The speed of the flying instruments that Lou Muyan and others were riding was comparable to that of seventh-order monsters, and it took them twelve days to arrive at Luogui Town.

When they arrived at the inn agreed in Luogui Town, the disciples of other sects had already arrived one after another.

"The disciples of the Eight Extreme Sect are here."

"It's really going downhill these days, and the weakest are taking more and more Joe, and every time they arrive last." A disciple of Haoyuezong pouted.

Another disciple sneered at the interface: "Of course the weakest will arrive at the end, so as to show their status at the bottom."

As soon as Lou Muyan and others entered the door, they heard the sarcastic voices of the two. She frowned slightly. It seemed that the contradiction between the Baji Sect and the Haoyue Sect was not only between the high-level elders, but also between the disciples.

"What are you talking about? Dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths. Believe it or not, the old lady beat you to death." Jinse's temper was relatively hot, and he was instantly ignited when he heard such ridicule.

As soon as the other disciples looked up, they saw the glamorous and enchanting woman's face, and she was ready to act violently.

The disciples of Haoyuezong suddenly felt that their faces were stunned. Although they were afraid of this female tyrannosaurus, they immediately stood up and shouted: "Do you think we will be afraid of you witch?"

When Gu Xiu heard the words of the disciples of Haoyue Sect, they couldn't help but feel a little angry, so they didn't stop Jinse.

Just as the swords on both sides were domineering, a magnetic and clear voice sounded.


When everyone looked over, they saw several men in white walking downstairs. The leader was a man with a handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament.

As soon as he appeared, it seemed that all the brilliance was only lit for him.

Lou Muyan's eyes showed interest, and it really was Ming Xiu.

As soon as Ming Xiu raised his eyes, he met Lou Muyan, and his dark eyes as deep as the sea were filled with a smile.

Seeing that the person who came was the leader of the Tianji Palace, the people on both sides immediately put away the battle.

"The two sects came together to participate in the mission this time. I hope that you will not delay the big things because of small things. If you have any grudges or conflicts, it will not be too late to wait for the competition in the sect competition." In front of everyone, his voice was gentle, but it contained a chilling ferocity.

"Brother Chi is joking, we just talked about how we could actually fight." The leader of Haoyuezong smiled shyly.

They didn't want to offend Chi Xiu, the first person in the inner door of the Tianji Palace.

Of course, Jin Se knew Chi Xiu. This man was also her most feared disciple in Tianji Palace, with a sneer on his enchanting face: "As long as dogs don't bite people, we naturally won't beat dogs."

Haoyue Sect has always been at odds with their Baji Sect. Every time they enter the secret realm or inheritance place together, many disciples will be damaged in the other's hands, so the two sects have the most hatred.

"Witch, do you really think we don't dare to do anything?" The disciple of Haoyuezong was furious and asked fiercely, rolling up his sleeves.

Just as Jin Se was about to explode, an invisible pressure enveloped the entire hall. Except for Lou Muyan, the disciples including several other sects showed a look of astonishment.

The disciples of Tianji Temple looked at Ming Xiu with admiration, especially the two women behind him, whose eyes were so hot that they could burn people.

Lou Muyan glanced at Ming Xiu, this guy is really the focus wherever he goes, and the eyes of many of the girls present are almost glued to him.

"Hmph, we will see the true seal at the big competition." Haoyuezong's leader was shocked by Chi Xiu's coercion and snorted coldly.

Jin se also fearfully retracted his aura and stopped talking. Chi Xiu was too strong, and it was not something they could be shocked by.

Seeing that the two were no longer fighting each other, Ming Xiu restrained the breath released from his body, walked to a chair in the hall and sat down, "Everyone, sit down, let's talk about this mission first."

Hearing his words, the people who were standing all found a place to sit down.

"Brother Chi, what happened to the disappearance of the disciple in Luo Guihe this time? How did your sect investigate?" The leader of the sword sect asked cautiously.

Ming Xiu's eyes were light, "We sent people to investigate after we received the news of the disappearance of the guarding disciples nearby, and found that there might be magic cultivators nearby, but their soul cards were not broken, so it always revealed a feeling that something was wrong. ."

"As for the detailed information, I don't have it here. This time, the Tianji Sect initiated six missions to investigate this matter."

"So it turns out, then this matter is still very difficult." Yaozong's leading disciple frowned.

It would be troublesome if a demon cultivator appeared to cause trouble. The demon cultivator's methods were ruthless and sinister, and they were even better than their sword cultivators in the same rank.

"Everyone have a night's rest, let's go to Luoguihe tomorrow to investigate for yourself."

The entire inn has been reserved by six major sects, each with a room.

After the show, Lou Muyan was hugged from behind as soon as she entered the room, and the familiar smell lingered on the tip of her nose.

"Woman, I miss you!" Ming Xiu hugged Lou Muyan's waist and put his head on her neck.

And Mo Yan, who was standing on Lou Muyan's shoulder, was also pushed down by Ming Xiu.

Mo Yan's dark eyes exuded a cool air, and with a cold snort, he dodged into the spirit pet ring.

Out of sight, out of mind, out of mind, but why is my heart so upset? He really wanted to tear off Ming Xiu's cheeky face, but he held it back because of Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan would think of him from time to time since he discovered the difference in meditation, so he did not resist his hug.

"Your identity has changed quite quickly." Lou Muyan chuckled lightly.

Ming Xiu smelled the clean and refreshing fragrance of medicine on Lou Muyan's body, and the restlessness in his heart gradually subsided.

Although they didn't meet many times, Lou Muyan had basically all the news in his hands. Every time he got to know her, he missed her a little more and fell deeper and deeper.

Ming Xiu's mind moved, and he stretched out his hand to hit a few seals at will, and the entire room was surrounded by a high-level spirit separation formation.

"No way, I joined the Tianji Palace to investigate, so I can't reveal the identity of the Palace Master of the Nine Layers Palace."

Lou Muyan saw that he could easily set up a fifth-level spirit separation formation, his eyes darkened, and he let him hold his body softly, "Are you a fifth-level formation mage?"

Ming Xiu kissed Lou Muyan's ear and whispered, "I'm a seventh-level Array Master."

He didn't want to hide Lou Muyan, he liked her, so he would never be vague when he should be frank with her.

Lou Muyan was startled and sighed that this fellow's talent was too unbelievable, but he didn't hide himself from him, so he still felt more comfortable.

"Your cultivation is not only the middle-level Sword Sovereign seen by others, right?" Lou Muyan leaned on him and continued to ask.

"Well, I used a little secret method to hide my cultivation. I am actually a swordsman." Ming Xiu replied with a low laugh.

Does Lou Muyan ask him these questions mean that he has begun to sincerely accept him?

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