pets. If this goes on, she must die of poverty.

"Master, Chi Huang is hungry again..." Bing Ji watched the little red bees flying around Lou Muyan, and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Lou Muyan stroked her forehead. The only spiritual stone she had was eaten up by this little guy. Who would dare to say that she was a loser in the future and she was anxious about who she was. Now there is obviously someone who is more loser than her.

Three months ago, after she completed a task, she found that the red bee queen emerged from the chrysalis. Because of the contract of essence and blood, she was very close to her.

But after a long time, she discovered a drawback. The little guy is too good to eat. Since he ate the spirit stone and the medicine pill, nothing else can match his mouth.

In three months, not only did she ate all the 30,000 spirit stones she borrowed from Ling Feiyang, but even most of the third-grade medicinal pills were eaten.

But it's not bad to eat like this. The Red Bee Queen, who was born as a fourth-order monster, took only three months to advance to the fifth-order. In addition to the resources she provided, her talent was also an important reason.

She threw a third-grade medicinal pill to it, only to see her small hands tightly hugging the medicinal pill and starting to nibble, feeling helpless.

No wonder Ye Qinghan gave a piece of advice in the secret method. If you don't have enough spiritual stones, you'd better not raise the red bee queen. Now she finally understands why.

Lou Muyan didn't name the Red Bee Queen, so she called her Red Bee Queen according to her wishes. This is the name of each generation of Red Bee Queen, and it has accepted most of the inherited memory.

The Red Bee Empress has a late start of intelligence. The fifth rank has opened the intelligence, but the IQ is not high. Only when the seventh rank can breed red bees, can the intelligence be fully opened, so the current consciousness of the little guy is ignorant.

After cleaning up, Lou Muyan found that he was not familiar with Zongmen, and the so-called commercial street was not in Zongmen's introduction jade slip.

After thinking about it, she ran to the Refining Institute to find Ling Feiyang and others.

As soon as Lou Muyan entered the Refining Institute, he attracted the attention of many people, and those eyes were full of curiosity and inquiry.

An old disciple of the Refining Institute secretly rubbed his hands and walked up to Lou Muyan with a serious smile and asked, "Is there something wrong with the younger sister coming to the Refining Institute?"

"I'm here to find Ling Feiyang, can I trouble my senior brother to call for help?" Lou Muyan nodded and smiled.

She is now wearing a bright red dress, with a beautiful figure, her stunning face has opened a lot, and the color of the city and the country has long been revealed, not the kind of shy and delicate beauty, but like a delicate rose with thorns.

The contradictory temperament that is elegant and a little wild in the dust made her even more prominent.

No matter what you wear, as long as you stop at random, you will always be so attractive.

"Junior Brother Ling and Junior Brother Mo of the Array Court went out to do a mission together, so Junior Sister is probably going to run in vain today." The young disciple smiled gently.

Lou Muyan's eyes turned and asked, "Then may I ask if senior brother Yan Jun is there?"

"Junior Brother Yan is in the refining room. If Junior Sister wants to find him, I can take you there."

"Then it's troublesome brother."

Seeing that Lou Muyan followed a consular disciple of the Refining Institute, the disciples of the Refining Institute also discussed in a low voice.

"That little beauty is Lou Muyan, the mission madman?"

"Yeah, otherwise Senior Brother Lu would be so diligent?"

"Is it the son of a bitch who said that Lou Muyan, a mission madman, is taller than a man? Such a beauty can definitely be ranked in the top five of the sect. Those people are just talking nonsense with their eyes open."

"It's not all caused by jealousy. I heard that the female disciple of the court court who spread Lou Muyan indiscriminately has been having a hard time recently."

"It's more than a bad thing, I heard that after Elder Ao Rong returned to the sect yesterday, he heard rumors from his relatives that he went to the sect master to get angry, and the head of the array court has demoted the core disciple who secretly spread it to an ordinary disciple. "

"Deserving it! She's not as strong as others and wants to gossip, and this is not the mortal world. She still wants to play Zongdou?"

"I heard that Lou Muyan was the first place in the Tianling Continent hegemony competition. Elder Ao Rong snatched it from the elders of the other five sects. Only those idiots would spread that kind of shit. rumor."

"It turns out that there is such a thing. No wonder Lou Muyan can choose to live in a separate courtyard when he comes to the sect. Before, we couldn't rob the other five sects. This time, Elder Ao Rong grabbed the first place and paid more attention to it. ."


The inside story that broke out among the disciples of the Array Court also spread to the outer court through people with a heart, and even the inner court began to hear the name Lou Muyan.

Yan Jun was refining a low-grade holy treasure at this time. He had failed several times before, and this time he was about to fail. Hearing the voice transmission of the consular disciple, he had someone bring Lou Muyan in.

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