The strange fragrance in the cave space penetrated into their bodies with a stream of air currents, and when the strange fragrance dissipated, a few people got out of that comfortable state.

"You despicable human beings, this is the king's territory. If you don't get out of here, don't blame me for breaking the net." The red and white Jiaolong looked at a few people and spit out words with indifferent eyes.

"It's okay if you want us to leave, you can let us take the obsidian away." Shen Mufeng said with a sullen face.

"Don't even think about it." The Flood Dragon was furious and spit out countless ice cones at the four of them with a roar.

Ming Xiu wielded his golden sword to block all the ice picks from the outside, and Shen Mufeng and Lan Si both showed a look of dread when they saw it.

"Lance, how long do you have to hide your strength?" Shen Mufeng kept dodging the ice pick and continued, "Why don't we join forces to kill him and then grab the Fluorite?"

"This method is good, but the two little guys next to us most likely grabbed the obsidian while we were fighting." Lan Si glanced at Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan and said.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes, Lan Si, the fox, has a lot of heart.

"The two of you will deal with the Jiaolong with us, how about the fight for the obsidian fluorite later?" Shen Mufeng looked at Ming Xiu and asked.

At this time, they didn't trust anyone, and if they fought alone, they wouldn't necessarily be afraid of Jiaolong, but they were all afraid that the injury would give others the opportunity to take away the obsidian.

"I'll join forces with you, so she won't have to." Ming Xiu blocked Lou Muyan and said to the two.

"Okay, as long as you come with us." Shen Mufeng nodded.

Although Lou Muyan's strength is good, his cultivation is far worse than them. If he wants to forcibly snatch away Yao Yingshi, he can also kill her when she escapes.

The only people they are afraid of are meditation.

Ming Xiu didn't hesitate, just tapped his toes and greeted Jiaolong.

The three occupy one side each, and they used various means to force Jiaolong to use his trump card.

However, the three of them are all strong men with the same strength as Jiaolong, and the power under the combined force is simply not something that Jiaolong can resist.

It didn't take long for the three of them to completely kill the Jiaolong here, but Shen Mufeng and Lan Si also spent a lot of energy and even got injured.

When the three of them were fighting, Lou Muyan threw a few spirit pets into the ice pool, "The pool water here is good for you to quench your body and absorb it well."

"Yes, Master." Miaomiao, Xue and Bingji shouted happily in the pool.

After Bingji delivered the medicinal pill to Lou's house, he flew to Luogui River to join Lou Muyan two days ago, and thus got this opportunity.

This ice pool is very useful to monsters, but it is of no use to humans, so Lou Muyan walked to a stone and sat down with his chin pressed while watching the three of them kill the dragon.

After Jiaolong was beheaded, the three of them retreated to one side and looked at each other defensively.

"Now we are fighting for the obsidian fluorite?" Lan Si quickly took a few pills and looked at Ming Xiu and Shen Mufeng with a warm smile.

"Why don't we join forces to kill this kid, how about a showdown for the obsidian fluorite?" Shen Mufeng turned his head to Lance and asked.

Lance raised his eyebrows, his voice was like a spring breeze, "Okay!"

But there is an endless coolness in just one word.

Ever since he met Lou Muyan in Yanzhou Kingdom, he has become somewhat interested in her.

Later, he also used the network to find out her performance in the Tianling Continent hegemony competition, and even obtained a copy of the crystal ball image recorded by the reflection array method.

As he got to know her better, his interest in her became stronger in his heart, and he even had the idea of ​​taking it as his own.

When I saw this mysterious man named Ming Xiu holding her hand and entering here, there was also a tacit understanding between the two, which made him very unhappy.

His temperament is indeed as gentle as jade, but his actions are extremely ruthless. It is the right choice to get rid of a rival in love like Ming Xiu as soon as possible.

Therefore, Shen Mufeng's proposal was right in his heart.

After the two reached an agreement, Qi Qi looked towards Ming Xiu and was about to make a move, but Lou Muyan, who was sitting lazily on the stone, diddge in front of Shen Mufeng.

"Your opponent is me." She smiled like a flower, her eyes were clear and cold as she looked at Shen Mufeng.

Shen Mufeng sneered: "Little beauty, just because you want to stop me?"

"Don't you know if you try it?" Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows.

"I don't take pity on Xiangxiyu. If you let me go now, I can spare your life." Shen Mufeng narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Then I don't want to thank you for your mercy?" Lou Muyan smiled sarcastically, "Unfortunately, I'm not interested in owed the devil's kindness."

"Little Beauty's temperament is really hot, since you are obsessed with it, don't blame me for being cruel." A stern look flashed across Shen Mufeng's eyes.

"Yan, go back and I'll deal with them." Ming Xiu said softly to Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan turned her head and smiled at him, her eyes firm, "Mingxiu believes in me."

She can never be the woman hiding behind Ming Xiu, what she wants is to stand side by side, and she waits for his choice.

Seeing the confidence and determination on Lou Muyan's stunning little face, Ming Xiu's heart felt like it was about to melt, his woman was so hot and bright.

"Okay!" The woman he wants to be with all his life must stand with him and watch the scenery from a high place. She knows him just as he knows her.

Lou Muyan smiled happily and turned to face Shen Mufeng.

"Let's fight." Lance held an extra silver sword in his hand, engraved with intricate circles of runes.

Looking at the tacit interaction between the two, the discomfort in his heart deepened a little bit, and it became more and more unpleasant to see Ming Xiu.

As Lance's voice fell, the four quickly fought together.

Lou Muyan quickly formed the seal, and clusters of orange flames jumped out of her palm and turned into blossoming fire lotuses floating towards Shen Mufeng.

Shen Mufeng knew that Lou Muyan had spirit fire before, so he also took precautions, and he immediately took out a dark shield.

The shield quickly and suddenly became larger, blocking all the Hualien that the spirit fire had turned into.

"If you only have this method, you will surely die." Shen Mufeng held an extra cyan long sword, constantly injecting Yuan force.

Lou Muyan sighed, the gap between the cultivation bases is too large and it is really difficult to make up for it by means, "Mo Yan, let's start."

Mo Yan, who was standing on her shoulder, gave Shen Mufeng a cold look, and after a few gestures with her claws in mid-air, she disappeared into this space.

Immediately, a blazing blue-black flame appeared in Lou Muyan's dantian, and a violent force swept through his body.

She quickly formed the seal and used a secret method to incorporate the power borrowed by Mo Yan into her own spiritual power.

The pupils in Shen Mufeng's eyes shrank, and he found that Lou Muyan's aura had gradually and completely changed, and his cultivation was constantly improving, until he was promoted to the first-level Sword Saint.

He didn't know what method she used to improve her strength, but the faint sense of danger made him no longer hesitate.

He swung his sword and slashed, and a sword qi burst out into the air and turned into a cyan tiger, opening its mouth and biting towards Lou Muyan's neck.

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