Lou Muyan also knew that it was impossible to maintain complete secrecy in a place like Tianyuan City.

"Thank you for the reminder, I am mentally prepared."

Although she could use her master's banner as a guise to deter some people, it was impossible for everyone to fear the old man Tianxuan, after all, his prestige was a hundred years ago.

No matter what you do, the most important thing is to rely on yourself. Strength is the key.

After the auction, the steward returned to their private room.

"Miss Lou, our Tianyuan City offered 100 million low-grade spirit stones for your two celestial spirits, what do you think?" the steward asked with a smile.

Lou Muyan nodded and smiled, "I'm very satisfied, I'll trouble the steward to deal with it."

"Haha, Miss Lou is too polite."

The steward handed the cold ice crystal bottle containing the blood of the descendants of the phoenix to Lou Muyan and said, "Miss Lou, this is the blood of the descendants of the phoenix that you just photographed, you can check it."

Lou Muyan took the bottle and opened it, and suddenly a fiery breath emanated from the bottle, and the entire private room was overflowing with a violent force with a powerful coercion.

"It is indeed the blood of the descendants of Tianfeng." Lou Muyan's expression remained indifferent, and he pushed his two spirits over with a smile, "Assuring you, remove the auction fee and give me the rest."

The blood of the descendants of Tianfeng overflowed, and only Huo Linglong, Master Feng, and Lou Muyan seemed to be unaffected.

The steward was overwhelmed by the breath of the Tianfeng blood that suddenly radiated from the bottle just now. He did not expect Lou Muyan, a little girl with only Sword Sect strength, to be able to keep her face intact.

It is no wonder that being able to become the apprentice of the old man Tianxuan seems really extraordinary.

"Haha, this is the spirit stone left by Miss Lou after removing the auction fee." The steward adjusted his gaffe earlier and said with a smile.

Lou Muyan took the bag containing the spirit stones and swept it, and found that the remaining spirit stones in Tianyuan City were replaced by middle-grade spirit stones. Do you want to befriend her?

"Thank you, Steward!"

"Our young master specially explained that Miss Lou can come to Tianyuan City as a guest in the future if she has nothing to do." Then the steward took out a piece of black ancient jade and handed it to Lou Muyan, "This is Tianyuan City's VIP order, Miss Lou has taken it away."

Lou Muyan took the black ancient jade in surprise, and many doubts crossed her mind.

"Then trouble the steward to thank you young masters for me."

Lou Muyan didn't know any of the young masters of Tianyuan City, so she could only guess that the other party might have given such an honor because she was a disciple of the old man Tianxuan.

The steward and Lou Muyan exchanged a few more words and left the private room.

The main mansion of Tianyuan City.

A tall and upright man stood by the window against the wind, wondering what he was thinking.

"Young Master, Miss Lou has accepted the token you presented." The steward entered the room with permission and reported respectfully.

"Did she ask anything?" The man said slowly after a while.

"No, although Miss Lou is less than twenty years old, she has a very sophisticated style of conduct. She may have doubts in her heart but she has no indication." The steward replied.

The man chuckled lightly: "She is smart and witty, and she is also guarding Tianyuan City."

The steward was stunned for a while, why did he feel like he was very familiar with Lou Muyan when listening to the young master?

"Go down." The man ordered.


After the steward exited the room, a middle-aged man suddenly loomed behind the man.

"Young Master, your feelings for that girl are too deep." The middle-aged man's voice was gentle like a spring breeze, but there was no warmth at all.

This is a temptation and a reminder.

"What? Can't you?" The man known as the young master asked with a sneer.

"Hey!" The middle-aged man sighed helplessly, "The city owner will not allow you to marry Lou Muyan."

The middle-aged man continued: "The city owner has always wanted you to marry Miss Gu."

"Whoever I want to marry is my freedom, even my grandfather has no right to interfere." The young man's voice was heavy, "What does the so-called marriage have to do with me twenty years ago? I will not marry that woman."

"If the city lord knows that you have a deep affection for Lou girl, I'm afraid..." The middle-aged man paused before finishing.

"Are you worried that Grandpa will kill Mu Yan?" the young man asked with a sigh.

"It's not impossible for you to give up," the man replied.

"Wen Liang, will you go and tell Grandpa my thoughts?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and assured him faithfully: "No, I am the young lady's person. After the young lady leaves, the young master will be my master, and I will never betray the young master."

"Very well, remember what you said today."


Lou Muyan couldn't guess the purpose of the mysterious young master in Tianyuan City. She didn't want to interact with people in Tianyuan City.

For some reason, Tianyuan City always gave her a bad feeling.

After the transaction was over, Lou Muyan followed Huo Linglong and others back in the Baji Sect's carriage.

Halfway along the way, there was a very small noise in the distance.

Lou Muyan, who originally closed her eyes and rested her mind, suddenly opened her eyes, raised her head and said to Huo Linglong, "House Master, I have something to do and I will go back by myself later."

"The auction is over now, it's too dangerous for you to go out alone." Huo Linglong frowned slightly.

Lou Muyan said in a firm tone, "Don't worry, the hospital master, I still have the ability to protect myself."

"Go, be careful." Huo Linglong pondered and nodded.

"Yes." Lou Muyan opened the door of the carriage and swept out.

Lou Muyan's speed was very fast, and it was too late for Master Feng to stop him.

"Linglong Huo, Lou Muyan's identity is not what it used to be. If something goes wrong, we won't be able to bear it." Master Feng said with a sigh.

Huo Linglong glanced at him lightly, "Little girl has always been measured, so she must be in such a hurry to go out."

"But today is the most uneasy night in Tianyuan City. What if she is affected?" Master Feng asked.

After each Tianyuan auction, there will be many secret battles, and Tianyuan City will not interfere, and even say that it can be indulged.

"Do you think that if she didn't even have the ability to protect herself, the ancestor Tianxuan would accept her as a disciple?" Huo Linglong raised her eyebrows and asked back.

Master Feng thought it made sense. Lou Muyan wanted to go out by herself, not to mention that she had only a ninth-order spiritual pet, so self-protection should not be a problem.

"That's it."

Lou Muyan walked quickly towards an alley after getting off the chariot, where there was a faint noise.

"Lou Muting, don't make a toast, don't eat a fine drink, and hand over the corpse of the eighth-order monster if you know the situation, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

In the alley, more than a dozen people from the Sword Sect and Sword Emperor cultivation base surrounded the five people who could not see clearly, and their voices threatened fiercely.

The alley where they were located was a dark alley, which was an open area of ​​Tianyuan City.

Private fights are not allowed in the city, but dark alleys can be used to settle personal grievances, so these more than ten people dare to rob in such a blatant manner.

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