Early the next morning, an elder brought Lou Muyan and Zicheshi to the central hall.

At this time, the Sect Master and Elder Ao Rong were both sitting in the center of the main hall, and there were more than a dozen disciples standing in front of them.

As soon as Lou Muyan approached, they found that the eleven disciples had a strong aura.

It can be seen that these people are old disciples of the inner sect, and Lou Muyan saw Jinse among the eleven people.

Jin se cast a kind smile at Lou Muyan and blinked.

At the same time, many of the eleven people looked at the two of them in unison, with playfulness, indifference, and disdain in their eyes.

Then several elders brought new disciples from other courtyards who could enter the Comprehension Pagoda to practice. Lou Muyan recognized Di Tian and Yin Hong among them.

When everyone arrived, the sect master coughed lightly and said to the disciples below: "I think you all know the purpose of gathering you here today."

"The sect's magic comprehension tower is about to open, which is a very rare opportunity." The sect master paused and said, "In the past, disciples who wanted to enter the comprehension tower to comprehend and cultivate must achieve a certain sect contribution or talent to obtain the comprehension tower. Only with the approval of the guardian elders.”

"However, the situation is special this time, especially the new disciples who have entered the inner sect must seize this opportunity. You will represent the Baji sect in this competition among the six major sects in three months."

"The most important thing is that this competition is related to the number of places for the six sects to enter the inheritance, so the hope of the whole sect is placed on you and the others." A new inner disciple.

Hearing him say this, all the disciples were stunned. Lou Muyan had long known about this from Huo Linglong, but she also showed a surprised expression at the right time.

"Sect Master, do you mean that we need new inner disciples to fight for the place we want to enter the inheritance land?" A mature-looking man among the old disciples stood up and cupped his hands to the Sect Master.

The Sect Master sighed and replied, "This decision was made by the ancestors of the six major sects, and no one dares to change it."

"But they have only been in the inner sect for three months to participate in the competition of the six major sects. Isn't this a bit suspenseful!" A burly-looking disciple asked with a frown.

"The other sects who participated in the competition are also newly promoted inner disciples. There is no doubt about this, so the Tower of Comprehension was opened for them to enter and cultivate. Presumably other sects have also tried their best to improve the strength of the new disciples in the past three months. ' said the sovereign.

"Since they are standing on the same starting line, it's fair. It's just that in the past, the sects were at the bottom of our Baji sect. This time it is related to the place of inheritance. Our Baji sect is very disadvantaged!" The steady man spoke again.

The suzerain's eyes also showed concern, "This is also something that can't be helped. The rules set by the ancestors have to suffer even if our Baji sect is wiped out in the competition."

In the last competition of the six major sects, the Bajizong only won the third place in the strength competition, and took the second place in the formation competition, and the other magic competitions were completely wiped out.

"Okay, it's useless to talk too much." Elder Ao Rong said with a stern face: "This time, the new inner disciples of our Baji Sect are all good, and they may get excellent results. What you have to worry about now is How can I understand more in the Comprehension Tower?"


"Ao Rong, take them to the Comprehension Tower." The Sect Master waved his hand and said.

"Yes, brother."

Ao Rong used the flying instrument to bring the group to a hidden hall, and after opening the formation, he used the teleportation formation to teleport to the secret place of the Eight Extreme Sect.

After entering the secret land, Lou Muyan saw five towering stone towers in front of him, with a vicissitudes of life, and each tower exuded the coercion of high-level artifacts.

"Ao Rong is your leader this time!" An elder walked out from each of the five comprehension towers. One of them calmly looked at the twenty people behind Ao Rong and said, "This time the disciples look pretty good overall."

"I can make you say it's good, it seems that we still have hope of winning this competition of the six major sects." Ao Rong said with a smile.

The corners of the other elders' mouths twitched, and this guy Ao Rong just likes to climb along the pole.

Wasn't their Baji sect the bottom one? This batch of disciples looks good, but the new inner disciples from other sects are even better.

"Okay, let me talk about the rules for entering the Tower of Comprehension."

One of the elders, who seemed to be highly respected, stroked his gray beard and said.

"There are five towers of comprehension, namely the Dan Tower, the Talisman Tower, the Refining Tower, the Formation Tower, and the Beast Control Tower. Each tower is divided into nine layers."

"Each floor of the Comprehension Tower has a detailed Comprehension Wall, and you can start to comprehend when you penetrate your spiritual power into the wall."

"If a disciple has a deep understanding of the things in the Comprehension Tower on the first floor, the Comprehension Tower will activate itself and transmit that person to the second floor, and so on. Until the comprehension reaches the limit, the Comprehension Tower will send the disciple out of the tower. outside."

"Of course, the higher the tower you enter, the more you have comprehended, and the stronger your talent for that spell."

"The opportunity is in front of you. After entering the Comprehension Tower, first adjust your mentality. If you can enter the ethereal state, it is best. If you understand the limit and be passed out of the tower, don't force it." The elder introduced the rules of the Comprehension Tower in one breath. .

"Yes!" The twenty people replied in unison.

"If you have any questions, you can ask them now, and after a stick of incense, you can enter the tower one by one to understand." The elder paused and said.

"Elder, this junior has a question to ask." One of the old disciples stood up and said.


"Do we choose to enter the five towers of comprehension or are they distributed by the elders?"

"You choose for yourself, if someone not only only has one magic technique spread out from one comprehension tower, but can also continue to enter another comprehension tower."

"Excuse me, elder, what is the highest level a disciple of the sect in the comprehension tower can reach?" a disciple asked with expectation and confidence.

"Among the five comprehension pagodas, a peerless genius of the Baji sect who has already ascended to the Guangling Realm has realized the seventh floor, and all four pagodas have realized the seventh floor."

Hearing the elders say this, many people have longing and strange colors in their eyes.

Lou Muyan's eyes were full of interest, but she wanted to see what was in the tower to comprehend.

"As long as you enter the tower and understand the disciples on the fifth floor, your future achievements will be extraordinary. You should work hard."

Here, the disciples and elders exchanged questions and answers, and soon it was time for a stick of incense.

"Okay, you can choose one of the comprehension towers to enter. All five towers can enter into comprehension, but the stacking time cannot exceed two months."

After three months, there will be a big competition between the six major sects, so the longest time for understanding the tower is two months.

But although it was said to be two months, the elders of the towers did not take it to heart.

Because except for the soaring peerless genius who stayed in the four towers for a total of one and a half months, the others felt at most one month before it was over.

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