When Ming Xiu heard Lou Muyan's confident voice transmission, he immediately retracted his steps and looked at the man in purple with cold eyes.

He didn't immediately deal with this person before. First, he didn't want to reveal too much strength, and second, he wanted Lou Muyan to be rescued by the six disciples.

Now that the man controls the ghost beast to attack his woman, he is already a dead person in his eyes.

The formation has been broken, and he doesn't need to be polite.

A golden giant sword fell in his hand. Unlike the natal magic weapon that Lou Muyan refined with extremely cold golden marrow, Ming Xiu's natal magic weapon was obviously of a higher level.

The golden sword crossed an arc, and a dazzling golden light like the direct sunlight fell straight down, instantly covering the man in purple.

At the same time, the sharp claws of the ghost beast also fell on the top of Lou Muyan's head.

She didn't dodge, her lips curled up with a slight arc, and a faint orange soft light covered her hands.

Since she got the orange flame, she no longer hides the fact that she has a spirit fire, which can just cover up the aura of the purple gold spirit fire.


Just when everyone thought Lou Muyan would be torn to pieces by the claws of the cloud beast, they saw that she would not retreat but advance, a fist with a soft orange light slammed out, and went straight to the black scale armor. claws.

There was a kind of horror in the green eyes of the ghost beast. It didn't expect that a weak woman on the opposite side not only caught its sharp claws, but also punched a flame with destructive power into it through that punch. in vivo.

"Ow!" The piercing pain made him yell.

A cluster of orange flames flew up along its claws continuously, and stopped when it landed on its ghost.

Seeing this, Lou Muyan jumped up immediately, punching the weakest point of the Yin Soul Beast's body with a punch.

Her figure was constantly flashing in the air, and every time the ghost beast appeared, she would be attacked by the fist wind.

"Oww!!" The ghost beast still had the domineering aura it had when it appeared.

It kept dodging, and every time it was bombarded, it would make a miserable cry, obviously being beaten by Lou Muyan.

"Then, that woman turned out to be a body cultivator." A disciple of Haoyuezong couldn't help swallowing while watching the unilateral beating in midair.

"Oh my God! Junior Sister Lou is so violent." Peng Yang felt a chill on his back, and decided in his heart that he would never provoke Lou Muyan.

Gu Xiu went to the competition space and knew how strong Lou Muyan's body was, but he didn't expect to face the ghost beast with an immortal body and a body comparable to the eighth-order monster. Blind eyes.

Jinse's eyes lit up, full of admiration and excitement, "Junior sister is mighty."

The disciples of other sects dared not underestimate her since Lou Muyan broke the fifth-level Soul Locking Formation in just one stick of incense. Seeing her such a violent fighting style at this time felt eye-opening. At the same time, a deep fear arose.

The leading disciple present, like Gu Xiu, found out the identity of the opponent's disciple when they were in the inn. They knew that Lou Muyan was the first place in the Tianling Continent Tournament, but they really didn't expect her combat power. would be so strong.

"Ow!!" The ghost beast stabbed all over, and it found that the woman's fist was too powerful.

Not only does it carry a kind of sword qi fist style, but it also uses spiritual fire to protect the fist. If the spiritual fire in the body is not forced out, it is afraid that it will be damaged here today.

Suddenly, it stared at Green Youyou's big eyes and looked at the purple clothed man covered in golden light, and the connection between master and servant was completely cut off.

It was overjoyed, and it would no longer have to be controlled by that person in the future.

With another punch, the ghost beast was blasted more than ten meters away, its eyes turned, and with the force of that retrogression, it turned and ran away into the distance.

"Want to run? It's not that easy." Lou Muyan snorted coldly and turned into a red light to chase after him.

In my heart, I couldn't help but praise the ghost beast, it's really good.

She was thinking about how to avoid the eyes of the disciples of the six sects and let Jun Luochen absorb and refine the ghost beast, but it fled to the distance on its own initiative, justifying her bosom.

At this time, Lou Muyan's Shunbu had already completed, and he soon caught up with the ghost beast in a deserted jungle.

When she was moved, clusters of orange flames formed a hot ribbon and flew out, instantly tying the ghost beast upright.

"Jun Luochen, you still haven't come out to supplement?" Lou Muyan shouted.

Before she could finish her voice, a black smoke emerged from the pendant around her neck, instantly covering the ghost beast.

Not long after, Lou Muyan heard a desperate scream from the ghost beast, and then her body continued to shrink. When it was only the size of a palm, she was swept by the black smoke and got into her pendant.

"Are you finished?" Lou Muyan asked Jun Luochen.

Jun Luochen in the pendant is still hidden in the black mist, his figure is looming, "Not so fast, but it has been sealed by me, I will enjoy it slowly."

"As you like!" Since Lou Muyan has reached a cooperation with him, he naturally doesn't care when he refines the ghost beast.

After Jun Luochen brought the ghost beast into the pendant, she disappeared into the jungle in a flash.

When he returned to the top of the mountain again, the man in purple had been killed by the golden light sword energy of Ming Xiu as expected.

"Junior Sister Lou, are you alright?" Gu Xiu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lou Muyan returned safely.

If something happened to this little ancestor here, he would have to be stripped alive by Elder Ao and the sect master when he went back.

"It's okay." Lou Muyan smiled.

"Where's the ghost beast?" Han Yi asked curiously, looking behind her.

Because the ghost beast is a creature produced by refining the souls of humans or monsters by cultivating and refining the soul of the yin evil spirit, no matter which level it is promoted to, it cannot be transformed into a human form.

Moreover, the body of the yin soul beast is actually made of countless yin qi, so it is also called the indestructible body, that is, it cannot be killed by ordinary sword qi or magic weapons.

Lou Muyan came back, but the ghost beast disappeared. They didn't know if she killed it.

"Run." Lou Muyan shrugged and said helplessly.

She chased out aggressively just now, and returned after a while. Now that the ghost beast ran away, who would believe such an excuse!

"You won't be swallowing the ghost beast alone, right? The excuse of running away is too fake." Haoyuezong's leading disciple turned around and said.

Even though the ghost beast was conceived by a demon cultivator, it was also of great help to the sword cultivator who cultivated the right path.

If you can use the blood of its body to refine the body, it will be more effective.

Lou Muyan was going to trouble the disciple of Haoyuezong, but he didn't expect him to come out first.

She sneered, and her body technique disappeared in front of everyone like a ghost walking in a blink of an eye.

The leading disciple of the Haoyue Sect only felt that her eyes were too sharp, and after seeing her disappear, a sense of ominousness rose in his heart that he had never had before, and his neck suddenly felt cold.

When Lou Muyan appeared in front of everyone again, she suddenly stood on the side of the leading disciple of Haoyue Sect and pinched his neck with one hand.

"I didn't expect you to be tall and thick, with a very thin neck. I wonder if it will make a sound of broken bones if it is crushed."

Lou Muyan's stunning face bloomed with a smile as beautiful as a poppy, "I like hearing the sound of bone cracks the most, how about you?"

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