Lou Muyan cultivated in the eighth pavilion and didn't know what was going on outside.

A floating island.

In the central room of the Spirit Gathering Array, a man was treating his injuries when there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in." His voice was like ten thousand years of ice, and it was unpleasant.

A disciple hurriedly walked in and said, "Boss, that woman named Lou Muyan broke the shackles of the eighth pavilion of the Golden Element Underground Palace and successfully surpassed Qi Ran."

"What? You mean that the woman stepped into the eighth pavilion of the gold element underground palace to comprehend and cultivate?" the man asked in surprise.

"Yes, the entire inner courtyard is now going crazy, and I and other disciples have gone to see it in person. Her name is indeed engraved on the eighth pavilion of the record wall of the consulate hall of the Golden Element underground palace." The disciple nodded. Now he still has a look of disbelief.

"Is she going to participate in the competition of the six sects this time?" the man asked after pondering.

"She should be the pre-determined quota, and at least she will represent the Fuyuan in the competition." The disciple paused and wiped his neck, and asked tentatively, "Boss, she has offended you before, is she taking advantage of it now? Killed her before she grew up?"

The man's face became even colder, "Idiot, the stronger she is now, the better for us."

"Didn't she rob you of your heavy water? Why is the stronger she is, the better?" the disciple asked in confusion.

"This competition of the six major sects is related to the places of inheritance. My ranking on the Pan Soul Monument is only eighth. If there are too few places, I may not be able to win one. Lou Muyan will participate in the competition naturally. The stronger the better, it would be better if you can get a few more places to come back.”

Immediately, the man clutched his chest and said sullenly, "But it won't matter if she robbed me of heavy water. After she has participated in the competition of the six sects, I will find a chance to end her when she comes back."

The disciple had a chill on his back, and he smiled to meet him, "Boss is wise."

Their boss is like a lurking poisonous snake, use it when it should be used, and will never be vague when it is time to take action. It is very sad to deal with such a person, and he can't help but sympathize with Lou Muyan.

In a deep forest in the Hundred Thousand Mountains of the Baji Sect, a burly man with two big axes crushed the sound transmission he received, and after a while he said to himself, "Someone has successfully entered the eighth pavilion, It seems that the so-called shackles are not unbreakable, I should go back."

On a floating island of Baji Zongling, a beautiful woman teased a colorful parrot with her chin.

"Miss, this servant has verified that the woman named Lou Muyan has entered the eighth pavilion of the Golden Elements underground palace to practice." A delicate woman saluted the beautiful woman above.

The beautiful woman's eyes narrowed and she chuckled: "I heard that Qi Ran is also in the underground palace of Jin Elements?"

"Yes, not only is Qi Shao here, but now he is trying to use Lou Muyan's method to attack the eighth pavilion."

"Go and get a copy of Lou Muyan's image of the formation that entered the eighth pavilion. I'd like to see what method she used to succeed." The woman instructed lightly, but her tone contained a force that could not be rejected.

"Yes, the servant will do it now."

After the maid left, the woman hooked the parrot's chin with her tender fingertips and sneered, "Is it Lou Muyan? I want to see if you can make a comeback in the competition of the six sects."

She and Jinse have always been at odds. I heard that this Lou Muyan and Jinse have a good relationship, so even if they haven't met, she hates going to Lou Muyan.

Inside a palace, a man with a feminine appearance...

Since the news that Lou Muyan entered the eighth pavilion to practice, similar scenes have been staged in many places.

Among the top ten people on the Pan Soul Monument, except for Qi Ran who showed kindness to Lou Muyan, the attitudes of the other nine people are unknown, but two of them are definitely holding a hostile attitude.

Lou Muyan didn't know that she had inexplicably offended the two leading figures in the inner sect. At this time, she had comprehended the metallic elemental laws in the Elemental Underground Palace to the pinnacle of Dacheng.

But since she reached the peak of Dacheng, she has not made any progress even if she has challenged and broken through the limit again and again.

She opened her eyes and her eyes were like vast stars overflowing with the light of wisdom. This time, the harvest was quite large.

However, she is not going to continue to practice here. If she wants to break through the realm of comprehension of Dacheng, she is afraid to go outside to find opportunities.

There is not much time away from the six major sects. She walked out of the gold element underground palace and went to the water element underground palace.

This time, it took her five days to enter the fifth pavilion of the water element underground palace to practice, and this incident was also widely spread.

"Damn it, that Lou Muyan is simply not human."

"What's wrong? She entered the water element underground palace only to practice in the fifth pavilion, and spent a lot of time, not as perverted/perverted as when she was in the gold element underground palace!"

"What do you know? I heard that her fire and wood elements have already reached the realm of Dacheng, and then the gold element has also reached the realm of Dacheng. The most important thing is that she can still perceive the water element now."

"Ah! She is actually a genius with four elements."

"I also heard that several hospital owners almost fought to grab her. She is a hot commodity now."

"If the sword master of the four attributes is replaced by me as the master of the house, I will grab it too!"

"Do you think she can understand the first pavilion in the water element underground palace?"

"Wouldn't you be able to comprehend the Eight Pavilions? Don't scare me."

"Who knows? Maybe someone has that ability."

"I do not believe."


Almost all the disciples of the inner sect were paying attention to the news of Lou Muyan, and many people were looking forward to seeing if her water element underground palace could break through to the seventh pavilion or above.

But what is disappointing is that Lou Muyan has not moved since he entered the sixth pavilion to practice, and only walked out of the water element underground palace one day before the competition of the six major sects.

And she didn't step into the seventh pavilion and above, which also made many people relieved at the same time. If she could even step into the eighth pavilion, it would be too shocking.

After Lou Muyan returned to his yard, he refined two pots of medicinal pills and received Ao Rong's sound transmission.

"Elder Ao, do you have anything to do with me?" She opened the courtyard door and asked Ao Rong who was standing outside.

Ao Rong's expression was unusually excited, "Come with me."

Lou Muyan saw that he was emotionally unstable but did not say much, and immediately followed him without hesitation.

Ao Rong used the flying instrument to carry her to fly, and only stopped when he flew to a foggy mountain.

"There is a wooden house on the top of the mountain. Someone wants to see you there. Go quickly." Ao Rong said.

Lou Muyan frowned slightly and asked, "Who wants to see me?"

"The person who wants to see you is the most honorable person in the Baji sect. It's your chance that he can summon him. Little girl, you have to grasp it." Ao Rong couldn't say more, but he couldn't help but remind.

Lou Muyan's eyes flashed with understanding, and he smiled lightly: "Thank you, Elder Ao, I understand."

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