The commercial street is on a suspended island specially designed by the Baji Sect, not too far from the main hall.

When Lou Muyan and Yan Jun arrived, they saw people flying in and out of the island.

After landing on the island, Lou Muyan observed the surrounding shops and disciples with great interest.

The commercial street is very prosperous, row upon row, and the streets are bustling with people coming and going.

"It turns out that the commercial street of the sect is so lively!" Lou Muyan couldn't help but sigh that the Baji sect was quite good at doing business, and the various shops had a background at first glance.

Lu Gan said with a smile: "Actually, the commercial street is not so lively in the past. It's just that the last ten days are the annual blooming festival, so it attracts the disciples from the outer door and the inner door to join in the fun."

"Festival?" Lou Muyan asked in surprise.

Lu Gan remembered that Lou Muyan had been in the sect for a year but rarely came out for activities. Knowing that she didn't know, he explained with a smile: "The Kaisheng Festival is actually a festival organized by shops of all sizes in the commercial street. The store will sell many fine or rare items that are not usually available for sale, and buy limited quantities every day, and the prices of other items only need to pay 80% of the usual price."

"Meaning that 10,000 spirit stones can be freed from 2,000?" Yan Jun showed some interest in his eyes. He has run out of refining materials now. Since it is so much cheaper, he has to buy more.

However, Lou Muyan grasped the point, looked at Yan Jun and said, "The daily limited purchase means that the quantity of things is very small, and if you arrive late, it will basically mean no drama. The price only needs 80% of the usual price, and the disciples who are rushing to buy things are also There will be a lot more, and it will be no use if it sells out.”

"That's true, just for this?" Yan Jun asked with a slight frown.

"Of course not. The purpose of the opening festival is to interact and communicate. During the ten days of the festival, as long as the disciples want to trade things, they can set up a stall at the designated location on the commercial street, and there is no stall fee."

"This not only facilitates the communication between the disciples, but also allows the disciples who rarely go out to exchange for what they need." Lu Gan continued to explain with a smile.

Lou Muyan's face was clear, "So it is, such festivals can indeed benefit each other."

"Junior Sister Lou wants to buy something? I'm quite familiar with the shops in this commercial street, so I can introduce you to one or two." Lu Gan guessed that Lou Muyan was here for something.

Lou Muyan shrugged and said, "I'm not here to buy things, I'm here to sell things."

"You want to sell something? Are you still short of spirit stones?" Yan Jun knew that Lou Muyan had earned a few spirit stones in the competition space.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him, "Why am I not short of spirit stones? I've died of poverty recently."

Not only does it cost spirit stones and resources to cultivate on your own, but it is also a huge expense to keep a few spirit pets that hold mouths.

Yan Jun twitched the corner of his mouth. If Lou Muyan was considered poor, what would they be? Beggars?

"I remember you got at least 100,000 spirit stones in the competition space, don't say you spent it all."

"Nonsense, if I hadn't spent it, I wouldn't have a penny." Lou Muyan sighed, it seemed that it was the first time she had been so poor.

"..." Yan Jun and Lu Gan couldn't help but caress their foreheads when they heard her say this. More than 100,000 spiritual stones were spent like this. This woman spends money too fast. Who can support her in the future? ?

"What does Junior Sister want to sell? The shops here also accept monster corpses, crystal nuclei, medicinal pills, talismans, etc." Lu Gan said.

"Are you accepting spiritual artifacts and holy artifacts?" Lou Muyan asked after thinking for a while.

"The shops under the Refining Institute are charged, but the price is not too high. After all, when they sell it themselves, they have to make a profit."

Lu Gan paused and said, "If the younger sister wants to sell magic instruments, why don't they come here to set up a stall to sell them in the past few days. It should be higher than the price of selling them directly to the shops."

"This is a way, but I don't know the specific price. Or we should first estimate the price of what I want to sell, and then set up a stall. If you can sell it at a high price, sell it, and if you can't sell it, throw it away. Shop." Lou Muyan touched her chin and felt that this method was feasible and safe.

Yan Jun looked at her speechlessly and asked, "Aren't you going to sell a lot of things?"

"I'm dying of poverty. Of course, I have to sell a lot of things to pay for it." Lou Muyan glanced at him, she had too many things she didn't use, and it was a waste to be idle.

Immediately, she asked Lu Gan, "Senior brother, all the big shops here are under each courtyard, right?"

"Well, it's not a secret, many disciples know it." No disciple dared to make trouble because they knew that it was a shop opened by each courtyard.

"They don't cheat, right?" Lou Muyan asked again.

Lu Gan's eyelids twitched, and this junior sister spoke too directly, "It's natural not to cheat people. After all, it won't affect the academy behind it if it spreads out."

"That's good, let's go, let's go have a look." Lou Muyan smiled.

So from the first store, she kept taking out things and asking the steward in the store to estimate the price, and after evaluating the price, she took the two to the next store.

After asking Lou Muyan about the large and medium-sized shops in the city, he stopped, and then asked Lu Gan to use some connections to get a front position in the self-owned trading area.

"Muyan, you actually want to sell so many things?" Yan Jun asked in disbelief when he saw that Muyan could come up with different things every time he went to a big store.

How could this woman have so many good things to sell? Do not let people live!

"No way, too poor!" Lou Muyan spread his hands.

Lu Gan and Yan Jun glanced at each other and found each other's helplessness. She was called poor by selling so many good things at will? What a shame for these really poor people.

"Then you start setting up a stall today?" Yan Jun asked.

Lou Muyan winked at him and asked back: "Yan Jun, you have been in the sect for a year, can you do it by posting a few news?"

"..." Yan Junjunmei's face froze, he knew that this woman was definitely not just looking at the commercial street as simple as looking for him, but he still resigned and said, "Yes, what news do you want to put."

"Come here and I'll tell you." Lou Muyan whispered to Yan Jun's ear and said his plan, and then added: "I'll set up a stall when you get things done."

Yan Jun couldn't help showing some appreciation after hearing her words, this woman is really as cunning as a fox.

Lu Ganli naturally heard what she said, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise, this is a good way.

On the second day, there was a gossip in Zong Nei. The mission madman will set up a stall at the opening festival of the commercial street in three days. Not only will he sell a lot of sacred artifacts, sacred treasures, and talismans, but also four kinds of three products will be sold. Top grade pills.

What makes many disciples of the sect interested and crazy is that Lou Muyan even sells the legendary beauty pill, and the owner of this pill has already taken it, and the effect is very good.

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