Several hospital masters had different thoughts at this time. The head of the Pill Court was fixedly staring at the pill that Lou Muyan gave to the Emperor, while the head of the Array Court couldn't sit still.

As soon as the inner sect's disciple quota assessment competition was over, the head of the formation court left in a hurry to go to the sect master.

Huo Linglong watched him hurriedly follow the back of the suzerain, and there was a sarcastic arc on his lips. This old man seemed to want to dig the corner of their Fuzhuanyuan.

The heads of the other courts have different thoughts, all waiting for the head of the court to take the lead.

The suzerain entered the door on the front foot, and the lord of the formation court followed behind.

After sitting down, the waiter of the sect master made a pot of tea for the two and exited the gate.

"Senior brother, do you have any plans after Lou Muyan enters the inner door?" The head of the Array Court asked first.

The Sect Master slowly flicked the tea leaves in the cup with the lid, and then slowly said, "Do you think Huo Linglong will give up Lou Muyan?"

"Sect Master, Xue Lan'er did her tricks before going to the Fu Zhuan Academy when Lou Muyan chose the School of Art. With her outstanding talent in the formation, it would be best to transfer to the formation court." The head of the formation court said bluntly. the way.

"Her talent in the formation is really against the sky, but being able to refine a fourth-level talisman shows that her talent is also very good in the way of talisman. It is impossible for Huo Linglong to let people go."

The court master of the formation court was indifferent, and he thought about it and asked, "What if Lou Muyan voluntarily chose the formation court?"

"If it is Lou Muyan's own choice, I will naturally not interfere, and Huo Linglong has no right to stay." The sect master said.

"Okay, after Lou Muyan enters the inner door, the old man will go and talk to her." The court master had a happy face.

The sect master glanced at him lightly and said with a smile: "Lou Muyan's talent has already been noticed by the senior management of the sect. Once she enters the inner sect, once the comprehension tower is opened, if she performs well, it is very likely that she will be accepted by one of them. As a disciple, if you want to talk, I won't stop me, but I can't force her."

The head of the court was stunned, and then Mo Mingwu crossed his eyes, "I see, if she doesn't want to come to the court, I won't force it."

However, he could lure Lou Muyan. He believed that in the face of absolute interests, anyone would be tempted.

After the head of the Array Court left, the head of the Dan Court and several other courtyards also came to visit the suzerain. After getting the unanimous answer, he prepared to wait for Lou Muyan to arrive at the inner door before making plans.

After returning to Fuzhuan Academy, Lou Muyan was greeted by the disciples in the same courtyard. After she had dealt with it, she hid in her own courtyard and practiced without seeing guests.

In the battle with Emperor Slaughter, she was able to grasp a sense of comprehension of the wind element, and she has been further comprehending it in recent days.

Five days later, she received a sound transmission, and when she opened the courtyard door, she saw Zi Che Shidan standing at the door with a smile.

"Why are you here, brother?"

"All the places for inner disciples have been announced, and the head of the academy asked me and you to report to the inner gate." Zi Che Shi said gracefully.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Okay, shall we go now?"


Lou Muyan was not familiar with the Baji Sect, and the two flew to a remote hall for about half an hour.

"The inner door is here?" Lou Muyan blinked and asked.

Zi Che Shi chuckled: "Of course not, but we have to take the flying monster from here."

"The inner door is far from here?" Lou Muyan asked as he walked.

Zicheshi took him to the top floor of the main hall, "It will take more than half a day to arrive."

After Lou Muyan went up to the top floor, he found that there were quite a few halos here, and the seventh-order flying monsters that were locked in the halo were all domesticated.

"The two of you are going to the inner door?" An elder who managed the Flying Monster Beast Palace looked at the two and asked.

"Yes." Zi Che Shi handed over the pass orders for the two of them.

After the elder checked it out, a smile appeared on his face, "Come with me."

Immediately, the two sat on a seventh-order eagle and tiger-faced beast and swam in the opposite direction to the outer door.

"Why don't we make our own flying instruments? Is there anything special?" Lou Muyan asked while sitting on the eagle and tiger-faced beast.

"The location of the inner gate is quite special. Only the eagles, eagles and tiger-faced beasts raised by the sect who have made special marks from childhood can find the place to enter." After the identity token, you can enter and exit freely.”

"We don't need to go to the inner door with other people?" Lou Muyan thought at first that the sect would let the disciples go to the inner door to report.

"The outer disciples of each courtyard will report together, and the other disciples of our Fuzhuan Yuan will be led by the head of the courtyard to report in two days," Zi Cheshi explained.

"Then why are we two days ahead of schedule?" Lou Muyan frowned and was very puzzled.

"The Comprehension Tower in the inner courtyard will be opened in two days for some reason, and the only two of us who can go to the Comprehension Tower in the Fuzhuan Academy are the two of us, so it's ahead of schedule." Zi Cheshi's eyes were filled with anticipation.

"I see."

Near the evening, the eagle and tiger-faced beast crossed a large lake, and after passing the lake, you can see the continuous ups and downs of the forest, which is very spectacular.

The griffin chirped a few times, and its two claws landed on a tree dozens of feet high and patted a spot.

Then I saw that its claws were rubbed by a hidden formation. After the breath matched, I saw an ancient gate out of thin air on the tree.

The door opened slowly, the eagle and the tiger-faced beast flew in, and then the door behind it closed immediately.

Lou Muyan did not expect that the inner door would be hidden in such a place. The big tree was obviously the edge of a huge guardian formation.

After entering the gate, I saw a great hall standing majestically at intervals in the distance, with disciples walking around from time to time.

Lingyun surrounds the surroundings, and the spiritual fields below are planted with various spiritual grasses and flowers.

The concentration of spiritual energy here is more than three times that of the outer door. The surrounding islands are covered by the formation, and the griffins and tiger-faced beasts are carefully avoided one by one.

"Most of those floating islands are the residences of the elders. You should be careful not to come to this area when flying in the future." Ziche Shijian Lou Muyan reminded him while looking at the island formation.

"Then the floating island is all about gathering spirit arrays." Lou Muyan said while rubbing his chin.

Zi Che Shi chuckled: "Junior sister really has good eyesight."

"Only the elders live on the floating island?" Lou Muyan watched a young man Yu Jian enter a floating island in the distance. The man was wearing the clothes of an inner disciple.

"If the disciples who can rank in the top ten in contribution points can also spend their contribution points to buy living time on a floating island, that senior brother is one of them."

Zi Che Shi's expression was full of yearning, "In addition to the spirit gathering array, I heard that the floating island has many benefits and uses. If the junior sister can earn more contribution points in the future, it can be considered."

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