Lou Muyan's expression did not change, and she was not deterred by the aura of the elder in charge.

"Could it be wrong to defend yourself?" Lou Muyan smiled and asked back, "May I ask the elders, there is a consul in the sect's sect rules who want to beat the disciples, so the disciples can't fight back?"

"..." Hearing her arrogant question, many of the disciples present couldn't help but take a breath.

This woman is too arrogant. She dares to speak to the elders who contributed to the temple. Is she too naive and stupid, or is she relying on it?

None of the new disciples who can be selected to enter the inner door are idiots, so they all believe that this high-spirited woman must have something to rely on to dare to be so arrogant.

Qi Ran Taohua's eyes filled with playfulness, and she had already guessed Lou Muyan's identity.

"Who is this woman? We should have heard of such an arrogant disciple!" asked a rough-looking young man behind him.

Qi Ran raised the corner of his lips and said, "If I guessed correctly, this woman should be Lou Muyan who was selected first from the outer sect to enter the inner sect."

"It turned out to be her." Another man behind Qi Ran, who looked calm, said, "I heard that this woman has a good relationship with Jinse, but I didn't expect to have the same hot temper."

"Although Jinse is arrogant and domineering, he doesn't dare to beat the consul. This junior sister Lou is worthy of being a disciple of Huo Shishu Fuyuan, and she is full of arrogance." Qi Ran smiled.

"Will she be punished? In fact, I've seen that the beaten managers are not pleasing to the eye for a long time." The rough man said.

Among the three consuls, the most likes to follow the yin and disobey, bully others, and abuse their power. Although he dare not be too arrogant to them, he just doesn't look pleasing to the eye.

"Since she dares to do this, she should not be afraid of being punished. We just watch the show."

The steward elder obviously didn't expect Lou Muyan to ask such a question so confidently, and even he didn't know how to answer.

After all, there is really no clause in the sect's rules that a disciple will be punished for beating the consul.

"Even if there is no such clause in the sect's rules, you shouldn't beat the consul. If every disciple is as arrogant as you, then the sect's rules will not be messed up in the future?"

"Elder Steward, can I ask you a few questions first?" Lou Muyan asked with a slightly respectful smile, changing her presumptuous attitude.

The steward elder's eyes flashed through the haze, and he nodded after thinking about it: "Ask."

"Can the exchange items in the manual in the Zongmen Contribution Management Office be reserved?" Lou Muyan asked quietly.

Hearing her question, the consul who was beaten showed panic in his eyes. This woman really dared to stab the elder in charge of what happened just now.

"Of course not, the things in the manual are not predetermined." The steward elder frowned and replied.

"Since there is no reservation, why did the consul tell me that the thing had been reserved and threatened me to leave immediately when I wanted to change things, otherwise I can't imagine the consequences, the person who made the reservation is not a new disciple like me. Affordable existence."

Lou Muyan smiled sarcastically: "I would like to ask the steward elder, who has such a big face, not only can he reserve the spiritual items in the contribution manual, but also is not an existence that I can provoke for new disciples. , don't mind letting me meet?"

"Is this the so-called door rule?"

"Is what she said true?" The steward elder sternly swept towards the consul on the ground with a serious face.

The consul's eyes flickered, and he said, "No, she is talking nonsense, so I argued with her for a few words, and she beat her."

"Do you think the people around you are deaf and blind?" Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows.

"..." The viewers twitched their lips, what does it have to do with us when you beat you?

"I didn't ask you." The steward gave Lou Muyan a cold look.

Lou Muyan shrugged, "Then what do you want to do, elder?"

"You two disagree on this matter. I naturally want to find out who is telling the truth." The steward elder said, "But you beat the consul, I will report it to the sect and give you strict punishment."

"If self-defense is considered a mistake, even if I make trouble with my ancestor, I will have to ask for an explanation." Lou Muyan stood upright, and he was proud and firm.

She didn't want to make things too big, but if anyone really wanted to step on her feet, she wouldn't mind being a fudge.

Moreover, she found that there was a trace of yin and evil spirit hidden in the elder steward, there should be something wrong with this old guy.

"Okay! You even threatened the old man with the ancestor." The steward elder laughed angrily, "I want to see how you go to the ancestor to ask for an explanation."

"Okay! Then why don't we go to the Sect Master first to judge?" Lou Muyan said with a look of course.

The face of the elder in charge was even worse, and no one was ashamed to go to the suzerain, this girl's courage is really too big.

The most important thing is that he didn't want to severely punish those consuls, he just wanted to make big things small and trivial things into nothing.

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, Ao Rong and Huo Linglong rushed to the main hall one after another.

"What's going on?" As soon as Huo Linglong walked into the hall, he saw the elder steward staring at Lou Muyan with sharp eyes, exuding the coercion of a high-level swordsman all over his body.

She walked quickly to Lou Muyan and raised her eyebrows and asked, "Have you been bullied?"

Lou Muyan nodded aggrievedly, "Well, I was bullied."

"Then you won't call back?" Huo Linglong gave her an angry look.


Hearing Huo Linglong's words, the disciple present twitched the corners of his mouth, and Lou Muyan's arrogance was the one who supported him.

Lou Muyan blinked innocently, pointed at the three people lying on the ground in pain, and said, "Beat!"

Huo Linglong glanced at the three of them, her glamorous face showed a bit of publicity, and said with a smile: "Well beaten! It's not a loss of our Fuyuan's face."

"I am also the demeanor of the academy master." Lou Muyan smirked and flattered.

She felt warm in her heart, she really chose the right institute back then, and only someone with a temperament like Huo Linglong would trust the disciple regardless of indiscriminate and protect her shortcomings in time.

"..." Everyone was speechless, this is really what kind of master has what kind of disciple.

Ao Rong looked at the two with a headache. This female Tyrannosaurus rex is exactly the rhythm of training the little girl Lou to be a tigress!

"Cough cough..." He walked over and asked, "What the hell is going on? Why did I just hear that I was going to make trouble with the sect master?"

Lou Muyan recounted what happened, and then said innocently, "I'm just defending myself. Who would have thought that they were so weak and would be knocked down with just a few punches."


The others rolled their eyes in their hearts. How could the three consuls be sword masters with Sword Sovereign cultivation, how could they be so weak? Obviously she is too violent...

"Since those three made the first move, it's not too much to punish the little girl, right?" Ao Rong said, looking at the elder in charge.

The steward elder can see clearly now that the two of them are here to support that girl.

"This is just her side of the word. Let's talk about the specifics after we find out."

Lou Muyan knew that the steward elder was going to delay the time, and she didn't believe it if there was nothing tricky in it. If it wasn't for the indulgence of the steward elder, these consuls would dare to do things so arrogantly and domineeringly?

"Whether it's my one-sided word, it's better to see this."

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