Lou Muyan Yujian flew to the Zongmen Contribution Value Management Office and went to the place where the contribution value was exchanged.

There are basically no disciples in the hall where the contribution value is exchanged, which is in great contrast to the lively scene of the nearby hall where the contribution value is exchanged for things.

"You want to change the contribution value?" a consul in the hall asked.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Is there a breakdown of the contribution value exchange here?"

The consul took out a jade slip and handed it to her, with a nonchalant attitude, "There is a rough exchange price here. If your item is not on it, the value will be given by the sect appraiser after appraisal."

Lou Muyan probed her mental power into the jade slip to check it out. A top-grade fourth-grade medicinal pill could be exchanged for 2,000 sect contribution points, and a fifth-grade pill could be exchanged for 5,000, and the magic tools were similar.

She frowned and thought about how to exchange the contribution value of 100,000. If she used 4th-grade medicinal pills, it would take fifty pieces. She has them, but taking out so many medicinal pills at once will definitely attract other people. attention.

After thinking about it, she took out ten fourth-grade medicinal pills and two holy treasures collected from Shen Mufeng's space ring, and put them on the table, "Please consult the consul to see how many contribution points can be exchanged for these items."

The consul didn't expect Lou Muyan to take out so many things at once, and immediately began to count them. Then, with a smile on his face, he said, "The things here can be exchanged for a total of 60,000 contribution points. Do you want to exchange them?"

"Change." Lou Muyan didn't hesitate at all. After thinking about it, she took out a can of royal jelly with a thousand years of age and asked, "Consul, how much contribution value can I exchange for this?"

The consul opened the jar curiously, and a sweet fragrance emanated from it. He widened his eyes, his expression changed, and said, "Is this red bee royal jelly?"


"I can't judge the value of this. It needs to be appraised by the appraiser of the sect. Please wait a moment." The consul got up and walked quickly towards the second floor of the main hall.

After a while, the consul accompanied a wealthy old man downstairs.

"This is Mr. Ye, the appraiser of the Zongmen Contribution Value Management Office." The consul introduced Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan smiled politely: "Hello, Mr. Ye!"

"I heard that you little girl took a jar of red bee royal jelly in exchange for contribution points?" Ye Lao smiled kindly.

"Well, please ask Ye Lao to identify it." Lou Muyan pushed the royal jelly in front of him.

Ye Lao picked up the jar with great interest, and the expression in his eyes changed as soon as he opened it. He smelled it in shock, and then took a drop and tasted it in his mouth.

"This turned out to be a thousand-year-old royal jelly."

"Elder Ye has good eyesight." Lou Muyan praised with a smile.

"Does this girl know the value of royal jelly? Taking out a jar like this will cause countless strong people to fight for it." Old Ye said meaningfully.

Just based on what he said, Lou Muyan had a little more affection for this old Ye.

"I know the value of Millennium Royal Jelly, but I urgently need Contribution Points to exchange for something, so I can only give up my love." Lou Muyan sighed with a wry smile, "I don't know how much Contribution Points can be exchanged for this can of Millennium Royal Jelly. ?

Ye Lao reached the point, weighed the thousand-year-old royal jelly in the jar with his hands, and then said cautiously: "The thousand-year-old royal jelly of the red bee is very rare and has a wide range of uses. Your jar is almost over a pound, and this old man is not lying to you. , how about the contribution value of 100,000 sects and you?"

Lou Muyan was surprised, it seemed that she still underestimated the value of Millennium Royal Jelly, but she couldn't help but sigh that Shen Mufeng's life was really cheap.

She thought wickedly that if the arrogant demon son knew that the life of his projection clone was only worth a jar of thousand-year-old royal jelly, he wondered if he would vomit blood with anger.

"Okay, I changed it."

Ye Lao asked the consul to give Lou Muyan a contribution value, then smiled and hurriedly left the hall with a thousand-year-old royal jelly.

"That's how Mr. Ye got what he liked." Seeing that Mr. Ye was like a child, he hugged the thing and ran away, the consul smiled awkwardly.

Lou Muyan said indifferently, "Elder Ye, this is true temperament."

After saying hello to the consul, Lou Muyan turned around and entered the hall next to him.

This hall was very lively with people coming and going, and when she walked in, she was greeted by a few obscure glances, which she didn't bother to pay attention to.

"You want to change something?" the consul asked, looking up at her lightly.

Lou Muyan nodded without detours, and said straight to the point: "I want to change heavy water."

Hearing her words, the indifferent consul suddenly looked at her again, frowned and said, "It takes 200,000 contribution points to change heavy water, do you know?"

"I know, you can just draw it." Lou Muyan handed over the identity jade badge, and all the contribution points in and out of the inner door were drawn from it.

The consul was stunned for a while, apparently not expecting that a newly promoted inner disciple would actually have a contribution value that can be exchanged for heavy water, he took the jade token to check, and after a long thought, he said, "You are sure to use 200,000 sect contribution value. Change heavy water?"

Lou Muyan frowned, her voice a little cold: "Why can't I change it?"

The consul's procrastination made her feel that something was wrong.

"Can I ask what are you going to do with the heavy water?" the consul continued to ask, ignoring the cold look on her face.

Lou Muyan sneered: "No comment!"

"To tell you the truth, there is only the last heavy water left in the sect, but one of the disciples has already made an order in advance, so let's look at other things." The consul said expressionlessly.

"Why haven't I heard that changing things can be ordered in advance? Then, did the steward use contribution points to exchange them?" Lou Muyan asked coldly.

"Because of some reasons, his contribution value was lower before, so he has already gone to collect it." The steward was a little annoyed when she saw that she didn't get in, with a threatening tone, "You just entered the sect and didn't know some rules, I I advise you to stop in moderation."

"Enough is enough, why should I stop at enough?" Lou Muyan sarcastically said: "Since heavy water has not been exchanged, I have the qualifications to exchange it, are you trying to use power for personal gain?"

"You..." The consul's face darkened, but he didn't know how to reprimand her, because he was really showing favoritism in this matter, "That person is not something you can afford to offend, so it's better to be funny when you enter the inner door. "

"I know everything, but I don't like to be interested." Lou Muyan hated others to threaten her the most in her life. Today's matter must not be left like this.

"Don't make a toast, don't eat and drink fine wine." The consul had never met such a stubborn and arrogant disciple in the Zongmen's Contribution Hall, and said in a low voice with an angry expression.

Lou Muyan's lips evoked a seemingly non-existent arc, and suddenly opened his voice and said: "What is a toast, not eating and drinking? Don't think that you can cover the sky if you are the consul of the Zongmen Contribution Value Management Office, I ask to see you. Contribute to the steward elder of the temple."

Her loud shouting really caused the people around to cast curious and surprised eyes, and many disciples who were about to leave also stopped to watch the show.

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