The porridge on the table exudes a light medicinal fragrance, which is obviously boiled with a lot of spirit herbs that nourish the body.

"My craftsmanship is not very good. I hope Miss Lou doesn't dislike it." Bai Luoyin shyly handed a bowl of porridge to Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan took the porridge, took a bite, and said with a light smile, "Miss Bai is too modest, this porridge tastes good."

"My little skill is not enough in front of Miss Lou, an alchemist." Bai Luoyin smiled embarrassedly.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows, "Who said I was an alchemist?"

She looked at Bai Luoyin, but out of the corner of the eye, she aimed at Lou Muting. Seeing the surprise on his face, she felt relieved.

It seemed that my brother didn't tell this woman that he was an alchemist. Even if he liked Bai Luoyin in his heart, he wouldn't reveal his family's secrets.

"Isn't it?" Bai Luoyin's face was full of surprise, and her fair face was dyed with a light powder, as if she was apologetic, "I, I saw Miss Lou take out so many fourth-grade pills yesterday. Medicine healed us, I thought you were an alchemist."

Her words did not arouse suspicion from others. After all, the other three people almost thought she was an alchemist after seeing Lou Muyan taking out so many medicinal pills for them yesterday.

"Does Miss Bai know about alchemy?" Lou Muyan didn't answer her, but asked with a smile.

"I used to learn some spiritual medicine with my mother, but I didn't know how to make alchemy." Bai Luoyin replied.

"Miss Bai's mother is an alchemist?" Lou Muyan continued to ask.

"No, my mother is only a pharmacist." Bai Luoyin's face showed some regret.

"Yan'er, Luo Yin is the pharmacist of our mercenary group." Lou Muting had a strange feeling in his heart, and he added.

Lou Muyan smiled and nodded: "So it is, no wonder Miss Bai has a medicinal fragrance on her body."

"Yan'er, we haven't practiced swords together for a long time. We have a fight today?" Lou Muting smiled brightly.

Hearing his words, Bai Luoyin breathed a sigh of relief, this younger sister Lou Muting is really difficult to deal with.

Lou Muyan looked up at Lou Muting and snorted, "I'm not interested."

Does his brother want her to keep staring at Bai Luoyin and ask? The stupid brother who was testing each other between them shouldn't have noticed.

Lou Muting wasn't angry either, and fondly reached out and flicked her forehead, "Stinky girl."

"You two brothers and sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, we won't disturb you to catch up." One of the three got up and said with a smile.

The others also got up consciously to leave, and Bai Luoyin gently explained that Lou Muting would drink some porridge before leaving with the three.

After a few people left, Lou Muyan threw the spoon in his hand into the bowl, took out a set of refined sound insulation, and threw it.

The formation was instantly lined up in the room, and a transparent light enveloped the entire room.

"Sister, don't you like Luo Yin?" Lou Muting and Lou Muyan are twins. Although she had been smiling all the time just now, he knew that she didn't like Bai Luoyin.

"Yeah! I don't like her, so what is brother going to do?" Lou Muyan asked with a wink and a smile.

Lou Muting sighed and said, "If you don't like it, don't like it."

He actually didn't know what to do, but compared to Lou Muyan and Bai Luoyin, it was natural that his younger sister was more important.

Of course, he also sincerely hoped that the two could coexist peacefully.

"Is your brother so entangled?" Lou Muyan reached out and pinched Lou Muting's handsome face, "As long as you like it or not."

"Not to mention that Miss Bai doesn't necessarily like me." Lou Muyan added with a deep meaning.

That woman was afraid that she had already scolded her over and over again. When her brother interacted with her intimately just now, although the displeasure in Bai Luoyin's eyes was fleeting, she still caught it.

"Ghostly clever." Lou Muting rubbed her head helplessly, "She has a soft temper and really can't play with you."

Lou Muyan thought about it and asked, "Brother, how did you fall in love with Bai Luoyin? Do you know her family background?"

"Qin Feng and I formed the Mufeng mercenary group. He was seriously injured during a mission and happened to meet Luo Yin, who is a pharmacist."

"Her medical skills are very good. Qin Feng's injury recovered quickly. Because Luo Yin's parents have passed away, she has been alone, so Qin Feng invited her to join the mercenary group. She considered it for two days and agreed."

"She is soft and gentle, and very kind, and we have been taken care of by her this year."

"The last time I was on a mission, I was chased and killed. Later, I used the power of the seal to kill those people, and I almost died." Lou Muting said.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and said, "Then Bai Luoyin rescued you, and then took good care of you until you were healed."

"How do you know?" Lou Muting asked stupidly.

"I'm smart." Lou Muyan concealed the killing intent in his eyes and said jokingly, "Brother, you are so simple and stupid sometimes, and you need to practice hard."

There was a deep meaning in her words but not a clear point.

"Okay! You stinky girl actually called me stupid." Lou Muting rubbed her hair again and smiled helplessly.

Lou Muyan stopped talking about Bai Luoyin, she took out the Huoyun Sable and stuffed it to Lou Muting, "This is my gift to you, this Huoyun Sable is a mutant seventh-order monster, after the contract it will be It will help you a lot.”

"This Huoyun Mink and yours are just one litter?" Lou Muting clearly liked it when he hugged Huoyun Mink.

Huoyun Sable in his arms felt a cold air pressure from Lou Muyan's shoulders, and couldn't help shaking his body.

Mo Yan glanced at Lou Muting and sighed inwardly: Why are brothers and sisters born together so different? The younger sister is smart, cunning, dark-bellied, and has too many intentions, but the elder brother is upright, sunny, and lacking in scheming. These are really two extremes.

Lou Muyan said with a smile, "It's not a nest, let me make a contract for you first."

Afterwards, Lou Muyan contracted Huoyun Diao for Lou Muting, and ordered him not to let out the elixir and other things she gave him.

Let him usually be more mindful, and learn to look at people's hearts instead of just looking at the surface.

Lou Muting rarely saw her, and her long-winded words just felt very warm, and she took all her words in his heart.

He and Lou Mubai were just two sisters, so it was natural to think that what the sister said was right.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lou Muyan left the inn under Lou Muting's reluctant gaze.

Go back to the yard where the Baji Sect is located.

Mo Yan was silent for a while and couldn't help but say, "There's something wrong with that woman named Bai Luoyin. She has a peak sword sect cultivation, but she uses a special secret technique to disguise her as a junior sword emperor."

"I know." There was no smile on Lou Muyan's face at this time, and there was a coolness all over his body.

"You know why you didn't tell your brother? It would be inappropriate to keep such a woman with ulterior motives by your brother's side." Mo Yan didn't understand Lou Muyan's actions.

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