The disciples of Jianzong who entered the deep mountain on the left with Lou Muyan and others, just said hello after entering the mountain and then separated.

When Gu Xiu and Lou Muyan entered a dense forest, the speed gradually lowered.

"This mountain is too quiet, everyone be careful." Gu Xiu held the long sword in his hand and said cautiously to several people.

Several other people looked solemn, not only turned on the shield of Yuanli, but also held the magic weapon in their hands, and they were highly concentrated.

Lou Muyan's eyes were indifferent, and she did not activate the Yuanli shield. Her current mental power has reached the level of a swordsman, and any troubles can be reflected immediately.

Although it is quiet here, there is not much danger.

"Junior Sister Lou, don't be too careless." Yu Kang frowned when he saw Lou Muyan's casual look.

He really didn't know what the sect master was thinking, but he actually asked Lou Muyan to follow him to do the task. Isn't this typical of stepping back?

Although Lu Jia is also a core disciple of the outer sect, his talent is absolutely incredible, and since he is already a fourth-rank formation mage, Lou Muyan can't be compared with him at all.

The other people also showed some helplessness in their eyes, do they still want to protect Lou Muyan?

Jin se frowned, "Yu Kang, since the sect master asked Lou girl to follow, he has his reasons. What do you mean by that look?"

She is a person who likes and hates clearly, those she likes are very protective, and those she hates are definitely either swearing or beating wildly.

"I don't mean anything, I just hope that Junior Sister Lou can protect herself when she is in danger." Yu Kang said blankly.

Lou Muyan chuckled: "I don't need to worry about my safety. You can just take care of yourselves. If you don't like me, then I'll do it alone."

She had a faint smile on her face, but there was no warmth in her eyes. Could it be that she had the words "I will drag my legs" on her face?

Yu Kang didn't expect Lou Muyan to contradict him, and he was even more displeased. He snorted coldly, "You said it yourself."

"I said that." Lou Muyan nodded, "I am responsible for my life and death, even if I really die, I don't need you to explain to the sect master."

Gu Xiu glanced at Yu Kang and motioned him to stop talking.

Lou Muyan's temperament is not weaker than that of Jinse's witch. When that time comes, she really angers her. She will definitely turn around and leave. How will he explain to the suzerain?

"Okay, let's first observe whether there are ambushes around."

Yu Kang turned his head and took a breath. It was the first time he was confronted by an outer disciple.

Although I felt extremely uncomfortable, it was not good to go against Gu Xiu. After all, although this person was not good-looking, he was in the top ten on the strength list.

Lou Muyan pouted his lips boringly, and let go of his mental strength to check from a distance.

"Mo Yan, you can also use your demon sense to sweep thousands of miles away." Lou Muyan said through a voice transmission.

Mo Yan rolled her eyes at her. This woman can also use her mental power to investigate thousands of miles away. Every time she gets lazy, she sighs helplessly, "Okay!"

He found that the wise and wise self was no longer the majestic demon king he used to be.

The last ray of sunshine disappeared, the night gradually fell, and the surroundings were still eerily quiet.

"There is a cave in front of us, let's go to rest for the night." Gu Xiu knew that the night in the deep mountains was very dangerous, so he suggested.

"it is good!"

After entering the cave, everyone found a place, Jin Se sat down next to Lou Muyan, and the others were on the other side.

Lou Muyan prefers to enjoy life, so she carries a tea set anytime, anywhere.

She took out the spirit tea and the century-old red bee royal jelly and began to brew it. After a while, the fragrance of tea overflowed in the whole cave, and the water was misty.

"Senior sister, try the honey tea I brewed." Lou Muyan only brewed two cups and handed one to Jinse.

Jinse's eyes lit up, took a sip from the cup, and his enchanting face was full of smiles, "Junior sister, your high-quality spirit tea is paired with century-old royal jelly. It's sweet and mellow. It's the best tea I've ever had."

Gu Xiu and the others looked at each other helplessly, they were completely ignored by the two women.

"Drinking royal jelly every day can improve your beauty. Senior sister, bring some back to the sect to drink." Lou Muyan was moved, and a bottle of royal jelly fell into her hand and handed it to Jinse.

Along the way, Jinse's maintenance of her has been in her eyes. This person and her temperament are quite similar in some aspects, especially the distinction between love and hate.

Jin Se was stunned for a while, but did not answer immediately, and said with a smile: "No need, the main ingredient for junior sister to refine the beauty-enhancing pill is this red bee royal jelly. You should keep the pill for refining."

"Senior sister, take it, I still have a lot." Lou Muyan shoved the bottle to Jinse with a smile.

Jin se no longer refused, "thank you, junior sister!"

Smelling the fragrant spirit tea, Gu Xiu and the others only felt thirsty, but they were embarrassed to ask Lou Muyan for it.

Miaomiao and Chihuang usually also love honey tea very much. As soon as they smelled the fragrance, they came out. A spiritual pet drank a cup, and Chihuang rubbed against Lou Muyan's wrist again to please.

Lou Muyan twitched the corners of his mouth before drinking the honey tea. This little thing is hungry again, how about eating so much!

No way, she took out a bottle of third-grade Peiyuan Pill and put it in her hand, Chi Huang happily flapped her wings and grabbed the pill, then hugged it and nibbled it.

Seeing this, Miaomiao also came over, and Nuo Nuo's voice sounded: "Master, I'm hungry too."

Lou Muyan smiled speechlessly, poured out all the seven or eight medicinal pills in the bottle and put them in his hands, and swallowed them in one breath.

Chi Huang lost all his medicinal pills, and continued to ask for medicinal pills.

Lou Muyan took out another bottle and stuffed one for it. These spiritual pets became more and more edible, and they were more prosperous than her.

But her seemingly inadvertent actions stunned everyone in the cave.

"Junior sister, is this a third-grade Peiyuan Dan in your hand?" Gu Xiu couldn't help asking.

"Yes!" Lou Muyan nodded and continued to feed.

"..." Hearing her answer, several people were messed up in the wind.

"Junior Sister Lou, do you usually feed your spirit pets like this?" Xiao Ye pursed his lips and asked.

The third-grade Peiyuan Dan was known to the sword masters of the entire Tianling Continent because of the sale of a pill shop supported by the Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce, and they were snapped up.

The last time he returned to the palace, he had received two pills. After taking them, the effect was very good.

It's just a pity that although the elixir shop regularly sells third-grade elixir like Peiyun Pill, it is sold in limited quantities. If you want to buy it, you need to book in advance. The most important thing is that you may not be able to buy it if you have money.

And what does he see now?

One of the 20,000 spirit stones that was purchased in limited quantities was actually used by Lou Muyan to feed her spirit pets, and the red honey that money could not buy was used by her to make tea. Does she know the value of these things?

"Well, they don't like to eat the medicinal pills received from the sect's resources." Lou Muyan nodded, with a bit of pampering in her eyes.

These are her life-and-death partners, and she will naturally not be stingy.

"..." The corners of several people's mouths twitched, what is it that they don't like to eat the medicine pills received by the sect? That is also a third-grade medicine pill!

They finally knew why Lou Muyan asked questions about contribution points and spiritual stone rewards after the sect master ordered the task. This woman is simply a complete prodigal woman!

It was the first time they saw someone's spiritual pet being treated like this. At this time, they had to admit that they were not as good as Lou Muyan's spiritual pet...

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