Lou Muyan was victorious all the way, and he soon faced off against Di Tiantian, who was also victorious all the way.

The emperor kills the sky, his facial features are deep, and the outline is as clear as the carving of a blade. The red clothes of the eight extreme sects make his strong figure more tall and straight, and his imposing manner is like a rainbow, giving people a sense of wild arrogance.

He strolled to the battle stage, his dark eyes stretched as far as the eye could see, and Zhang Yang swept the Lou Muyan recklessly.

There was no surprise in his eyes, no disdain, only a strong sense of interest.

While Emperor Killing Tian looked at Lou Muyan, she was also looking at the man who was rumored to be one of the two arrogances of the Eight Extreme Sect.

The breath exuding from his body is that of a mid-level Sword Sovereign, but Lou Muyan still felt a very faint sense of depression. This man has restrained a lot of his breath, and his strength should be very strong.

While the two looked at each other, the outer disciples present all looked at Emperor Killing Heaven with admiration.

"Senior Brother Emperor is too manly, if you can marry him, this life will be enough." A woman who admired Emperor Killing Heaven said madly.

"Forget it, a man like Senior Brother Emperor is not something we can care about." The female disciple next to him sighed: "Even if I can really be his concubine, such a wild and domineering man is not something I can control. ."

"Senior Brother Emperor and Lou Muyan don't know who will win." A disciple said.

"Why do you need to ask such an obvious question? Of course it's Senior Brother Emperor."

"Although Lou Muyan said that the talent of the formation method is not bad, it is still too tender."

The disciples of the Fu Zhuan Academy were worried, "Junior Sister Lou doesn't know if she is sure of the Emperor Killing Heaven."

"How can you be sure? Emperor Killing Heaven is different from those who were defeated by Junior Sister Lou before. In addition to his amazing talent in formation, he is also the number one person in the outer sect. It is even said that he can rank among the top three in the inner sect. ten."

"Actually, even if Junior Sister Lou loses to Di Tiantian, it doesn't matter. She has already fought for our Fuzhuan Academy."

"Yeah! The performance of her and Zi Che Shi has already overwhelmed the elites and geniuses of other academies. In the future, who would dare to look down on our Fuzhuan Academy?"

On the seat of the head of the house, a ray of light flashed across the head of the head of the Refining Institute, "The Yuan force fluctuations on Emperor Killing Heaven's body have become much deeper."

"Emperor Killing Heaven is worthy of being the first person in the outer courtyard of the formation. Although he is only a mid-level sword master, he is afraid that it will be difficult for a sword master at the peak of the sword to win." The gray beard praised.

The head of the Refining Institute showed a bit of regret, "Lou Muyan's talent is really good, but it's not enough to look at when God kills the sky."

Seeing Huo Linglong glance over coldly, he immediately added: "Of course, if you give her a certain amount of time to grow up, it shouldn't be bad."

"Hmph, you blind old people." Huo Linglong snorted coldly, a hint of sarcasm on her lips, she waited to see a few immortals drop their chins.

On the battlefield, Di Ji Tianhuan looked at Lou Muyan with a smile and said, "Junior sister, if you only have the means to smash the fourth-level talisman, then there is no need to compare."

A fourth-level talisman can't hurt him, but a fifth-level talisman could threaten his life.

"Senior brother, just use whatever means you have. Junior sister just follow your instructions." Lou Muyan said casually, playing with a strand of blue silk.

"..." The disciples below twitched the corners of their mouths when she said this, do you want to be so arrogant?

"Haha, Junior Sister is crazy enough, then let me learn from you." Di Tiantian laughed loudly, took out a few array flags and began to set them up.

He kept stamping into the formation flag, and saw a trace of warm light penetrate into the formation.

Lou Muyan squinted his eyes and chuckled: "Senior brother's formation is really powerful, the fourth-level Sun Fine Gold Formation is not something that ordinary people can set up."

"It turns out that Junior Sister is also a person in the Tao. I have seen through my formation as soon as I started to arrange it." The color of interest in Di Shitian's eyes was even stronger, "I am looking forward to your solution."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan's eyes were full of fighting intent.

The Golden Sun Array can be attacked and defended. It can be regarded as a relatively difficult high-level formation among the fourth-level formations. The person who needs to arrange it not only has high mental power, but also needs to understand the three attribute elements of gold, fire and wind. .

The power of this formation does not come from the spirit stone, but from the sunlight. As long as the sun does not fall, the formation can run forever.

Moreover, this formation can be continuously upgraded. She once saw a large sect's guardian formation when she was in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, which was an enhanced version of the Sun Fine Gold Formation.

While Emperor Slaughtering Heaven was making arrangements, Lou Muyan no longer hesitated, took out a few refined formation flags and began to arrange three small formations.

"Ji!" Di Tiantian inserted the main formation flag into the formation, and suddenly golden lights flickered one after another, forming a translucent mask.

The mask contains a hot energy fluctuation, and the protective power that overflows can definitely resist the bombardment of Sword Sovereign's cultivation.

At the same time when the Emperor Slaughtering Formation was arranged, Lou Muyan's three small formations were also arranged.

The three formations exuded three dazzling light colors of gold, green, and red. She entered a magic formula, and the three light colors instantly joined together.

The three rays of light instantly formed a mask, and the power that overflowed from it was no weaker than that of the Heaven Slaughtering Sun Fine Gold Array.

"What, she was able to set up three miniature four-level high-level formations at the same time." The head of the formation court couldn't help but exclaimed.

The head of the Dan Academy watched the green and red formations gradually become hotter, "Her dual attributes of fire and wood have already realized the peak of the Great Accomplishment Realm, if there is an opportunity, she can definitely go to the next level, such a feeling If the talent is used in alchemy, it is entirely possible to become an alchemist above the fifth rank."

The head of the Refining Institute slapped the table in front of him and said a little excitedly: "Metallic vitality is about to realize the Dacheng realm, and coupled with the fire energy of the peak Dacheng realm, Lou Muyan is a good seedling for refining!"

In the past, I just listened to Ao Rong's constant praise of Lou Muyan's talent. After all, they hadn't seen her with their own eyes, so although they usually paid attention to her, they didn't pay such attention to her.

"Her mental strength is very strong, even better than the first genius in the outer courtyard of our beast-controlling courtyard. If you enter the inner door and go to the beast-controlling courtyard to practice, you will definitely be able to go to the next level." The eyes of the master of the beast-controlling courtyard flicker .

After the disciples of the outer sect participated in the selection and assessment of the inner sect, they would have to re-select the qualifications for changing the school.

As for the things that the head of the Beast-Controlling House could think of, the heads of the other houses naturally made small calculations in their hearts.

Huo Linglong glanced at a few people lightly and didn't bother to argue with them. Anyway, if anyone dared to fight her for Lou Muyan, she would definitely demolish someone's courtyard wall.

Seeing Huo Linglong's gloomy eyes, the suzerain smiled shyly and said, "Let's take a look at Lou Muyan's performance first, let's start the war."

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