All the obsidian fluorites were born, and a fragrant fragrance lingered on the nose of the two of them.

Lou Muyan's several spiritual pets also absorbed the power in the ice pool almost at this time.

"I didn't expect our luck to be so good, and the fluorite actually gave birth to the essence of fluorite." Lou Muyan smiled at the few spar in the stamen.

Ming Xiu nodded: "Yes! Last time we got the extremely cold golden marrow together, and this time we discovered the fluorite essence, which shows that our luck is good."

"It's still the old rule, let's divide it by half." Lou Muyan said with a smile.

"I only use the fluorite essence for refining one magic weapon. You can put away the other obsidian fluorites." Ming Xiu has been looking for a material for refining a water attribute magic weapon, but he didn't expect this opportunity. It happened by coincidence.

"Do you want Bai Jiaolong's corpse and Shen Mufeng's space ring?" Lou Muyan asked, scanning the corpse beside him.

"No, you put it all away."

Lou Muyan knew that this fellow was so rich that he was not polite, so he divided the fluorite essence into half, and then put it away together with the spar peony that contained the obsidian fluorite.

Ming Xiu took the fluorite essence and put it away, thinking about it and asking, "Can you also perceive the water element?"

"Well, I'm going to use these fluorite essences to refine a natal magic weapon." Lou Muyan did not hide it from Ming Xiu.

Ming Xiu's eyes were a little bit different. He didn't expect Lou Muyan's talent to be so defiant, but when he remembered his multiple attributes, he was indifferent, so they are a good match, right?

"If you use the essence of fluorite to refine the natal magic weapon, it is best to join the heavy water to sacrifice and refine together, and the power will be even higher."

After Ming Xiu finished speaking, he flipped his hand, and there were two more colorless and transparent stones in his palm, "This is a secluded meteorite. When you refine it, you can add some to randomly activate some of the hidden attribute functions of the magic weapon."

"Then I'm welcome." Lou Muyan knew about You Meteorite. This thing can be regarded as an earth-level spiritual item. It is very rare. function will be more powerful.

"By the way, do you know where you can find heavy water in Tianling Continent?" Lou Muyan asked after a while.

Heavy water is a kind of spiritual object extracted by high-level swordsmen who have realized the great perfection of the water element. It is the best choice for refining magic tools.

Although Ming Xiu can also perceive the element of water attribute, he has only reached the Dacheng realm and cannot make heavy water. In this interface, he has never met a swordsman who comprehends the great perfection of the water attribute.

He frowned, and after a while, his eyes lit up and he said, "You have a piece of heavy water in your Baji sect. After you are promoted to inner sect disciples, each sect will have a separate spiritual item exchanged for jade slips and issued, I remember. Heavy water is in it."

"Then I can just use the contribution points to exchange for the quest for the killing order to exchange." Lou Muyan smiled happily.

She is not worried about being promoted to the inner sect disciple. Whether it is a professional technique competition or a direct battle, she is 100% sure that she will be able to enter the inner sect.

"The opening of the Land of Inheritance has been delayed. You can use this gap to improve your strength. It just so happens that the selection competition for inner disciples between the various sects is about to start." Ming Xiu said.

Lou Muyan nodded: "How long will the inheritance land be opened?"

"It will take a year at the earliest. I think it will be after the Zongmen Grand Competition." Ming Xiu believed that Lou Muyan would shine brightly again during the Zongmen Grand Competition.

Lou Muyan rubbed her chin and asked, "Is there any benefit to Zongmen Dabi?"

She remembered that the six major sects held a competition between the sects every three years. They were all competitions between the new disciples of the inner sect. Ao Rong once mentioned that she hoped that she could participate in the formation competition at that time.

"There are many benefits. If you win the championship of each event, you will not only get the rewards of the six sects, but also the rewards after returning to the sects."

Ming Xiu paused and emphasized: "The most important thing is that the top three of the Zongmen Grand Competition have the opportunity to go to the Shengqingchi to wash the marrow and shape the body and wash the soul, which is several times or even ten times better than the effect of medicine pills. You must not miss it."

"Okay, since there are so many benefits, I will naturally strive to participate." Lou Muyan's eyebrows are curved, and she must go to the place where the meditation can be so praised.

Ming Xiu was touched by her smile, and an arc was raised on his lips, "The geniuses and elites of the inner sects of each sect have the ability to challenge higher levels, especially when it comes to specialized techniques, each sect hides it. With a peerless genius waiting for a blockbuster, you have to pay attention."

"It's more interesting, isn't it?" Lou Muyan's eyes lit up, and he meant to participate only if he had a challenge.

Ming Xiu took her into his arms and sniffed the fragrance of her hair, "It will take a while for us to meet again this time apart."

"En." Lou Muyan snorted and put his arms around Ming Xiu's waist.

The two of them hugged in such a quiet way and enjoyed the rare tranquility and warmth.

An hour later, the two left the cave at the bottom of the river, and when they floated to the deep blue water ring, they looked up and saw the strong men of the Demon Race and the Sea Race still anxiously trying to dive above.

"What should we do?" Lou Muyan looked at Ming Xiu and asked, "Have you killed it?"

"No, they'll leave it to the elders of the five sects to get it done." Ming Xiu's deep eyes flashed a cunning look, "We don't want to expose the fact that we got the obsidian, you didn't mean to only recover half of the injury. Is it? We will be able to wash it out when we make a fuss."

Lou Muyan was also prepared to resolutely refuse to admit to seeing the spirits at the bottom of the river, otherwise, if the powerhouses of the six sects knew that they had Fluorite in their hands, they would probably use various means to exchange them.

"But they're stuck on it, how can we get out?" Lou Muyan didn't want to fight with the powerhouses on both sides now.

Ming Xiu curled the corners of his lips and said with a smile, "Leave it to me."

When his mind moved, a purple light suddenly burst out from between his eyebrows, and immediately turned into a cold and handsome man in purple clothes.

The man exuded a powerful aura that seemed to come from ancient times, and he couldn't see through his cultivation.

"Dragon Clan Demon Cultivator?" Lou Muyan looked at the man who suddenly appeared, and whispered in a trance.

The man stared sharply at Lou Muyan, as if scrutinizing.

Then he said to Ming Xiu, "You have a good eye for choosing a woman. There are a lot of secrets in this woman, and even I can't see through it. Her talent is much more unflinching than yours, which is against the sky."

"My woman is naturally the best." Ming Xiu replied confidently and cheerfully.

After a while, the man in purple asked Ming Xiu, "Why did you call me out?"

Ming Xiu pointed to the top and replied with a smile, "I asked you to come out and lead the people above away."

The man in purple frowned, and there was a bit of disgust in his eyes, "Do you want me to transform into that sea clan swordsman to lure them away?"

This man Mingxiu is definitely not a good bird, let him turn into Lance and run out, Shen Mufeng's death and the ownership of the obsidian can naturally be pushed to Lance.

Lan Sike was not dead yet. When Shen Mufeng was found dead, those Demon Races would never give up, and it was very possible for them to go to the Sea Race to assassinate them.

At that time, when the news that Luminite was taken away by Lans is released, Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan will find the person behind the back.

This is typical of the rhythm of killing a rival in love!

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