The sect of Tianji Palace was built on a large lake that was always north of Tianyuan City.

When the Baji Sect's flying instrument arrived at a super large lake that couldn't see the edge, Elder Feng took out a red spar the size of a slap to activate it.

I saw that the spar turned into a red light and entered the bottom of the lake, and the lake surface was sparkling, and it began to vibrate gradually.

For a moment, a quaint stone gate rose from the lake and slowly opened.

Elder Feng controlled the flying instrument to pass through the gate.

After entering the gate, the flying instrument did not stop, but flew straight towards the depths.

After flying for about half an hour, large and small islands suspended on the lake were looming, and strips of rainbows transformed from spiritual energy hung on the islands.

The graceful cranes swam in midair, and the water monsters jumped out from the bottom of the lake from time to time, bringing up pieces of water.

The scene in the sect of Tianji Palace is like a fairyland, and the spiritual energy here is much richer than that of the Baji sect.

"Tianji Palace has the existence of this spiritual spring. The spiritual energy is so much stronger than the other five sects. There is a reason why the strength ranks first." Elder Feng sighed.

Huo Linglong stood on the magic weapon and looked around, and said, "The strength of the Tianji Palace is not only because the sect's spiritual energy is stronger than the other five sects, but their background is also the most abundant."

While the two were talking, the flying instrument landed on the largest island in the lake.

Master Feng and Linglong Huo walked down the flying instrument with their disciples, and an elder from the Tianji Sect greeted them with a smile with two disciples.

"Master Huo, Master Feng, stay safe!"

"Long time no see Elder Lian!" Master Feng said politely with a smile.

Huo Linglong nodded lightly as a greeting.

"The residence of the Baji Sect is already ready, the two of you, please come with me." Elder Lian smiled and led a group of people walking in one direction.

As he walked, he introduced the surrounding scenery to Lou Muyan and other disciples in a kind and friendly manner.

About half an hour later, they arrived at a continuous courtyard, walked to the innermost courtyard, and Elder Lian said, "Master Feng, Master Huo, you have a good rest these two days, what can you do? Send me a telegram."

Then he pointed to the two disciples of the Tianji Temple behind him and said, "The two of them are the disciples in charge of entertaining the Eight Extreme Sect, and they can be summoned if there is anything."

"Okay, then I will trouble the elder company." Master Feng said with a smile.

The two exchanged a few more words, and Elder Lian left.

"You all find a room to live in, and tomorrow I will let someone take you to the Heavenly Secret Palace to walk around." Elder Feng looked at the disciples and said.

"Disciple obey!"

As night gradually came, Lou Muyan set up a formation in the room and started alchemy.

Rank 6 medicinal pills would attract thunder calamity, so she did not take out the rank nine ice king lotus seeds for alchemy, and made some rank 5 medicinal elixirs that would help improve her cultivation and replenish her energy.

The next day, the two disciples of the Tianji Palace took Lou Muyan and others to visit the Tianji Palace under the orders of Master Feng.

"My name is Liang Yu, and his name is Gao Tong. If you have any questions, you can ask us." Liang Yu said to the crowd with a gentle smile.

"Then ask senior brother to lead us to visit the Tianji Palace today." Luo Cheng's attitude was more polite, but he was neither humble nor arrogant.

"No problem, let's go."

After leaving the courtyard where the Baji Sect was located, Lou Muyan saw that there were also disciples from the Heavenly Secret Palace in the courtyards next to them, bringing disciples from other sects out, and there was a tendency to converge.

"Hey, isn't this a fellow Daoist from the Baji Sect?" A disciple of the Haoyue Sect saw Lou Muyan and the others approaching, and said with a yin-yang smile, "You are the last yard you live in again! I don’t know when the position of this ten thousand year old one will change.”

The "ten thousand years old one" in his mouth naturally refers to the last one.

The disciples of other sects also came over, and after hearing his words, they laughed and laughed.

Lou Muyan felt that such a provocation was boring, but the faces of the other disciples in the sect showed anger.

Luo Cheng's eyes were gloomy, but he smiled and sarcastically: "Our Baji Sect is the first of ten thousand years, isn't your Haoyue Sect the second child of ten thousand years? The first one is much better than the second one."

"Hmph, you are so embarrassed to say it." Haoyuezong's disciple snorted coldly and sneered: "It seems that you are willing to be the first of ten thousand years, I wonder if the high-level Bajizong will praise you for having a good reputation. Great ambition."

Luo Cheng was furious and was about to open his mouth to ridicule, but was stopped by Lou Muyan.

"Is this kind of bickering interesting? Will Wannian see the difference as soon as he arrives at the sect's big competition? It's a waste of time to talk so much with him." Lou Muyan didn't want to talk too much, but looked at the two People from the main sect bicker to let other sects see jokes, and she finds it very boring.

Then she said to Luo Cheng through voice transmission: "Didn't you see that the disciples of other sects are watching jokes? Are you acting in monkey dramas?"

Luo Cheng took a breath. Seeing that the disciples of the other sects around him were really watching jokes, he glared at the disciples of the Haoyue Sect and said, "We will see the real chapter in the sect's great competition."

Lou Muyan's identities are very different from theirs now, she opened her mouth to stop her, he must give this face.

"Okay! I'd like to see how your Baji sect changes the position of the first ten thousand years old." The disciples of Haoyue Sect shouted disdainfully.

Seeing that the disciples of the Baji Sect and the Haoyue Sect did not fight as they did before the competition, the disciples of the other sects walked away with a little disappointment.

When the disciple of Haoyuezong was in the wrong place, Lou Muyan squinted slightly, flicked his finger under his sleeve, and a wisp of pale blue smoke that no one noticed got into his nose.

This disciple's mouth is too unpleasant, it's not bad to let him be a mute during his time in the Heavenly Secret Palace, she likes yin people the most.

Liang Yu and Gao Tong took the group to several islands of the Tianji Palace, and took them to the commercial street in the Tianji Palace for a walk.

The commercial street of Tianji Palace is more prosperous and lively than that of Baji Sect, and the variety in the store is also more diverse. Lou Muyan swept away a lot of spiritual grass, animal skins, spar and other objects with a big wave.

The disciples of the Baji Sect had already seen Lou Muyan's wealth, so she was numb to the constant shopping.

However, Liang Yu and Gao Tong think that such a prodigal behavior is a bit exaggerated, and their veteran disciples can't help but feel a little bit of pain.

The most important thing is to see the attitude of the disciples of the Eight Extreme Sect, and there is not much surprise about this woman's prodigal family.

Moreover, the two observed that although the disciples of the Baji Sect had deliberately alienated Lou Muyan, they still had a kind of respect for her.

The two kept their eyes open, and after they came down, they went to investigate Lou Muyan, and then her papers also appeared in the hands of the disciples who participated in the competition in the Tianji Sect.

After one day's big shopping, Lou Muyan began to retreat again, and she continued to visit the Tianji Palace the next day, but she did not participate.

In the early morning of the third day, a melodious bell rang all over the island. The disciples of the six major sects were all in high spirits and ready to go. They all wanted to be a blockbuster in this competition!

After the bell fell, Huo Linglong and Feng Yuan led Lou Muyan and other disciples to the Tianji Sect's competition arena, which officially opened the prelude to the six major sects competitions.

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