Bai Lao calmed down the tremor in his heart and put the talisman on the table.

"Miss Lou, are you sure you want to sell these medicinal pills and talismans to the Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce?"

Lou Muyan nodded and said, "Well, will the Underworld Alliance accept it?"

"Our Chamber of Commerce naturally wants to accept it. Miss Lou is a big customer." Bai Lao smiled and asked, "Then do you have any requirements for price?"

"How many spirit stones can you give to the Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce?" Lou Muyan asked rhetorically.

"According to the usual price, a fourth-grade medicinal pill is usually 30,000 to 40,000 low-grade spirit stones, and a fourth-grade talisman is the same price."

Bai Lao paused and added: "But firstly, Miss Lou is a silver VIP of our Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce, and secondly, both the medicinal pills and the talismans you want to sell are top-grade, so how about 50,000 spirit stones? "

"Okay, let's calculate it at this price." Lou Muyan knew that the price was very reasonable, even higher than the price of the medicinal pills that Danlou received.

Bai Lao stroked his gray beard and counted all the medicinal pills and talismans with a smile, "There are sixty medicinal pills totaling three million low-grade spirit stones, and one hundred talismans are five million low-grade spirit stones. "

"I still want to buy these things. You can give me the remaining spirit stones after calculating the deduction." Lou Muyan handed over a copy of the jade slip.

Manager Li took Yujian and looked at it again. The surprised look on her face had not dissipated, but it resurfaced. Not only did this little girl buy a lot of things, but they were also high-end goods. She really made a lot of money and lost money.

"Miss Lou, I calculated that you need 3.5 million low-grade spirit stones. After deducting it, we will give you 4.5 million spirit stones." Manager Li said after the calculation.

Lou Muyan said, "Okay."

"By the way, this is what my three friends want to buy. Can I get a discount with my silver guild order?" Lou Muyan also handed over the jade slip that the three had chosen.

Steward Li swept the items in the jade slip. Compared to Lou Muyan, the things the three of them wanted to buy were nothing but nothing. "Of course, you can, everyone, wait a moment, and I'll prepare."

"it is good!"

After Guanshi Li left, Bai Lao did not follow him. He smiled at Lou Muyan and said, "Miss Lou is really a big hand. Not only does she sell things boldly, but she buys so many things without batting an eyelid. Guys, I'm afraid you don't have the courage."

What he said was the truth. Spirit stones were the trading currency of sword masters above the sword sect cultivation base. Elite disciples from various royal families and major families who focused on training could call a million spirit stones at a time.

And Lou Muyan showed an attitude of not caring much about Lingshi, whether it was selling or buying things.

"Old Bai is joking, I'm just bolder." Lou Muyan smiled humbly.

"Miss Lou, you don't need to be humble." Old Bai didn't think she was just daring, and this calm and calm temperament was rare among the talented disciples of the younger generation.

"Old Bai, can I ask you something?" Lou Muyan thought about it and asked.

Old Bai was slightly surprised and said with a smile: "Miss Bai, please tell me, if the old man knows that it doesn't involve secrets, I can tell you."

"Does Bai Lao know about Tianyuan Auction?" Lou Muyan would not ask him any secrets.

"The old man has been in Tianyuan City for more than 30 years and he still knows about the Tianyuan auction. Is Miss Lou trying to inquire about the auction?"

After thinking for a while, Elder Bai continued: "If you want to inquire about what items will be sold at the auction, then I will not be able to tell you, because the auction items in Tianyuan Auction are announced on the spot, and are often changed, let alone leaked to the outside world. "

"I know this rule, I just want to ask Bai Lao, under normal circumstances, if you want to auction several items at the Tianyuan auction, how many spirit stones do you need to prepare?" Lou Muyan asked after pondering.

"It's hard to say. If you just shoot ordinary items, the 4.5 million spirit stones that Miss Lou sold here are enough."

Immediately, he turned around and said, "But if you want to auction the finale, maybe your four and a half million won't be enough to buy one."

After hearing Bai Lao's words, the three of Zi Che Shi's eyes widened. Four and a half million spirit stones were not enough to buy one? Then they only have a million or so spirit stones on them, aren't they just for viewing?

Lou Muyan frowned slightly, but the final product was so expensive, not to mention the top-quality sacred treasure such as the colorful glazed cauldron, it is possible for those rich and oily Juggernauts to produce tens of millions of spiritual stones.

"Old Bai, can I do a deal with your chamber of commerce alone?" Lou Muyan asked after being silent for a while.

Bai Lao was stunned and said with a smile, "Miss Lou, why don't you go upstairs with the old man for a cup of tea?"

Lou Muyan wanted to make a deal with the Chamber of Commerce alone because she didn't want others to know, but he was a little curious about what other good things she could deal with.

Bai Lao understands her words as soon as he hears them. The three people present are also smart people, and naturally they know that she doesn't want to expose the trading items in front of them.

"Junior sister, go to have tea with Bai Lao, let's take a look." Jian Yang said knowingly.

"Then trouble senior brother and senior sister to wait for a while." Lou Muyan nodded.

Following Old Bai to a secret room on the fourth floor, there is a formation inside, and even a strongman at the level of a swordsman cannot spy on it.

"Miss Lou, please take a seat." Bai Lao took out a pot of spirit tea and poured a cup for her, "Miss Lou still has something to sell?"

Lou Muyan shook the teacup gently, "Yes, but I don't want to expose what I want to sell. The secret measures of the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce should be good, right?"

"Haha..." Bai Lao smiled confidently and said, "Although Miss Lou can rest assured, the confidentiality of our chamber of commerce is still very reliable. Otherwise, we will not be the number one chamber of commerce in mainland China."

Lou Muyan turned her hand, and a small branch of vigorous branches with the thickness of an arm appeared in her hand.

Old Bai's smiling face froze for a while, and he asked excitedly with wide eyes, "This, this is the soul tree?"

"This is exactly the piece of soul tree that I got by chance. I was going to keep it for my own use, but I wanted to shoot a pressed product at an auction, so I had to reluctantly give up my love." Lou Muyan sighed, A look of dismay appeared on his face.

Bai Lao took over the soul tree and checked it carefully. The more he looked, the more excited he became. This soul tree is full of vitality, but it is rare in the world.

Seeing that Lou Muyan's eyes were always glued to the soul tree, and the expressions of reluctance and contradiction were constantly changing, he had a bottom line in his heart.

Lou Muyan, this little girl, is still a little too tender. I'm afraid she doesn't even know the value of Soul Cultivation Wood. Otherwise, how could she sell such a heaven-level spiritual thing.

"Do you know the function and value of Soul Raising Wood?"

"I know, but compared to the Soul Cultivation Wood, the finale of the Tianyuan auction is more attractive to me." Lou Muyan said bluntly.

Bai Lao turned his head and asked with a smile, "Does Miss Lou want to photograph that colorful glazed tripod?"

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