Lou Muyan's brazenness made everyone present think that she didn't know the value of Tianfeng's blood essence, otherwise how would she dare to say such mindless words that she wanted to photograph it for her spiritual pet.

"Girl Lou, do you know the value and usefulness of the blood of the descendants of Tianfeng?" Master Feng looked at her with a smile and asked.

Lou Muyan blinked his eyes and said, "I know a little bit, but if my Bing Luan divine beast refines that drop of blood essence, it will be worthwhile to cultivate to a higher level."

How could Master Feng, Linglong Huo and others have the role of her in understanding the essence and blood of Zhenling Tianfeng, but she naturally wouldn't take the initiative to say it.

"Little girl, it's impossible to photograph the spirit stone of the descendant of the Tianfeng descendant with tens of millions of blood." Master Feng couldn't help but reminded her, to save her from holding too much hope.

Huo Linglong looked at Lou Muyan with deep meaning, she knew that this little girl would not joke about this kind of thing.

Since she dared to take pictures for the spiritual pet, it means that she has the capital of tens of millions of spiritual stones.

"Well, don't you know that the two principals filmed this drop of blood essence?" Lou Muyan asked after thinking for a while.

Dean Feng smiled embarrassedly and said, "This old man doesn't have the financial resources to shoot this drop of blood."

Who wouldn't want something like this? But you have to have that strength.

"I'll see if I can win it at the bottom price. If it's beyond what I can afford, I'll have to miss it." Huo Linglong shrugged and said helplessly.

Lou Muyan nodded, no more talking and bowing his head in contemplation.

"Mo Yan, if I photographed this drop of blood essence, how many assassinations do you think I would suffer?" Lou Muyan joked to Mo Yan's voice transmission.

Mo Yan's light black eyes sparkled, "No matter what, I have to photograph this drop of blood essence. I can purify this drop of blood, and if there is no accident, I can purify two more drops."

Lou Muyan's eyes lit up, she was going to shoot the blood essence, she originally wanted to use Bingji first to let him improve the blood of the beast.

But now if Mo Yan can purify it, then she can also use it to cultivate the magical power of the witch god art.

"Can we run away if we face the last group of Juggernauts?" Lou Muyan joked.

"It should be no problem to escape." Mo Yan knew that she was not afraid, and said with a smile, "Go ahead and shoot, as well as me."

Lou Muyan felt warm in her heart, Mo Yan has always been her strong backing, this guy has not yet made a move after he has been promoted to the ninth rank, she is looking forward to seeing how his strength is.

And if you are chased, just chase it, anyway, it is not that you have not been chased and killed by high-level immortal cultivators in your previous life.

"Hey! I originally wanted to keep a low profile, but who knows that I can't escape the result of being targeted." She said with a sigh.

Mo Yan rolled her eyes at her speechlessly. Has this woman caused less trouble? Low-key is not suitable for her at all.

The noise in the hall continued, and after a while, Mu Lao continued to speak slowly, "I don't need to say more about the powerful effect of this drop of the blood of the descendants of the phoenix. You all know that, let's start the auction now."

In the entire auction hall, only those who know its efficacy have the ability to auction, and he naturally won't talk nonsense.

"The starting price of the blood essence and blood of the descendants of the phoenix is ​​5 million spirit stones, and the minimum increase shall not be less than 100,000. The auction is now on."

"Six million."

"Seven million."

"Ten million."

"..." After a while, the price was called to 20 million.

At this time, stewards in the major private rooms were constantly being called in, and they must be in a hurry to change the spirit stones.

"It seems that I have no relationship with this drop of blood from the descendants of Tianfeng today." Huo Linglong said with a sigh.

Master Feng asked in surprise: "Isn't it the case that you gave up before reaching the highest price?"

"My minimum limit is 70 million, but I guess today's price will be called more than 80 million." Huo Linglong said while playing with the cup in his hand.

"So high?" Master Feng frowned, and then sighed: "However, a spiritual item of this level is not a loss even if it costs 100 million spiritual stones, especially for high-level physical training."

"Yeah! It depends on who the blood of the descendants of Tianfeng will end up with." Huo Linglong said.

Lou Muyan pursed her lips, it seemed that only the thousand-year-old royal jelly and Yaoying stone could capture this drop of blood essence.

Using the sound transmission in the private room, she called the steward in.

"Master Huo, Master Feng, do you want to sell something?" The steward asked the two of them with a smile as soon as he entered the door.

At this time, the stewards who summoned the Tianyuan auction are all selling things to collect spirit stones, and only these two have strength here.

Master Feng was stunned for a while, he had nothing to sell! So look at Huo Linglong.

Huo Linglong had already guessed that Lou Muyan had inspired the sound transmission on the seat, pointed to Lou Muyan and said, "She has something to sell."

The steward looked strange, and still asked with a smile, "What is the lady trying to sell?"

Lou Muyan's mind moved, and a jar made of cold marrow and two ice-blue crystals with black water droplets in the middle appeared in front of her.

"I want to auction these two things, trouble the steward to ask the appraiser to come and have a look."

The steward replied with a smile: "This old man is not talented, he is the senior appraiser of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. You can rest assured, Miss."

"Okay, then please take a look at how many spirit stones I have for these two things." Lou Muyan said lightly.

"Okay, miss a moment."

The steward saw that the person who wanted to auction the thing was just a little girl with a sword sect cultivation base and didn't care, but she would not lose the face of the Baji sect and the two courtyard masters.

He stretched out his hand to open the jar first, and a refreshing sweet fragrance came out from the jar, but just smelling it made him feel comfortable and calm.

"This is the thousand-year-old royal jelly of the red bee?" The steward exclaimed in surprise.

"What's the fuss about?" Huo Linglong frowned and glanced at the steward, but she was also extremely shocked.

This little girl hides so deeply! I thought that a hundred-year-old royal jelly is the best, but who would have thought that she still has a thousand-year royal jelly.

The thousand-year-old royal jelly is hard to find in ten thousand years. It is a heaven-level spiritual item. It has a price and no market. This can alone can take a lot of spiritual stones.

The steward and Dean Feng twitched the corners of their mouths at the same time. What's the fuss about? They were completely frightened, okay?

A little guy with a sword sect cultivation base took out a can of thousand-year-old royal jelly. Isn't this shocking?

"The value of this thousand-year-old royal jelly is very high. How about I look at another thing and negotiate with the lady?"

"Please." Lou Muyan nodded.

The steward carefully put down the jar of royal jelly and picked up an ice-blue spar to check it.

After a while, the shock in his eyes was beyond words, "This is a water-type heaven-level spirit."

After a pause, he asked solemnly, "Can I ask if the two water-attribute heaven-level spirits belonged to the young lady, or were they sold for someone else?"

In his heart, he did not believe that this little girl could come up with a spirit of this level, and firmly believed that there was someone behind her.

"These two luminous stones were given by my master." Lou Muyan replied with a slight smile.

I didn't expect to use him as a pretense after just worshipping a cheap master, but only in this way can I explain why she has such a level of spirituality.

Maybe it can save a lot of trouble.

"Who is Miss's teacher?" the steward tried to ask.

Lou Muyan calmly and calmly spit out four words: "Old man Tianxuan."

But these four words alone made the steward and the two principals change their faces, showing a stunned expression.

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