Lou Muyan sold out all the things he was going to sell, and went to buy a batch of spirit herbs and materials for refining talismans, and then went back to the yard and began to retreat.

She refined all the spirit herbs she bought into 3rd and 4th grade medicinal herbs, and she was going to finish refining all the 3rd grade medicinal herbs that she was going to send to Lou's family before leaving the customs.

"Bingji, you send these medicinal pills to Lou's house to give to my father." Lou Muyan packed the medicinal pills in a space ring and handed it to Bingji.

Bingji knew that the responsibility was heavy, so he swallowed the space ring into a small space in his abdomen, "Don't worry, master, I will definitely deliver the medicine pill."

"Go early and come back early, I'll send you a thousand-mile sound transmission if there is any situation." Lou Muyan put some things for Bingji into a space ring, "If you have any urgent matter, use the sound transmission inside. Send me a message."

Bingji rubbed her head against Lou Muyan's shoulder, waved her wings and looked at Miaomiao's few spiritual pets, and flew towards the outside of the sect reluctantly.

Eight extreme sect disciples can't go out often, but Lou Muyan has applied for permission to let the pets go out freely through Ao Rong's help, otherwise they will not be able to replenish the medicinal pills for Lou's pill shop.

After she finished refining the medicine pill, she took out the purchased materials and started refining the third and fourth level talismans.

One day, just after she finished refining a third-level invisibility amulet, she heard Elder Ao Rong's voice transmission.

After cleaning up, she stepped on the sword and flew to the hall of the council hall.

As soon as she stepped into the meeting room, several beams of eyes looked at her in surprise.

Lou Muyan's eyes were also slightly surprised, because she not only saw Gu Xiu here, but also Jinse and the wild man who bought her middle-grade holy treasure.

"Disciple pays respects to the sect master!" Lou Muyan walked up to the sect master with a smile and saluted the disciple.

The Sect Master smiled gently and said, "No ceremony, I have an important thing to tell you today."

"Sect Master, please speak." Lou Muyan's expression did not become dull.

"The specific situation is like this." The sect master's gentle face showed a somewhat cautious look, "Our six major sects recently discovered some suspicious signs in a place, and the disciples who guarded the nearby went to inquire and inexplicably disappeared. However, it was very strange that the soul card did not break, so each faction decided to send a few disciples to investigate."

"And a few of you are the candidates for this mission."

Lou Muyan was silent and asked, "Why did the sect master choose me to participate in this mission?"

Except for her and another disciple who were wearing outer sect costumes, the people standing here were all inner sect disciples. She was more curious about what the higher-ups of the sect planned.

"Are you afraid?" The Sect Master asked back.

Lou Muyan chuckled: "I'm not afraid, I just want to know the reason."

"You and Ruan Jia are the two of us who are the most optimistic about the new outer sect core disciples this time, so we decided to let you go out and sharpen them." The sect master did not hide too much, "Although this mission is very dangerous, it is very dangerous. The core disciples of the inner sect of the sect will lead you on the mission, and your safety is still guaranteed."

"Are there any new disciples from other sects participating?" Lou Muyan thought about it and asked.

"This is natural. Excellent disciples and major sects will not hide it. You who have not been tempered will not be able to become great in the future."

The Sect Master has been observing the changes in Lou Muyan's mood and expression, but he found that she had not changed from the moment she entered the door until he finished the task, she was still so indifferent, and he couldn't help but appreciate it.

"Of course, you can also choose to give up, and it will not affect your current status in the sect."

"Go, since the Sect Master and the elders can give me this opportunity, I will naturally cherish it." Lou Muyan replied firmly with a smile.

After she finished speaking, the two elders and the sect master present were quite satisfied. If she chose to retreat, they would not force it, but it was no longer worth their efforts to cultivate.

The swordsman's practice is full of ups and downs. To go against the sky requires the courage to dare to challenge danger.

"This time your captain is Gu Xiu, you can discuss anything with him." The sect master stroked his beard and instructed.

"Disciple obey!"

"Sect Master, this disciple has something else to ask." Lou Muyan said with a smile.

Gu Xiu looked at her curiously, guessing whether she would ask for protection at that time or order a powerful magic weapon to protect her body.

"I would like to ask if there are any rewards if we complete the task? For example, contribution points or spiritual stones." She blinked her eyes and asked with a smile.

As soon as this question came up, everyone present couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths.

Did she get into the eyes of money? After doing the task before and getting so many contribution points, and selling things and getting so many spirit stones, isn't it enough for her to spend?

"Are you short of contribution points and spirit stones?" Ao Rong couldn't help but asked in disbelief.

Lou Muyan's winking little Shoucai always gave people a sense of pure innocence, so she didn't find it disgusting when she asked about the reward, but felt that she was very straightforward and lovable.

Moreover, it is normal to get rewards after completing tasks in the sect.

Lou Muyan nodded fiercely: "Of course I lack it!" Then she looked at Ao Rong brightly and said, "Does Elder Ao want to support me?"

Ao Rong gave her a funny look, "This old man is poorer than you."

Lou Muyan pouted in disbelief, but she no longer bothered about this topic, she still understands when enough is enough.

"This quest is considered a level 7 quest. As long as you complete the quest and return, each of you will be rewarded with 3,000 contribution points, and the outstanding disciples will be rewarded with 4,000 contribution points." The Sect Master was not planning to let them go for nothing.

"Yes!" Several people answered in unison.

"Okay, go down and prepare to leave early tomorrow." The sect master waved to several people and signaled that they could leave.

"Disciple retire!"

After a few people left the door of the hall, Jinse walked to Lou Muyan and said with a smile, "Junior sister didn't expect us to meet so soon."

"Yeah! Senior Sister, we have a good fate." Lou Muyan nodded and smiled.

"Senior sister is looking forward to you! Go back and prepare well. If you have a Buddhist utensil, you'd better bring it with you. See you tomorrow!" Jinse said.

"Thank you for the reminder, senior sister, see you tomorrow!" Lou Muyan's reminder to Jinse was still very useful.

Jinse and Lou Muyan left after saying hello to a few others at will, and the others also greeted each other lightly and then left.

Lou Muyan actually felt that apart from Jinse and Gu Xiu, although other people were a little curious about her, they all felt a sense of rejection, and they might think that she was likely to be a hindrance.

She didn't care about their attitude, but raised a little bit of interest in this mission.

"Mo Yan, do you think that the devilish energy was created by some kind of devil?" Lou Muyan asked Mo Yan, who was on the shoulder.

In the realm of self-cultivation, in addition to the spiritual realm where she is located, there is also the demon realm, and there are demons in the demon realm. They are not practicing with aura, but before cultivating Zhensha, and there are often interface battles between the two clans.

Mo Yan's eyes were a little dignified, "There is indeed a demon interface here, but they are not a rare race, but composed of ghosts and demons, because the interfaces they are in are all composed of yin and real fiends. It is composed of Qi, so it is called the Demon Race."

"So the one in my pendant belongs to the demon race?" Lou Mu smoked a playful arc on his lips.

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