When Bai Feiyao heard his brother's words, a somewhat innocent look appeared on his face, but he was secretly proud of himself.

That wild species is really not worthy of her attention. She took the wind element's comprehension stone not for that waste at all, but because she was robbed by the disciples of the Eight Extreme Sect, she just found an excuse.

"Brother, don't say that about Luo Yin, she is our sister after all."

"Hmph, I don't have the kind of younger sister who can't be on the stage." The man snorted coldly with arrogance and disdain, then looked at Bai Feiyao with a gentle gaze, "You are the only sister of mine."

"Brother!" Bai Feiyao gave Bai Feichen a naive look.

Out of the corner of her eye, she secretly glanced at the tall and handsome man sitting opposite, as if she couldn't see enough.

In front of Senior Brother Chi, she will always maintain the purest and sweetest side. She put away all the edges and corners and turned into a beautiful and kind woman who is liked by the sect master, elders and other disciples in the sect.

She is only for him. From the first time she saw this handsome man who was like a god, she let herself sink in a little bit.

Every time I hear more about him and look at him more, the strong love in my heart is about to be released.

But she held back. She had a noble status and made everyone in the sect like her, but he was the only one who was still very indifferent.

So she pretended to admire and alienate him, just to attract his attention, she always knew how to use the advantages of women to make men fall in love with her.

She endured not to take the initiative to express her love to him, just for the day when he took the initiative to fall in love with her, she also silently believed that that day might come soon.

Among the female disciples in the entire Tianji Palace, she is the best in terms of identity, background, status, and talent. Who else can he choose if he doesn't choose an equally excellent himself as his partner?

There was an arc of anticipation in her eyes, waiting for the man named Chi Xiu who lived in her heart to dream about her, she was qualified for capital and self-confidence.

At this time, Bai Feiyao was in love with the imaginary Ming Xiu, but his heart was full of thoughts about his woman.

Thinking of Lou Muyan being held in his arms like a lazy and cunning little fox, his heart was astonishingly hot, and he really wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her again.

Ming Xiu thought that Lou Muyan was tight, and her thin lips inadvertently evoked a beautiful arc.

It was just this happy arc that made Bai Feiyao, who was peeking at him, misunderstood. She couldn't help but jump for joy. Senior Brother Chi really liked her who was pure and kind.

Otherwise, why would he show such a rare happy expression when he was pretending to be naive and defending that wild species?

Lou Muyan, who was sitting on the other side, didn't know that his man had been missed by a poisonous snake in a rabbit's skin.

Of course, if he knew, he wouldn't care about that kind of woman. If Ming Xiu was taken away by other women so easily, then he wouldn't be worthy of her continuing to like him.

She has always believed in him, just as he has always believed in her, the tacit understanding between them is simply beyond the reach of others.

She was playing with the wind-attribute comprehension stone in her hand, feeling the majestic wind-element energy inside, and was in a good mood.

"The woman who asked for the price just now should be the arrogant daughter of the Heavenly Secret Sect with a wooden spirit body, right?" Huo Linglong didn't like that woman very much just by hearing the voice.

Master Feng nodded, with a bit of admiration on his face, "Her name is Bai Feiyao, she is not only a wood-penetrating spiritual body, but also the granddaughter of an ancestor of Tianji Palace. She has strong talent and strength, and is called a newcomer after Chi Xiu. The first of the inner disciples."

"What is a wood-passing spirit body?" Lou Muyan didn't know much about the spirit bodies in this continent, so he asked Mo Yan's voice transmission.

Mo Yan replied: "The wood-penetrating spirit body can perceive the wood attribute energy from birth, and it is naturally compatible with the spiritual wood spirit grass. Most people with the wood-penetrating spiritual body can perceive the fire energy, no accident. All will become high-grade alchemists."

"It turns out that there is such a spiritual body." Lou Muyan pondered for a moment, "Are people who have a wood-penetrating spiritual body basically no bottleneck in the breakthrough of alchemy?"

As far as she knows, there is a kind of innate spiritual body in the world of immortal cultivation, and there are almost no bottlenecks in cultivation under the spirit of transformation period, and she is also known as the darling of heaven.

I don't know if the woman named Bai Feiyao is the same?

"There is no bottleneck below the fifth rank, which means that the worst person with a wood-penetrating spiritual body can become a fourth-rank alchemist."

Mo Yan continued: "Such a person's innate talent in alchemy will be higher than that of ordinary alchemists, so even if there is a bottleneck after entering the fifth rank, they are not comparable to ordinary alchemists."

Lou Muyan nodded, restraining the look in his eyes and thinking.

"House Master, what rank is Bai Feiyao an alchemist?" Luo Cheng's expression changed after hearing the wood-passing spirit body, and he couldn't help asking.

Master Feng sighed and said, "As far as I know, Bai Feiyao has been promoted to a fifth-rank alchemist three months ago, and he is also the most popular candidate for Danby this time."

Among the disciples of the Eight Extremes Sect's Alchemy Academy, Luo Cheng's talent was very good. In his twenties, he was a fourth-grade high-level alchemist, but compared with that arrogant woman, he was still much inferior.

As for Lou Muyan, he didn't have much hope for her at all.

Even if she took out a lot of fourth-grade medicinal pills to exchange at the Zongmen's contribution value management office, it could only show that she might be a fourth-grade alchemist, and how could she compete with Bai Feiyao for the championship?

Therefore, this time, he didn't quite understand how the senior management of the sect would make such a move to allow Lou Muyan to occupy six places.

He only hoped that she was really a fourth-grade alchemist, not to mention hitting the top three, being able to enter the top ten would be considered a face to the sect.

"Bai Feiyao is a fifth-grade alchemist with a wood-penetrating spiritual body, isn't it better than the genius that Yaozong hid and cultivated?" Huo Linglong frowned slightly.

"It can't be said that Bai Feiyao's alchemy skills improve so fast has a lot to do with her physique, but the genius of Yaozong has an amazing talent in alchemy."

Elder Feng's expression was solemn, "Although it has always been rumored that he is only a fourth-rank senior alchemist, I suspect that he has advanced to fifth-rank."

"Then, didn't your alchemy courtyard meet a strong opponent?" Huo Linglong raised an eyebrow.

Elder Feng rolled her eyes at her. How could it be as simple as a strong opponent against those two?

"Everything is random, isn't there a third place to compete for?" Elder Feng's expectation for the Dan Academy this time is that two more people can enter the top ten, and fighting for third place is actually an extravagant hope. .

Huo Linglong sneered and said sarcastically, "Your goal is really lofty."

It's not unreasonable that the Baji sect is getting more and more declining. The way these old guys do things is too conservative.

She turned her eyes to Lou Muyan, and her expression fluctuated slightly when she heard about Bai Feiyao and the genius of Yaozong, but she did not have the slightest worry or fear. Fighting intent.

She curled the corners of her lips, perhaps the choice of the senior officials in the sect would be a very wise decision.

Elder Feng smiled bitterly and didn't want to argue with Huo Linglong. Who doesn't want to compete for the top three, but only if the disciple has that strength!

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