Ao Rong listened to Lou Muyan's question, and saw that she almost vomited blood while squeezing her eyes at him, can he pretend to be dizzy?

"Hehe, what, how can you offend the ancestor?" Ao Rong said with a smile, "The ancestor didn't like you enough, how could he blame you."

He didn't expect this dead girl to be so bold, and wanted to blackmail the ancestor of Yuchan and drag him.

"Little girl Lou, do you want high-grade spirit grass and spirit fruit from this old man?" Yuchan ancestor looked at her funny and asked.

It was the first time in so many years that he had met such a courageous disciple within the sect, and he thought it was very interesting.

"No! How dare I ask the ancestor for something from you." Lou Muyan smiled sweetly.

Then she changed the topic and said regretfully, "I originally wanted to brew some more advanced spirit wine to honor my ancestors, but it's a pity that clever women can't cook without rice, so I have to wait until I find advanced spirit grass and spirit fruit. Brewed."

"..." Ao Rong and a few elders twitched the corners of their mouths, this move is really good to play by retreating.

"Okay, don't act in front of me. If you want some high-level spirit grass and spirit fruit, I'll make an order, and the old man will find it for you."

The ancestor of Yuchan looked at her with a half-smile and said, "But the old man wants to drink the spirit wine brewed from the thousand-year-old royal jelly. I believe you can do it, little girl?"

Ao Rong and several elders knew that the ancestor of Yuchan was not a role to be fooled, and the Millennium Royal Jelly was really bad for him.

However, several people also watched the conversation between the two with great interest. The fighting between a little fox and a smiling tiger was really wonderful.

Lou Muyan blinked her eyes and smiled innocently: "How dare I deceive my ancestor. No problem, in order to honor my ancestor, I will definitely get the Millennium Royal Jelly."

She didn't hide the purpose of blackmailing the ancestors of Yuchan. The more scheming she was in front of these old guys, it would cause disgust. It is better to express her thoughts so far.

"Okay, the old man is waiting for your mead." Elder Yuchan smiled happily, and then he restrained his smile and said seriously: "In the recent period of time, you should not waste your energy on these aspects, and prepare for the six major sects. It's a big match."

"Disciple obeys." Lou Muyan replied.

Then she used her mental force to print a list of spirit grass and spirit fruit and handed it to the ancestor of Yuchan.

"Do you still have blood sac wine and mead on you?" Elder Yuchan asked.

Lou Muyan consciously took out more than ten pots of spirit wine from the space ring and said, "These wines were brewed by me before. If the ancestors like it, drink it."

The ancestor of Yuchan liked this kind of clever and witty disciple. He put away the spirit wine in front of him, flicked his finger, and sent a top-quality holy treasure to Lou Muyan.

"This holy treasure is a gift for you, you can put it away."

Lou Muyan grabbed the streamer in front of him and put it away rudely, "Thank you for your reward."

Don't do it for nothing, and the ancestor of Yuchan gave her a defensive armor sacred treasure, which is still very useful and precious to her now.

"Let's improve in the last month." The ancestor of Yuchan smiled, and his figure gradually faded and disappeared in the stone house.

Lou Muyan's eyes were full of surprise. The person just now was actually just a clone. He really deserved to be a sword god-level powerhouse. The secret method was used so flawlessly.

"You dead girl will scare people to death!" Ao Rong glared at Lou Muyan angrily after the elder Yuchan left, "To extort this smiling tiger from the ancestor of Yuchan, you are so courageous. ."

"I just want to blackmail you, do you have spirit grass and spirit fruit for me?" Lou Muyan teased.

Ao Rong choked, he, as a refiner, naturally didn't have many spirit grasses and spirit fruits in his hands, "No."

"That's enough. Isn't the ancestor used for extortion? Whoever makes people rich, any leak in their hands is a treasure." Lou Mu smoke thief laughed.

"That's true, or you girl has foresight." Ao Rong nodded in agreement, should he learn from this dead girl to blackmail when he sees those people in the future?


The elders of the five pagodas twitched the corners of their mouths, with fine sweat on their foreheads. Is it really okay for these two people to say such outrageous words in front of them? Why do they also think it makes sense...

"Little girl Lou, I'm the guarding elder of Danta." The elder of Danta leaned in front of Lou Muyan with a smile and asked, "How about you exchange the blood sac wine and mead for me?"

Lou Muyan knew that these old guys were also very rich, so since they brought them to the door, they would extort them reluctantly.

Anyway, there are still a lot of spirit wines she brews, and the materials are all self-produced and sold, basically without spending much spirit stones.

"Okay! But I don't know what the elders exchanged for?"

"How about the fourth-grade medicine pill?" The elder of the Danta asked secretly.

The 4th-grade medicinal pill had a great effect on Lou Muyan, who had been cultivated by Jianzong, and he believed that she should agree.

Lou Muyan said with a smile: "Elder, I have the fourth-grade medicinal pills myself, how about turning them into spirit stones?"

"Are you short of spirit stones?" Ao Rong remembered that last time this dead girl only sold more than 100,000 spirit stone pills and magic weapons, and now she is called poor.

Lou Muyan nodded, "I lack, I lack everything, especially spirit stones and contribution points are the most serious."

"..." Several elders stroked their foreheads, thinking silently that this girl and Ao Rong are also virtuous, and they both like to climb along the pole.

"The Zongmen contribution value can't be allocated to you by a few of us, so let's exchange it with spirit stones."

In the sect, not only the disciples need to spend contribution points to cultivate, but the elders also need to spend contribution points, but they are not the same, so they cannot be assigned to each other in the status jade card.

Lou Muyan was also polite to accept a few spirit stones, and then took out a lot of spirit wine in exchange.

She lacks Spirit Stones badly now. In the Beast Control Tower, she saw a record in a secret tome that she wants to quickly cultivate a swarm of red bees and use Spirit Stones to raise them.

After trading with several elders, Ao Rong sent Lou Muyan out of the secret land, and had the cheek to leave a lot of spirit wine.

But when they parted, Ao Rong stuffed her with five balls of different colors sealed with Yuan force, "This is the comprehension of Tata spirit that I won by betting with those old guys, you take it back and refine it. It will be of great benefit to you."

Lou Muyan vaguely guessed the magical effect of the tower spirit energy, and said with some gratitude: "Thank you Elder Ao for your trouble!"

Although she was dug by Ao Rong to the Baji Sect, she did it voluntarily. He didn't owe her any more, but he really took care and maintenance of her, and she remembered this love in her heart.

"Why are you polite to me?" Ao Rong said with a smile, "Just send me a few more pots of spirit wine that you brew in the future."

"it is good!"

Afterwards, Ao Rong teleported Lou Muyan to the outside of the sect. After wandering around for a day, he brought her back to the sect. He also deliberately let many disciples see her.

It was said to the public that Lou Muyan had realized it for a month and followed Elder Ao Rong out to do the task. In fact, this was also done for the spies hidden in the sect.

There are still a small number of people who do not believe this statement, and Emperor Killing Heaven is one of them.

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